1500 year-old ‘ Syriac ‘ Bible found in Ankara, Turkey


If the last link is true, I really don't know why every media outlet is reporting that it is 1500 years old, when in the text of the book itself it is stated:

In the name of our Lord, this book is written on the hands of the monks of the high monastery in Nineveh, in the 1,500th year of our Lord.

Furthermore the analysis in the last link strongly points to a fake IMO...
It is unusual that a book worth $25 million dollars should be displayed with the front cover open more than 180 degrees (which would put a lot of pressure on the joints and cause damage to the book) and with metal paper clips to hold the leaves open.

It is also unusual that they would think a photocopy would be worth $2 million. If it were authentic, access by researchers might be restricted, but I doubt if any precedent could be found for a photocopy of a unique manuscript being sold for such a high price.
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