14-Year-Old Arrested for Bringing Homemade Clock to School


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Did a search and didn't see this story posted yet on the forum: http://www.theverge.com/2015/9/16/9335965/ahmed-mohamed-14-year-old-arrested-clock-hoax-bomb

A 14-year-old Muslim boy, interested in robotics and engineering, was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school to show his engineering teacher. The engineering teacher - probably more aware of how mad the world has become - did tell the poor kid not to show anyone else, but the clock beeped from his backpack in another class and another teacher called the principal who called the police to arrest him on a bogus "bomb hoax" charge.

Hopefully some good will come out of this as many persons in the Engineering and Maker fields - my husband included - are rallying around Ahmed and denouncing the hysteria.
Joe wrote something on it: http://www.sott.net/article/301929-Hysterical-police-state-USA-14-year-old-Muslim-schoolboy-arrested-for-taking-homemade-clock-to-school
Heimdallr said:
Joe wrote something on it: http://www.sott.net/article/301929-Hysterical-police-state-USA-14-year-old-Muslim-schoolboy-arrested-for-taking-homemade-clock-to-school

Didn't initially see it on SOTT either. Thanks, Heimdallr.

Just got a news update. The police won't file charges: http://news.yahoo.com/muslim-boy-14-arrested-making-clock-mistaken-bomb-114747334.html
Is it self-importance when you become highly fustrated with comments such as these?

errbody on his side til he blowin shyt up !!!! smmfh I just dont agree with putn him in handcuffs bt still i see y they were on him we do live in a world and country at high risk for terrorism smh

Received this comment on my facebook wall. Which lead to a 20+ comment thread between this guy and a few others. Also he ended up saying that "We just didn't get it" Dunning-Kruger much?
trendsetter37 said:
Is it self-importance when you become highly fustrated with comments such as these?

errbody on his side til he blowin shyt up !!!! smmfh I just dont agree with putn him in handcuffs bt still i see y they were on him we do live in a world and country at high risk for terrorism smh

Received this comment on my facebook wall. Which lead to a 20+ comment thread between this guy and a few others. Also he ended up saying that "We just didn't get it" Dunning-Kruger much?

I saw that and made a couple of comments just to back the other person who spoke sense in the conversation, but then I gave up because there was no point anymore. Plus, he looks like a black guy, and I had a hard time biting my tongue to not mention that "dude, they are coming after you next just because you ain't white for no reason at all!". But I kind of felt sorry for him in the end. He sounds totally brainwashed and terrorized about the possibility of a terror attack in the US.
trendsetter37 said:
Is it self-importance when you become highly fustrated with comments such as these?

errbody on his side til he blowin shyt up !!!! smmfh I just dont agree with putn him in handcuffs bt still i see y they were on him we do live in a world and country at high risk for terrorism smh

No, I would just unfriend someone like that. They're clearly living in a different reality and it's unlikely they'll be reasoned with. Bye bye!
It was so good to see this latest report on SOTT:


When I first read the story about Ahmed's homemade clock, I felt so badly for him being arrested for his invention and also his story being splashed all over the news and internet. I thought about him having to endure mean comments at his school from other kids and the community at large. I just had this pit in my stomach.

Thank goodness humanity came through for him and has "got his back."
Heimdallr said:
trendsetter37 said:
Is it self-importance when you become highly fustrated with comments such as these?

errbody on his side til he blowin shyt up !!!! smmfh I just dont agree with putn him in handcuffs bt still i see y they were on him we do live in a world and country at high risk for terrorism smh

No, I would just unfriend someone like that. They're clearly living in a different reality and it's unlikely they'll be reasoned with. Bye bye!

Yea I think you're right. It's probably time for the snip.

Alana said:

I saw that and made a couple of comments just to back the other person who spoke sense in the conversation, but then I gave up because there was no point anymore. Plus, he looks like a black guy, and I had a hard time biting my tongue to not mention that "dude, they are coming after you next just because you ain't white for no reason at all!". But I kind of felt sorry for him in the end. He sounds totally brainwashed and terrorized about the possibility of a terror attack in the US.

Yea he is black. I knew him in middle school, and interestingly enough he and his older brother were the first real bullies I've ever had. But I kind of felt the way you did. I felt sorry for him and tried to say his viewpoint really makes him complicit to how he may have been or will be treated. But like you said there is almost no point as I don't think his perspective is broad enough to see the bigger picture. In this scenario anyways. :rolleyes:
Moonbird said:
It was so good to see this latest report on SOTT:


When I first read the story about Ahmed's homemade clock, I felt so badly for him being arrested for his invention and also his story being splashed all over the news and internet. I thought about him having to endure mean comments at his school from other kids and the community at large. I just had this pit in my stomach.

Thank goodness humanity came through for him and has "got his back."

After reading about Ahmed Mohamed's experience, I came across this:

Many people feel that Ahmed has a bright future ahead of him, and they are probably right. It is also interesting to point out that he isn’t the only technology expert to be punished for bringing one of his creations to school. In fact, according to a new biography on Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak actually intentionally built a fake bomb in high school — and was arrested as a result.

From Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs biography:

“In twelfth grade [Wozniak] built an electronic metronome—one of those tick-tick-tick devices that keep time in music class—and realized it sounded like a bomb. So he took the labels off some big batteries, taped them together, and put it in a school locker; he rigged it to start ticking faster when the locker opened. Later that day he got called to the principal’s office. He thought it was because he had won, yet again, the school’s top math prize. Instead he was confronted by the police. The principal had been summoned when the device was found, bravely ran onto the football field clutching it to his chest, and pulled the wires off. Woz tried and failed to suppress his laughter. He actually got sent to the juvenile detention center, where he spent the night. It was a memorable experience. He taught the other prisoners how to disconnect the wires leading to the ceiling fans and connect them to the bars so people got shocked when touching them.”

In Ahmed’s case, the police admit he never once said the device was a bomb — and they never had any reason to believe that it was. But the police still seemed to think he was lying about something, even though they didn’t have any proof.

Eventually, the police accused him of making a clock and misrepresenting it as a bomb, even though he consistently told everyone it was a clock and denied it was a bomb when the teachers or the police suggested as much. The young man was then handcuffed and taken to a juvenile detention center and his clock was confiscated and put in an evidence room. He was also suspended from school and was unable to join a student council meeting he was previously scheduled to attend. Police ultimately decided not to press charges.

Alana said:
trendsetter37 said:
Is it self-importance when you become highly fustrated with comments such as these?

errbody on his side til he blowin shyt up !!!! smmfh I just dont agree with putn him in handcuffs bt still i see y they were on him we do live in a world and country at high risk for terrorism smh

Received this comment on my facebook wall. Which lead to a 20+ comment thread between this guy and a few others. Also he ended up saying that "We just didn't get it" Dunning-Kruger much?

I saw that and made a couple of comments just to back the other person who spoke sense in the conversation, but then I gave up because there was no point anymore. Plus, he looks like a black guy, and I had a hard time biting my tongue to not mention that "dude, they are coming after you next just because you ain't white for no reason at all!". But I kind of felt sorry for him in the end. He sounds totally brainwashed and terrorized about the possibility of a terror attack in the US.

This brings up a point that i have been meaning to bring up on the forum regarding facebook friends. It was mentioned to unfriend said person. I had built up over two thousand facebook friends and if im honest about it it was probably to do with my ego. At the time i also wanted to spread truth to as big an audience as possible. Is unfriending the answer? Perhaps exposing these people to other viewpoints can help them to gradually see the big picture. Otherwise iy would seem that we will then only be sharing with likeminded individuals. Wouldnt the whole point of using social media be to try to show the brainwashed these things? Im curious of others points of view on this. Sorry this is off topic.
Arrgh. The kid probably can't point to any part inside his clock and tell you what it is for. No one asked him did they?
Instead they gave him a totally predictable response to a provocative demonstration.

How does taking the guts of a digital clock and attaching them to a case make any kind of "invention"?
It runs off mains power & even has a device for battery backup. Yay. Almost like a bought one. What forethought & cleverness for a 14 year old.
I would be more impressed if it had wires into a grapefruit. :zzz:
Silveryblue said:
Arrgh. The kid probably can't point to any part inside his clock and tell you what it is for. No one asked him did they?

Instead they gave him a totally predictable response to a provocative demonstration.

How does taking the guts of a digital clock and attaching them to a case make any kind of "invention"?
It runs off mains power & even has a device for battery backup. Yay. Almost like a bought one. What forethought & cleverness for a 14 year old.
I would be more impressed if it had wires into a grapefruit. :zzz:

Can you imagine what it was like for him to be treated the way he was? To be interrogated by 5 police officers and be told be one, "Yup. That's who I thought it was." He was made to feel like he wasn't human, which is something all too common for Muslims living in the West. It's outrageous and this type of mentality is leading down a frightening path. The cops and teachers knew it wasn't a bomb - the whole fiasco was whether it was a 'hoax bomb', which is just absurd. The level of complexity of his clock has nothing to do with how he was treated.
Silveryblue said:
Arrgh. The kid probably can't point to any part inside his clock and tell you what it is for. No one asked him did they?
Instead they gave him a totally predictable response to a provocative demonstration.

How does taking the guts of a digital clock and attaching them to a case make any kind of "invention"?
It runs off mains power & even has a device for battery backup. Yay. Almost like a bought one. What forethought & cleverness for a 14 year old.
I would be more impressed if it had wires into a grapefruit. :zzz:

I don't know about making clocks from scratch, but I think the core issue is still that he was arrested for a clock! And the hyper-terrorism vibe with him being of Middle Eastern descent. And actually, if the clock was poorly made and kind of just put together with prefabricated parts, then this arrest is even more ridiculous!? Because any supposed and imaginary threat would be less in that case, as opposed to something completely made from scratch.

PS: just read Renaissance's post and that indeed sums it up well:

Renaissance said:
The level of complexity of his clock has nothing to do with how he was treated.
Silveryblue said:
Arrgh. The kid probably can't point to any part inside his clock and tell you what it is for. No one asked him did they?
Instead they gave him a totally predictable response to a provocative demonstration.

How does taking the guts of a digital clock and attaching them to a case make any kind of "invention"?
It runs off mains power & even has a device for battery backup. Yay. Almost like a bought one. What forethought & cleverness for a 14 year old.
I would be more impressed if it had wires into a grapefruit. :zzz:

Maybe I'm misreading you, but I'm quite mystified by what sounds like a lot of sarcasm in your post, general antagonism towards the child, lack of empathy for what he had to go through, and seemingly completely missing the relevant points of the event.
Renaissance said:
Silveryblue said:
Arrgh. The kid probably can't point to any part inside his clock and tell you what it is for. No one asked him did they?

Instead they gave him a totally predictable response to a provocative demonstration.

How does taking the guts of a digital clock and attaching them to a case make any kind of "invention"?
It runs off mains power & even has a device for battery backup. Yay. Almost like a bought one. What forethought & cleverness for a 14 year old.
I would be more impressed if it had wires into a grapefruit. :zzz:

Can you imagine what it was like for him to be treated the way he was? To be interrogated by 5 police officers and be told be one, "Yup. That's who I thought it was." He was made to feel like he wasn't human, which is something all too common for Muslims living in the West. It's outrageous and this type of mentality is leading down a frightening path. The cops and teachers knew it wasn't a bomb - the whole fiasco was whether it was a 'hoax bomb', which is just absurd. The level of complexity of his clock has nothing to do with how he was treated.

That is exactly so. What he made really doesn't have any bearing on how he was treated. He was treated like a criminal because he's Muslim, not because he made a clock.

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