100 T magnetic field screaming

Possibility of Being

FOTCM Member
Listen to a magnet scream at a record-breaking 100 Tesla
March 23, 2012
Generating a non-destructive 100 Tesla magnetic field has been a project of the Los Alamos National Lab for about a decade and a half, and just yesterday, they managed to pull it off. A huge nested magnet hooked up to an even huger generator kicked out a pulse 2 million times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field, and it screamed in the process.

One Tesla (a unit used to measure magnetic field strength) is approximately equivalent to the field strength inside the coil in a typical loudspeaker. High resolution MRI machines generate about 10 Tesla. With 16 Tesla, you can levitate a frog. Up on the other end of the spectrum, neutron stars create magnetic fields in excess of 1,000,000 Tesla. So, Los Alamos isn't quite generating their own little neutron star over there, but 100 Tesla is still a hugely powerful field.

It's important to point out that this is a non-destructive 100T field because it's a lot easier to generate a powerful magnetic field when you're willing to have your magnets blow themselves up in the process. The world record for a human-generated magnetic field (that destroyed all the equipment used to create it) is about 730T, and using high explosives (nearly 400 pounds worth), some Russians were able to generate a field of a staggering 2,800 Tesla. But it's hard to do much with fields of this strength when simply generating them obliterates everything nearby, which is why LANL's stable and reproducible non-destructive 100T field (requiring a combination of seven coils sets weighing 18,000 pounds and powered by a huge 1,200-megajoule generator) is so useful.

As far as what one does with a 100T field, well, LANL makes no mention of superweapons or free energy or weather modification or anything like that. I guess it's important for studying material properties, quantum phase transitions, and new ultra high field magnetic states, some something about nanoscale microscopy, which sounds cool enough.

Watch the video below to see the 100T pulse in action: the actual shot (and magnet scream) happens at about 1:35, followed by a bunch of nerdy (and slightly awkward) hugs and high fives when the researchers realize that they hit 100.75T.

You can also watch the video directly on YouTube. The scream does remind some of those mysterious sounds heard all over the world.
As far as what one does with a 100T field, well, LANL makes no mention of superweapons or free energy or weather modification or anything like that. I guess it's important for [...], which sounds cool enough.

I think it is interesting that this was written the way it was. It seems the author is not at all convinced of the legitimacy of the 'official claims.'
The sound really does resemble those mysterious sounds heard around the world....

I wonder what they're planning to do with this too. But then, there's also the point that whatever is in the public domain is as much as centuries behind what's secret....
SeekinTruth said:
The sound really does resemble those mysterious sounds heard around the world....

Yeah, and it is interesting that at 100T the sound is like screaming (or trumpets, could we say) while when they reached 97.4T in August last year, they could hear "a low warping hum, followed by a spine-tingling metallic screech". I'm not saying we're getting closer to the source of the mysterious sounds, I just found it interesting.

ST said:
I wonder what they're planning to do with this too. But then, there's also the point that whatever is in the public domain is as much as centuries behind what's secret....

The official story is that it
... provides researchers with an unprecedented tool for studying fundamental properties of materials, from metals and superconductors to semiconductors and insulators. The interaction of high magnetic fields with electrons within these materials provides valuable clues for scientists about the properties of materials. [...]

Such a powerful nondestructive magnet could have a profound impact on a wide range of scientific investigations, from how to design and control material functionality to research into the microscopic behavior of phase transitions. This type of magnet allows researchers to carefully tune material parameters while perfectly reproducing the non-invasive magnetic field. Such high magnetic fields confine electrons to nanometer scale orbits, thereby helping to reveal the fundamental quantum nature of a material.

Or, in short:

The science that we expect to come out varies with the experiment, but can be summarized as:

Quantum Phase transitions and new ultra high field magnetic states
Electronic Structure determination
Topologically protected states of matter

I don't even want to think what can it do without all the shielding that as I understand is required for such a huge magnet; even with only 15 milliseconds lasting pulse, as it was in that case.
Yes, I feel the same way, Possibility of Being. Also, what I was getting at is that maybe 100T is a record for unclassified work, but who knows what they've been up to with this type of experiment and many others in secret.
Away With The Fairys said:
The sound produced is also VERY like the sounds which have been heard around the world.

Magnetism, electromagnetism, energy expression of gravity, gravity wave approaching, the sounds over the world, the sound of this monster etc.

Quite interesting. I guess there is perhaps a few dots to connect there.

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