1. irjO

    Sesión: 8 de abril de 2023

    Fecha de la sesión: 8 de abril de 2023 Laura y Andrómeda en el tablero Joe, Pierre, Gaby, Possibility of being, Ark, Scottie, Chu, Niall, Pikabu el Gato Miembros de la FOTCM que participan vía Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Abats, Adobe, Aeneas, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, Anamarija, Anartist...
  2. Novae

    Will 2023 be a pivotal year?

    In the December10th 2022 session, the C’s mention that the elite are interacting with the Aliens: Here I will share some information concerning the year 2023 that I believe is not readily available in the English language. For years I have read and heard on several occasions that 2023 would...
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