2012, What's in store?

David Topi

Jedi Master
Sharing an interesting article read on Russia Today. Knowing that the C's have stated several times that we already have a one world goverment, the thoughts would go more in the direction of, when will it be "public"?

2012, What's in Store?

The Private Global Power Elite embedded in major governments is dead set on imposing World Government on us sooner rather than later. Let’s look at 12 mega-processes – veritable “Triggers” – that we infer they are using to achieve their goals.

All roads lead to World Government. This should come as no surprise. London’s Financial Times openly articulated this view in an article by their chief foreign affairs commentator, Gideon Rachman, published on 8 December 2009, whose title said it all: “And Now for a World Government.” These goals are echoed by the Trilateral Commission, CFR and Bilderberg insiders – even by the Vatican.
Macro-managing planet Earth is no easy matter. It requires strategic and tactical planning by a vast think-tank network allied to major elite universities whereby armies of academics, operators, lobbyists, media players and government officers interface, all abundantly financed by the global corporate and banking superstructure.

They do this holistically, knowing that they operate on different stages moving at very different speeds:

  • Financial Triggers move at lightning speed thanks to electronic information technology that can make or break markets, currencies and entire countries in just hours or days;
    Economic Triggers move slower: manufacturing cars, aircraft, food, clothes, building plants and houses takes months;
    Political Triggers tied to the “democratic system” put politicians in power for several years;
    Cultural Triggers require entire generations to implement; this is where PsyWar has reached unprecedented “heights”.

Risk-managing this whole process takes into account the many pitfalls and surprises in store. So each plan in every field counts, with “Plan B’s” – even Plans “C” and “D” – which can be implemented if needed.

Twelve Triggers for World Government

Today, the Global Power Elite are wrapping up globalization and ushering in World Government. Paraphrasing the tightrope walker in German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Thus Spake Zarathustra,” this implies “….a dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting…"

These 12 Triggers are interlinked and interlocked in a highly complex, holistic matrix, very flexible in its tactics but rigidly unbending in its strategic objectives. When read as a whole, the picture that unfolds shows that whole being far more than the sum of its parts.

1) Financial Meltdown. Since 2008, the Global Financial System continues on life-support. Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner and the US economic hit team – Robert Rubin, Larry Summers and Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, JPMorganChase mega-bankers working with the Bank of England and the European Central Bank – have not and will not take any measures to help the populace and ailing economies. They just funnel trillions to the banking elite, imposing the media myth that certain banks are “too big to fail” (Orwellian Newspeak for “too damn powerful to fail”). Why? Because it’s not governments overseeing, supervising and controlling Goldman Sachs, CitiCorp, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, JPMorganChase, but exactly the other way around…

2) Economic Crises. Today, “Destructive Extreme Capitalism” is collapsing national and regional economies, reformatting them into international slave-labour Gulag-like entities that Joseph Stalin would envy. Our woes lie not with the world’s real economy (mostly intact), but with the fake world of finance, banks, and speculation;

3) Social Upheavals. Meltdowns in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Iceland and – soon to come – Italy, Spain and others, trigger violent social uprisings, even in the US and UK;

4) Pandemics. Get ready for more “flu surprises” leading to mandatory vaccinations: a discreet opportunity to slip RFID chips into our bodies and test “intelligent viruses” targeting specific DNA strains. Racially and ethnically selective viruses as part of mass depopulation campaigns?

5) Global Warming. As the global economy sinks into zero growth mode, economic drivers shift from growth expansion to consumption contraction. Will coming “carbon credits” open the path to full societal control?

6) Terrorist “False Flag” Mega-Attacks. The Elite have this wildcard up their sleeve to jump-start new “crises” as short-cuts towards world government. Will new “attacks” dwarfing 9/11 justify further global wars, invasions and genocide? A nuclear weapon over a major city to be blamed on the Elite’s “enemies”?

7) Generalized War in the Middle East. As we speak, naval forces, bombers, entire armies are poised to attack and invade Syria, Iran…

8) Ecological/Environmental “Accidents”. The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident sparked the beginning of the end of the former USSR by showing the world and the Soviets themselves that their State could no longer manage their own nuclear facilities. April 2010 saw the BP “Deepwater Horizon” oil rig eco-catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico; since March 2011, Japan and the world have been grappling with a much larger nuclear accident in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex. Was foul play involved?

9) Assassination of a major political or religious figure to be blamed on an Elite enemy. Mossad, CIA, MI6 are really good at playing this type of dirty trick;

10) Attacks on “Rogue States” – Iraq, Libya… Who’s next? Iran? Syria? Venezuela? North Korea?

11) Staged “Religious” Event. The growing need of the masses for meaning in their lives makes them easy victims of a Hollywood-staged, 3D virtual reality hologram show, orchestrating a “second coming”. An electronically engineered “messianic figure” acting in sync with Elite global objectives? Who would dare go against God himself?

12) Staged “Alien Contact.” This too may be in the works. For decades, large sectors of world population have been programmed to believe in aliens. Here too, hologram technology could stage a “space vehicle landing” – on the White House lawn, of course – highlighting the “need” for Mankind to have “unified representation” in the face of extraterrestrials. Further justification for world government?

What do such interlocking “crises” have in common? Global warming, pandemics, “international terrorism”, financial collapse, economic depression, even alien contacts? They all serve to show that they cannot be addressed by any single nation state, thus “justifying” the need for World Government.

2012: We must stay especially alert, understanding things the way they really are and not the way the global TV Masters want us to believe they are.

Adrian Salbuchi for RT
Items 11 & 12 have been broadcasted on the internet for some time now. If or when those do occur will trigger "That Figures" to come out of my mouth...

Couldn't help but notice there is no mention of some rather large space rocks slamming into this BBM...

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Al Today said:
Couldn't help but notice there is no mention of some rather large space rocks slamming into this BBM...

And no mention of the way an overhead cometary explosion, or comet or meteor impact, will be described as a terrorist attack, for example. Especially if it affects a major city.
Endymion said:
Al Today said:
Couldn't help but notice there is no mention of some rather large space rocks slamming into this BBM...

And no mention of the way an overhead cometary explosion, or comet or meteor impact, will be described as a terrorist attack, for example. Especially if it affects a major city.

and more over, also the solar storms that are predicted to wipe out all our electrical systems or even something similar to what the movie "Knowing" depicts.
We have a full plate for the upcoming 12 months! :-)
Interesting that I've been saying for some time that the only real meaning to 2012 is the "coming out of the closet" of the formerly covert One World Government. I guess I'm not the only one seeing it.

I'm sitting here going over a number of anti-end of the world articles I've written in the past such as:



Even before that, I was out there trying to calm down the Hale-Bopp madness. So, while it is gratifying to see that a few others have caught on, it's way too little, too late. Because, of course, as ya'll have noted, they are leaving out some significant factors.
I think it is likely that the whole 2012 hocus-pocus is made up from the beginning.

maybe the PTB's want a big Final:
"See nothing happened, don't listen to those crazy alternative researchers they are all crazy" spreading far and wide.
go back to sleep everything is fine and the world is a stable place. there is absolutely nothing to fear about in the near future.

Edit: and maybe they are going to increase the 2012 Paranoia in the alternative world by staging of acts that "must be the Proof" that the world will end in the end of the year.
then all that is needed is more public awarness of this end date and those 2012 fear mongerers (wich are of course all alternative researchers). and then in the End debunk all alternative research when nothing happened.
and of course this will then lead to the awarness of the puplic that nothing happened and therfore those alternitive researchers are all crazy and nothing they say should be believed. and if there is really something that will happen aka Ice Age, Comets, earthquakes etc. nobody will believe those voices anymore
Pashalis said:
I think it is likely that the whole 2012 hocus-pocus is made up from the beginning.

maybe the PTB's want a big Final:
"See nothing happened, don't listen to those crazy alternative researchers they are all crazy" spreading far and wide.
go back to sleep everything is fine and the world is a stable place. there is absolutely nothing to fear about in the near future.

Edit: and maybe they are going to increase the 2012 Paranoia in the alternative world by staging of acts that "must be the Proof" that the world will end in the end of the year.
then all that is needed is more public awarness of this end date and those 2012 fear mongerers (wich are of course all alternative researchers). and then in the End debunk all alternative research when nothing happened.
and of course this will then lead to the awarness of the puplic that nothing happened and therfore those alternitive researchers are all crazy and nothing they say should be believed. and if there is really something that will happen aka Ice Age, Comets, earthquakes etc. nobody will believe those voices anymore

Divide and conquer is the basic tool which the PTB use when they roll out their scheme's. If 2012 should come and go with little realization and fanfare of all the catastrophic events that have been promoted as to what might happen, then I can see much more divisiveness between main stream reality and what the alternative communities see. I do think there is a good chance of more social upheaval and deadly war's and conflicts in the name of 'spreading' democracy in 2012, that is for sure.

Interesting though, in this last year we have seen the demise of some of mass-media's top 5 bogey men ie. Bin Laden, Kim Jong Il and Kadafi. What can this mean? Are they trying to project that their initiatives for a 'Won Whirrled Party!' to bring peace is working? Will they turn on the bankster's next? Let the financial system continue its course, blow up completely and then have all the millions and billions of nanny staters scream to have their wheat and IPODS back. This is just an example but our dependency on the global market has set this situation up to become a reality.

After 2012 has come and gone, it is not out the question to see the many believer's in the main stream message take on their slumber in a more self righteous way... yet again dividing humanity into smaller and more isolated and manageable groups. Laws and technology have changed quite a bit in just the last year let alone the last decade. The whole definition of 'freedom' is so mis-understood due to programs etc. that it appears that anyone who disagree's with the main stream is a freedom hater....

.... whatever happens, it is gonna be quite a show they put on! I am working on not anticipating any outcomes.... with the help of this community.

I will work on myself to not shut out the world but take even more care to observe and learn. I know I can not do this alone. I look forward to watching and being apart of this community as it continues to grow.... in number, in knowledge and in safety.

I have to mention EE, diet and networking too.... so important. I came to this forum to find out what is happening 'out there'. Instead the greatest gifts this forum has given many is to change how and what I/we put into our bodies. Ie. air, food and thoughts. The finer things in life necessary to feed the finer parts of ourselves. I hope I'm getting it.

I.... (me alone before this forum)
I came....(me alone looking for knowledge and answers... before this forum)
I came too...(the forum has been shaking me to wake up)
I came to believe...(that yes.... it is now a possibility for me to stay awake)
I came to believe in a forum much greater than myself. (without which I would go back to sleep)

Just my 2 cents FWIW.
And no mention of the way an overhead cometary explosion, or comet or meteor impact, will be described as a terrorist attack, for example. Especially if it affects a major city.

wow. yes.
i've been thinking about this a lot lately.
aside from staging events, it is quite easy and sensical (to them) to take advantage of events that occur when the general populace is so hypnotized.
2012 - On The Eve Of Destruction? :
transientP said:
And no mention of the way an overhead cometary explosion, or comet or meteor impact, will be described as a terrorist attack, for example. Especially if it affects a major city.

wow. yes.
i've been thinking about this a lot lately.
aside from staging events, it is quite easy and sensical (to them) to take advantage of events that occur when the general populace is so hypnotized.

Indeed, after a meteor fall, they can blame it on Iran, or Syria or China, and begin a war. Another way the STS hierarchy make use of natural disasters.

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