
  1. sbeaudry

    Coming Soon: More Forced Jabs, Are You Prepared? Dr. Mercola

    https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/09/15/global-takeover-final-stages.aspx Global Takeover Advances to Final Stages Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola September 15, 2023 https://rumble.com/v3dy6zo-bio-warfare-expert-exposes-w.h.o.-pandemic-treaty-threat.html In this...
  2. S

    Connecting the dots: which is the real origin of the global deadly COVID-19 pandemic, China, Italy or USA? What has biotech brought us?

    As this is a very long article, please click the links below for full details: Connecting the dots: which is the real origin of the global deadly COVID-19 pandemic, China, Italy or USA? What has biotech brought us...
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