2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?
So why would they reveal damning information on their establishment hope? Yet suppressing Huntergate perhaps provided a secondary benefit
And so, another scandal categorized as a 'gate'. How many does that make now, beginning with the original, Watergate - Pizzagate, Pedogate, adrenogate, Obamagate, Impeachmentgate - Bridgegate, too. And, we know how prominent Bill Gates has been since last fall.
The adoption of -gate to suggest the existence of a scandal was promoted by William Safire, the conservative New York Times columnist and former Nixon administration speechwriter. As early as September 1974 he wrote of "Vietgate", a proposed pardon of the Watergate criminals and Vietnam War draft dodgers.[8] Subsequently, he coined numerous -gate terms, including Billygate, Briefingate, Contragate, Deavergate, Debategate, Doublebillingsgate (of which he later said "My best [-gate coinage] was the encapsulation of a minor ... scandal as doublebillingsgate"), Frankiegate, Franklingate, Genschergate, Housegate, Iraqgate, Koreagate, Lancegate, Maggiegate, Nannygate, Raidergate, Scalpgate, Travelgate, Troopergate and Whitewatergate. The New York magazine suggested that his aim in doing so was "rehabilitating Nixon by relentlessly tarring his successors with the same rhetorical brush – diminished guilt by association".[9] Safire himself later said to author Eric Alterman that he "may have been seeking to minimize the relative importance of the crimes committed by his former boss with this silliness".[10]
l thought at first he was referring to Janus [...]

"In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus (/ˈdʒeɪnəs/ JAY-nəs; Latin: IANVS (Iānus), pronounced [ˈjaːnʊs]) is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past."
The possible significance of our President's last name, Trump, has already been noted. And, now, we have Trump's anti-lockdown coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas.
Atlas also plays a role in the myths of two of the greatest Greek heroes: Heracles (Hercules in Roman mythology) and Perseus. [...] In some versions,[20] Heracles instead built the two great Pillars of Hercules to hold the sky away from the earth, liberating Atlas much as he liberated Prometheus. - wiki

Within the empowering archetypes of Prometheus and Atlas reside the Gnosis to vanquish the nihilistic materialism and rootless rationalism of the modern West (as well as Abrahamic religious fundamentalism). This realization harnesses the soundness of alternative science and perennial philosophies — all by tapping into the Gnostic, Hermetic, Neoplatonic and other Hellenistic wisdom that promotes higher human consciousness. The results are a fiery fusion of the horizons of the Eastern and Western worlds, pointing to an integral society wherein the modern barriers between Science, Religion, Politics, and Art have been dynamited.
I'm going on the assumption that the description of the hour plus youtube above accurately reflects the contents as I haven't watched it yet. But it's all pretty amazingly coincidental how these names and their meanings are all seemingly coming together at this particular point in time.
Und so ein weiterer Skandal, der als "Tor" eingestuft wurde. Wie viele macht das jetzt, beginnend mit dem Original, Watergate - Pizzagate, Pedogate, Adrenogate, Obamagate, Impeachmentgate - Bridgegate auch. Und wir wissen, wie prominent Bill Gates seit letztem Herbst ist.
Es ist erstaunlich, wie schnell sich die Dinge jetzt entwickeln. Sie haben jahrelang über diese Geschichten gelesen, aber nichts hat es auf die erste Medienseite geschafft. Ich vermute, dass Trump schon lange über viele Inhalte informiert war und eher die Fäden im Hintergrund gezogen hat. Trump selbst konnte keine Hinweise geben, da sonst das gesamte Material von den Medien auseinandergerissen würde. Seine Position ist eher der erstaunte, verängstigte und wütende Präsident, der die Zeitachse geschickt zu seinem Vorteil gesteuert hat. Ich vermute, dass die Veröffentlichung eines Skandals das Domino ist, das die anderen Themen durch kohärenten Inhalt automatisch an die Oberfläche bringt. Wie könnte man dieses seltsam aussehende Verhalten des Präsidenten erklären, der sich öffentlich als Clown der Nation präsentierte? Entweder ist er dumm oder sehr klug und berechnend. Ich wette auf Letzteres. Die gesamte psychopathische Welt ist miteinander verflochten und es gibt kein Entrinnen, wenn tatsächlich alles freigelegt ist, das die Biden-Festplatte enthält. Es ist wahrscheinlich der Grundstein für alle kommenden Enthüllungen. Wie werden die Bidens, Obamas, Bushs und viele Führer der Welt mit dem Rücken zur Wand reagieren, aus Angst vor dem, was kommt? Ich denke, die Situation wird gefährlich, aber auch sehr interessant zu beobachten sein.
And so, another scandal categorized as a 'gate'. How many does that make now, beginning with the original, Watergate - Pizzagate, Pedogate, adrenogate, Obamagate, Impeachmentgate - Bridgegate, too. And, we know how prominent Bill Gates has been since last fall.
It is amazing how things are unfolding so quickly now. For years you read about these stories but nothing made it to the first media page. I suspect that Trump has been informed about a lot of content for a long time and was more the one pulling the strings in the background. Trump himself could not make any hints, because otherwise the whole material would be torn apart by the media. His position is rather the astonished, frightened and angry president who skillfully steered the timeline to his advantage. I suspect that the publication of a scandal is the domino that automatically brings the other issues to the surface through coherent content. How else to explain this strange-looking behavior of the president, who publicly presented himself as the nation's clown. Either he is stupid or very smart and calculating. I bet on the latter. The entire psychopathic world is intertwined and there is no escape if everything is actually exposed that contains the Biden hard drive. It is probably the cornerstone for all coming revelations. How will the Bidens, Obamas, Bushs and many world leaders react with their backs to the wall with fear of what is coming? I think the situation will be dangerous but also very interesting to watch.

I would be very surprised if Biden would participate in the 3rd TV battle. Trump cuts him up like a Christmas goose.
I'm not yet convinced that this latest scandal with the Bidens will lead anywhere. We've seen this so many times before, as Jeep pointed out, with various 'gates', and no justice has been delivered in any of those. We've seen it multiple times e.g. with pedophiles – clear evidence of abuse, and then...nothing. It all depends on how many crooked and compromised individuals there are in the chain of command and justice system. There are people in crucial positions that so far haven't made any difference, like Lindsay Graham and Bill Barr. They talk the talk, but never deliver. The corruption is so wide spread and deep, that my feeling is that only a 'divine intervention' would succeed in making a difference.

On the surface, Hunter's laptop seems like a game changer, but we'll see. Not that I want to see any of those gruesome images that has been talked about, but the images that have been released so far aren't damning enough to convince those who are still in denial. And, for the really brainwashed ones, no proof or image will ever be enough.
I'm not yet convinced that this latest scandal with the Bidens will lead anywhere. We've seen this so many times before, as Jeep pointed out, with various 'gates', and no justice has been delivered in any of those. We've seen it multiple times e.g. with pedophiles – clear evidence of abuse, and then...nothing. It all depends on how many crooked and compromised individuals there are in the chain of command and justice system. There are people in crucial positions that so far haven't made any difference, like Lindsay Graham and Bill Barr. They talk the talk, but never deliver. The corruption is so wide spread and deep, that my feeling is that only a 'divine intervention' would succeed in making a difference.

On the surface, Hunter's laptop seems like a game changer, but we'll see. Not that I want to see any of those gruesome images that has been talked about, but the images that have been released so far aren't damning enough to convince those who are still in denial. And, for the really brainwashed ones, no proof or image will ever be enough.

I simply assume that what was seen on Hunter Biden's laptop is true. It seems to touch all the issues of the psychopathic elite: corruption, betrayal, human trafficking, extortion, child abuse. Hunter Biden is a completely destroyed person who most likely has not left out any topic. What names are becoming known? What connections can become obvious? What has actually been disappointing in recent years is that despite all the strong evidence, the system has been able to protect and cover up all psychopathic excesses. But I believe that Trump plays this card before the election and that the information disclosed is so explosive that many questions arise. Especially the relation to China and the question whether Biden may be appointed as president. Biden is probably the most terrible presidential candidate I have ever seen and he is dragging the Democrats into hell. Maybe the only way to win the election is if Biden is suicidal before the election and Harris is nominated at turbo speed. Otherwise, the Democrats are probably finished in the long run.
I thought this was a rather good article on what the outcome of this election involves. Basically individual free will versus global tyranny.

Individual Liberty & Freedom of Speech:

Throwing the Monkey Wrench into the Homogenization of America

Could it be the end of an Era? 2020 marked the end of a decade. The choice is Yours.

A frightening possibility, in the USA, under Donald Trump, is not happening. And will not happen.
His administration, regardless its numerous flaws, chose to protect American Individual Civil Liberties. And not just regarding the Covid 19 situation, which is a pretext for Governments all over the world to impose and amplify their power and control.

Such is the hunger of the Democratic Party, which sent Joe Biden to run for Presidency.

Without much enthusiasm, truth be told.
It’s hard to imagine Franklin D. Roosevelt voting for Joe Biden…

And it’s even harder to imagine the U.S.A becoming a monolithic society, subdued to such a disturbing, dangerous, hopeless, and even imbecile future.

The Coronavirus Hoax Crisis has been an experiment, and the citizens are the lab rats. The attacks on the civil and individual liberties, under the benevolent flag of “fighting a pandemic” became a reality all over the world.

Big Pharmaceutical Companies are developing, in a hurry, competing among themselves, a fast vaccine, in order to increase their profits in a lifetime business opportunity.

Of course, their priority is not the people’s health, but the health of their already large pockets. Tests on “volunteers” – yes, volunteers who are paid, and risk their lives because they need the money – are taking place.

The British Pharmaceutical Company AstraZeneca announced that one person had a severe negative reaction to their new Covid-19 vaccine. A future vaccine that they were already selling, by the millions, to several European countries. Even before the tests were concluded.
This is serious.
There is the possibility that, in many countries, the citizens will be forced, even by law, to take such obscure vaccines. A frightening scenario.

It’s obvious that all elections are important. But without a doubt, some are more important than others, due to different historical contexts. And such is the case of every vote that is going to be counted in November, 2020.

First, it is mandatory to mention this fact: the election that is coming is not just Right versus Left. It is about choosing between Technocrat Tyranny or the Free Will of the individual, the right of pursuing one’s own life path, and at the same time, keeping peace, reason, and progress alive. And of course, safety. Including the absence of fear when communicating different opinions.

The irrational and criminal mobs are taking over, and gaining too much power.
This is a highly dangerous, anti-democratic process. Vandalism became a valid way to participate in the political debate of ideas. A vandalism, a riot that affects, mostly, the common citizen, the local and small businesses. Ironically, those that the Neo-Marxists allege to defend.

Propaganda was always part of Politics. This isn’t new. But the need to propagate the Truth will never surrender, either.

The Old Bolsheviks used to say “The worse, the better!” And they were right, according to their own agendas.
The Democrat Party controls an important branch of a WorldWide Political Plan which aims for the homogenization of every aspect of our societies. Which includes: the persecution of those who dare to express their opinions, destruction of historical monuments – historical memory – following a Stalinist and Nazi method of dealing with truth, and common heritage.

Paving the way to a “New Man”. Completely designed, programmed, brainwashed, by the State, by the Government.

The U.S.A are more important than its citizens might remember, in their daily lives. The American society pulses, and is alive. Let’s not be fooled by alleged architects of an utopian future society. In which everyone is supposed to be transformed into a perfect and obedient android. And obviously, these androids will be of the same model. No difference between them. Between us.

We can’t let that happen. Yes, this wicked project is still in its early stages. So, precisely, the time is crucial.
So, in conclusion, and again, due to very specific historical and political contexts, the choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is not just between Republicans and Democrats. It’s a lot more complex.

It’s between the Individual, the Free American Society, which is where the real power is supposed to remain, and between a project of Monolithic Government, with the characteristics already mentioned. Plus, a Government which will share its power with obscure and already titanic institutions, like previously stated, Big Pharma, among others.

Also important to mention: What will happen in the U.S.A this year, will have an even bigger impact, in the rest of the Western World. So, each American vote is relevant for more people than those we can possibly imagine.

2020…and so on… What and How will it be? The choice is yours. The choice is ours. The choice is obvious.


Wolf Blitzer asks Pelosi the tough questions- and she doesn’t know what to do with herself. As the Scamdemic rages on, millions of Americans desperately seek financial relief. But as President Trump seeks a "go big or go home" stimulus package, Queen Nancy continues to stonewall negotiations. Is she honestly trying to help the American People? Or will she go to any lengths to destroy the President - even if it means holding a gun to the head of the American Economy? Pelosi's unhinged CNN interview exposes her true intentions.

I'm not yet convinced that this latest scandal with the Bidens will lead anywhere. We've seen this so many times before, as Jeep pointed out, with various 'gates', and no justice has been delivered in any of those. We've seen it multiple times e.g. with pedophiles – clear evidence of abuse, and then...nothing. It all depends on how many crooked and compromised individuals there are in the chain of command and justice system. There are people in crucial positions that so far haven't made any difference, like Lindsay Graham and Bill Barr. They talk the talk, but never deliver. The corruption is so wide spread and deep, that my feeling is that only a 'divine intervention' would succeed in making a difference.

On the surface, Hunter's laptop seems like a game changer, but we'll see. Not that I want to see any of those gruesome images that has been talked about, but the images that have been released so far aren't damning enough to convince those who are still in denial. And, for the really brainwashed ones, no proof or image will ever be enough.

As sad as it is I agree with you. The corruption is so deep and the tentacles are so wide spread that any kind of justice from a system designed to protect the guilty and punish the innocent seems unlikely at best and impossible at worst. The more I think about it the revelations that we are experiencing, even with big tech removing them at the speed of light, seem to be for the few that can see and the small majority that may have needed a bit more time to see. Sort of like an alarm clock going off signaling that time is running short and we need to get our spiritual houses in order because things are about to collapse. IMO Trump may be just the catalyst to start that ball rolling.
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