No I didnt say that at all. Nor did I wish to imply that. This is the Ukraine thread and my query was the relation of the 'Khazarian Mafia' types to what was happening in Ukraine prior to the Russian intervention. And most probably the prolongation of the operations due to the profits they wish...
There is an article up on with video attached (it is from a 2018 talk at the Potomac by Dr. Philip Karber).
From the article, and just to cite the following 'key' points made by...
The most plausible take I've seen is that this is just an example of the same cultural psychosis that expressed itself during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. It's a combination of the Chinese character, which tends to be rather hierarchical, obedient, and reluctant to admit...
All this policy of Zero covid in China seems to me to hide something else. Part of me wonders if this is not a pretext to accompany the destruction of the US economy, however it seems to me to be really extreme measures to sacrifice one's own people and also one's own economy. The second point...
Indeed it is - im thinking more along the lines of extreme population control because they know whats coming down the pipeline (food shortages etc.) China has been stockpiling resources, food, gold for the last few years. But i think they know it will not be enough to feed everyone in China...
Edit: The 'virtual address' video link shows the Azov members speaking at ~15:35-18:00.
In an updated report from today, it looks promising that the art will be returned to the museums. From RT:
This commentary on Bucha mentions a few things about the bodies and their state of decay as well as the lack of carrion birds, dogs and rats. The point is also made that nobody in the videos seem to be affected by the smell of rotting corpses (including the mayor). And where the heck are the...
The Cs obviously had ancient history in mind when relaying that information about a 'portal' in Ukraine.
But there's more recent history that speaks to its unique role as an 'transference location for STS downloading'.
I published the following on my blog in 2014. It was some history I learned...
That's a great speech! Putin has a very objective understanding and awareness of reality, and can read the West's actions like an open book.
I haven't watched the videos yet, just what has been posted so far in the link above, but I think it's good to have the entire transcript saved here on...
'A false flag chemical attack as pretext for support to create a no-fly zone over the Ukraine.'
Sen. Graham Pledges Support for No-Fly Zone Over Ukraine If Chemical Weapons Used
By Kirill Kurevlev - 10 hours ago
Ukrainian nationalists carry out act of sabotage at coke and chemical plant near...
The UNSC meeting on biogical weapons labs in Ukraine took place yesterday.
Here is via the Saker the transcript of the Russian representatives key address.
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