11 indigo


The Force is Strong With This One
Is there anyone on the forum who knows about 11 indigo? They told me I was 11 indigo, but I don't know what it means
11 might refer to gematria and the so-called life paths based on numerology. But unless you really trust whoever told you this, I would take their assessment of you with a grain of salt.
Is there anyone on the forum who knows about 11 indigo? They told me I was 11 indigo, but I don't know what it means
I've been searching but can only find a group referred to as the 'Indigo 11' who are possibly: 'hate motivated' vandals or unconnected activists. Not what you were looking for, I'm sure, but I will add a quote from the news article and the link.

"But supporters of the so-called “Indigo 11” say the bookstore vandalism is a form of protest against Reisman’s Israel-focused philanthropy, not Judaism — and should not be criminalized."
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