Thanks Roger,
whilst I have always had this opinion, even down to the old 70's 'Dawn of the Dead' , 'Hills have eyes' Movie phenomena. I have still been guilty of underestimating the value of critical thinking in terms of the whole gaming/movie genre' in general.
I suppose , well, I don't suppose, I realise, (a better word , ie made real), that we can all be subject to selectability in our outlook, on what can and cannot be subject to manipulation.
No matter where one is, I think the lesson is here, or has been for me, is that we can, and will, should we choose, have the opportunity to teach us/ourselves, that the, mmm..., world we live in is far more complex than the perceived complexity we already think we have a handle on.
Took a while to remember this.
It is so easy to forget that which we are in the process of remembering.
Well, for me that makes sense. Thank goodness it does, because it is very easy to to lose ones way when one is always kept in the dark. When one has a candle, one can see a way forwards, but sometime that candle can go out, or flicker and deceive (shadows on the walls), other times it can be very iluminating indeed.