2011, brainwashing game almost perfect


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Yes, this is a video game, not a movie : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyS2taARo-0 :shock:
It is a very sad day when after seeing this one says, why am I not surprised... :(
This is pretty much the norm these days for videogames...

I honestly think the only decent video game systems come from Nintendo. They have Wii which is more geared towards sports and fitness. And their old school system games weren't nearly as violent or bloody as playstation and xbox. Stuff like Legend of Zelda, Megaman and Punch Out were fun without being desensitizing like they are now.
No doubt, mostly all of the video games put out nowadays are based on some kind of war drama. They're extremely graphic and violent. Most kids spend all their days playing these games and by the time they graduate high school all their knowledge is about guns, ammo and killing tactics. If you read some of the comments on that youtube page you will see some of them refer to another game, COD (Call of Duty) in which they even have stealth kills where you walk up behind someone and slit their throat.

I only know about this because my nephew is unfortunately an expert on these games however his parents figure its either him in the room playing games like this or out with undesirable friends doing God only knows what so they figure this is the less of two evils but I'm not so sure. :/
Interesting that the hand at 0:06, above 'Frostbite2', (apparently the development company - interesting name, considering...) is not a human hand.

Other than that, it's a training simulation - pure and simple. It is mind programing.
DanielS said:
This is pretty much the norm these days for videogames...

I honestly think the only decent video game systems come from Nintendo. They have Wii which is more geared towards sports and fitness. And their old school system games weren't nearly as violent or bloody as playstation and xbox. Stuff like Legend of Zelda, Megaman and Punch Out were fun without being desensitizing like they are now.

Yes I agree with that. I play wii with my kids. It's fun!
DanielS said:
This is pretty much the norm these days for videogames...

The norm in term of script yes, but in term of visual quality and realism and so in psychological impact, I think there's a jump.

anart said:
Interesting that the hand at 0:06, above 'Frostbite2', (apparently the development company - interesting name, considering...) is not a human hand.

This is subtle but yes, you're really right. I found that Frosbite it's not the name of the company but the name of the advanced rendering technology: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frostbite_Engine. Interesting.

[edit]: word missing
Ellipse said:
DanielS said:
This is pretty much the norm these days for videogames...

The norm in term of script yes, but in term of visual quality and realism and so in psychological impact, I think there's a jump.

It's definitely a very large jump visually speaking than the games I used to play 8 years ago. What continually amazes me is how the graphics processors that these games run best on are literally purpose-built supercomputers. Their processing power is phenomenal and ever-increasing. That's why software technologies like CUDA, OpenCL, and DirectCompute are slowly coming into their own. They allow use of the graphics processor to do more general computations for more "productive" work on a computer. But the adoption is very, very slow in comparison to the evolution of gaming. No operating system on the market truly takes advantage of the power of the graphics processor.

It's like driving around in a small car with a tiny engine. There's also a super-efficient 500hp V8 in the trunk, but you can only use it to power the radio. :rolleyes:

What amazes me most though is how so much time and energy is put into making better and better graphics processors only so that everyone can play better and better games. It's such an incredible waste of brainpower - on the part of the hardware designers, the software designers, and the game players.

And then there's the brainwashing effect of the video games themselves!!

Games like this, normalise conflict and make us numb to the human cost. Infact it makes it look cool and desirable.

However, what about violent video games make it appealing especially to boys with impressionable minds? I remember as a kid loving action movies and video games like street fighter, first person shooters such as quake etc. Something about this genre was very appealing.
Is anyone who plays video games like this being brainwashed or is it only a certain type of person that is susceptible? What exactly are war video games doing to the brains of individuals who play them? Is it just desensitizing them to violence or something beyond that?
I have watched several wargame vids, and the recent ones are becoming more and more realistic.

Stikes me there are several responses being triggered.

(1)One being the desensitisation (emotional) to the very thought of killing.
(2)Two being the continued distancing the player from real death and all its consequences, ie death just becomes a game in the real world, (well untill you get to feel the real pain, terror and truama involved. (look at the Iraq videos of the bombing of instalations as seen from in-jet videos(aka death by joystick)) which is just a progression of the above.
(3)A honey trap for the type of desensitised people ripe for conscription in world where the young are not getting adecent education and if they are lucky enough there are less jobs for them.
(4)The game has percieved gains in terms of accomplishments (I assume they have them in these games, many do).
(5)The above feeds the addiction, and therefore can instill a need for further accomplishments that may be persued through (3).
(6)Desensitisation I am sure desensitises not just from killing but from many other social aspects related to violence on our streets from muggings to sudden violent attacks and youtube happy-slaps.

Let alone the many other problems that can arise through gamers who play for hours on end.

Lack of social skills
Morphing of social skills
Brainwashing techniques
Altered sense of values
Overconfidence based on false reality brainwashing
and the list goes on.

Took me a post the other day to make me look at this a lot deeper.

I have had my own fair share of gaming over the years, though a different genre', but these games are scarey for their more recognisable impact/implications related to direct overt manipulation over less subtle ones. (though I am now beginning to look at other how many other manipulations can arise from gaming that are just as insipid, and may very well be even more dangerous).
Mr. Scott said:
What amazes me most though is how so much time and energy is put into making better and better graphics processors only so that everyone can play better and better games. It's such an incredible waste of brainpower - on the part of the hardware designers, the software designers, and the game players.

This statement is as accurate as can be.
I work for a small software department of a fairly large company mostly dealing with government contracts.
The amount of talent we have (not counting myself - speaking from a 3rd party point of view) is staggering and 90-95% of it is being wasted on things which will delve humanity further into conflict.
I cannot help but feel as if it is by design (our department was part of a smaller, less "harmful" company which got bought-out by the big one recently).
It really is a shame -- all the talent in the world, most of it used for war and entertainment... :/
Leon, well put. Saw this happening in the Sixty's onward. Tried to explain this to Parents and teachers, but the only response that came about was that this was a good "Babysitter". Well, lets see what the future will be when those that were babysat and desensitized by these devices become adults with their own children.

Thanks Roger,
whilst I have always had this opinion, even down to the old 70's 'Dawn of the Dead' , 'Hills have eyes' Movie phenomena. I have still been guilty of underestimating the value of critical thinking in terms of the whole gaming/movie genre' in general.

I suppose , well, I don't suppose, I realise, (a better word , ie made real), that we can all be subject to selectability in our outlook, on what can and cannot be subject to manipulation.

No matter where one is, I think the lesson is here, or has been for me, is that we can, and will, should we choose, have the opportunity to teach us/ourselves, that the, mmm..., world we live in is far more complex than the perceived complexity we already think we have a handle on.

Took a while to remember this.

It is so easy to forget that which we are in the process of remembering.

Well, for me that makes sense. Thank goodness it does, because it is very easy to to lose ones way when one is always kept in the dark. When one has a candle, one can see a way forwards, but sometime that candle can go out, or flicker and deceive (shadows on the walls), other times it can be very iluminating indeed.

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