1 Egg 2 Yolks?


The Force is Strong With This One
Ok umm, I had a dream a few months back and in the dream I gave birth to twins(mind you I'm not pregnant now).

The interesting thing is that a couple days later my partner/boyfriend/father of my child(baby-daddy)/unmarried spouse-whatever you wanna call it :)
anyways he was making breakfast and he cracked an egg open and it had two(2) yolks? I told my coworker about it and she told me that it means that
I'm gonna get twins. Whats your view on this?
Hold the mustard on that one unless, of course, you are sending subliminal messages to yourself.
Angi said:
Ok umm, I had a dream a few months back and in the dream I gave birth to twins(mind you I'm not pregnant now).

The interesting thing is that a couple days later my partner/boyfriend/father of my child(baby-daddy)/unmarried spouse-whatever you wanna call it :)
anyways he was making breakfast and he cracked an egg open and it had two(2) yolks? I told my coworker about it and she told me that it means that
I'm gonna get twins. Whats your view on this?

I hope you're not serious. I cracked a double yolker the other day and we are a bit too long in the tooth for getting twins. :P
I opened a double yolk right after we found out my first daughter was coming. We thought that was a sign of twins, but she wasn't a twin. But she was a Gemini, so...
Back when we were all still eating eggs, we used to get double yolkers every day. We got them from a market down the street that got them from a local farmer. They were always HUGE!

p.s. nobody has had twins.
Laura said:
Back when we were all still eating eggs, we used to get double yolkers every day. We got them from a market down the street that got them from a local farmer. They were always HUGE!

p.s. nobody has had twins.

I used to have chickens and one of them would lay double yolkers several times a week. No twins here either

P.S. Not to be off topic, but is there a reason y'all quit eating eggs?? I thought free-range eggs were good for you.... I eat at least 2 dz a week :/
OK. Thanks for the input. But to understand the whole yolk question, I have to explain the dream.

It was me, my boyfriend and my daughter(who was about 4 or 5 in the dream, she is actually 1 now). He was helping my up onto a platform of some sort, and as I turned to take our daughter to help her up, the platform started to go up. At first I started yelling for the platform to stop, but a calm feeling came over me and I knew that my boyfriend and daughter would be OK. I then turned around to settle down, and I saw two little boys(about 2yrs of age) sitting in front of me and watching me. I started to look around to see if I could find their parents, but each time I look at the two boys, they started to look more familiar to me, almost as if I knew them. Then it dawned on me, the two little boys aren't just two little boys, their twins, and the reason I can't find their parents is because I am their mother and their father got left behind. Needless to say, I was very surprised to know that I had twins. I then embraced my son's and looked to the sky as we rose higher and higher. I woke up after that.

Any opinions, on what this dream might mean/represent?
Hi Angi
Perhaps you need to look at this from other angles?

An important question is 'how did the dream make me feel?'. The emotional content of the dream can be a clue to many things (I am always wary of dreams that make me feel 'euphoric' or 'connected/bonded' to something/someone).

The last thing to consider is just as important, the C's mention that dreams are the best form of disinformation there is:
960428 said:
What was the source of the dream where this was stated to me quite clearly?
A: Dreams are the best forum for disinformation that exists.

Rather than being a guide to our life/future, ask where it came from? Was it internal or external? If it was internal, what parts of yourself/subconscious did it represent?
Just like watching TV/films you can learn things about yourself/the world from them by questioning the message, or they may just be nonsense or worse propaganda/programming. fwiw

This may help explain it better

Q: (Burma Jones) What do they mean by “psychic hygiene”?

A: Being careful about what you allow into your ”field”.

Q: (L) In what sense?

A: All senses.

Q: (L) What do you mean “all senses”?

A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on

Q: (Ark) So, uh, I will tell a story about this “using all your senses”. A few days ago, I went out and I almost had an accident. I was driving on the interior peripherique - on the lane that was closest to the middle. There are three lanes. There was a guy behind me who was very unhappy that I was driving only 90kmh. He was swaying from left to right, trying to get past me and I could see it in the rear-view mirror. I looked to the right and realized I cannot do anything, because there was a car. I could see it.

So, I stayed. After about two minutes, you know, the one behind me again starts to act impatient behind me. But then, I look in the mirror again and the car to the right is gone. So I figure he must have moved somewhere else. Then I started to do {Ark makes descriptive hand gestures showing his driving maneuver} – only the car was there exactly in the right angle [to be in the blind spot.] But, uh, he was a young guy and he was fast. He steps on the brakes – and nothing happened, you see? I usually do not do such things. I was thinking very fast and that he must be gone, but I was not 100% sure. So, I should have waited until I was 100% sure. So, of course nothing happened, he just got upset.

A: We have more in mind. Take care with interacting with negative energies.

Q: (L) Well that’s kinda like creating your own reality, isn’t it?

A: Not what we mean… Keep your guard up and do not allow negative energies to slip by… such as believing lies… listening to negative music while thinking it is positive…watching negative movies and thinking it is negligible. It is extremely important to not lie to the self. One can listen or watch many things as long as the truth of the orientation is known, acknowledged, and understood. Clear?

Q: (L) So, in other words: awareness. Calling a spade a spade and not allowing something negative to enter you and believing it is positive. You can see it, perceive it and acknowledge it but not allow it to influence you. Because obviously, you cannot shut off your perceptions of the world, but you can control how it affects you. So, don’t let it inside, thinking it’s something that it’s not.

(Belibaste) So, see it as it is. If it is negative, see it as negative.

(L) Yeah, and they’re saying to focus on truth in order for changes to manifest in you that are positive. That is, “positive” can mean acknowledging that something is negative because it is truth.

Q: (Galatea) Choose the seeds you wish to water.

(L) Is that basically what we’re talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) But I would say that everybody needs a panoramic retro-mirror.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) because that stuff sneaks up behind you and it gets in your blind spot.
seekr said:
P.S. Not to be off topic, but is there a reason y'all quit eating eggs?? I thought free-range eggs were good for you.... I eat at least 2 dz a week :/

Not all of us have quit eating eggs, only those of us who discovered that eggs and nuts trigger autoimmune reactions. The proteins are seen as enemy and the immune system goes into overdrive. That may only be because digestion is incomplete, leaky gut, etc, but that can take months and months to heal. I'll be re-testing them again in the future.
Thansk everyone for your input.

When I think of the dream, i tend to get mixed feelings. On one hand I am sad because my loved ones are being left behind, but on the other hand, the dream gave me the feeling that they were going to be ok. So idk.

As for the twins :/. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that I always wondered what it would be like to be a twin, and after my 2 cousins had twins, I guess I wanted twins of my own.

At the end of the day, its like RedFox said "look at this from other angles?". OK, so I remove the twins because they are more than likely internal, but what would the rest mean. Disinformation as a whole or something else? :huh:

I don't know. I think I am just over thinking this.
From what I've seen (online) and heard, eggs with two or more yolks are not uncommon when dealing with eggs straight from the hens. The screening processes used by the big egg corporations use must remove most of these eggs from grocery stores (they probably get turned into egg powder or used to make various commercial prepared foods). stranger things are known to happen. (the videos in the sidebar to that one show multi-yolk eggs and other things). Also, this video shows a rare occurance of getting 6 double yolkers in a row! My mom says when she was a kid and they raised their own hens, she got six in a row once, too.

So, long story short, chickens seem to have twins a lot more often than we do, so double yolk eggs probably aren't a good way to tell if you're going to have twins. ;)

About dreams, my tentative theory is that you can get some insight by trying to identify the individual "symbols" of a dream (feelings, objects, situations, people), and questioning what each symbol means to you (associations). You can also question the dream on different scales, such as looking at each situation, or place, or theme that was part of the dream, as well as the overall impression the dream gives you. You can ask yourself what your subconscious might be telling you through the dream, and also how the dream might be used by an external source to try and manipulate you. By asking these things about each symbol in the dream, and questioning the different themes, events, and messages in this manner, maybe some understanding can be reached? I'm no expert, these are just the result of the thoughts about the topic of dream interpretation I've had over time.

EDIT: For what it's worth, your dream reminds me a little of typical abduction scenery: You are on a table, being taken away from your family, rising into the air, and are being watched by small "strangers" whom you come to see as your children. I imagine abductors have ways of inducing "calmness" and other pleasant emotions. Do you think that your emotions in the dream were possibly inappropriate to the actual situation? Maybe this could be a clue. Also, a recent SOTT article comes to mind, and you might want to watch the videos in that when you have the time. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/227534-Karla-Turner-UFO-Military-Abductions-1994-Lecture

Anyway, best wishes to you!

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