25.000 euros bounty against German weapons deal


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

"Um Panzerexporte zu stoppen, fahren Aktivisten schwere Geschütze auf. 25.000 Euro sollen Besitzer des Rüstungskonzerns Krauss-Maffei vor Gericht bringen". (taz-artikel)

"In order to foil the export of tanks, activists roll out the heavy artillery. 25000 euros to bring the owners of the armarments concern Krauss-Maffei to trial". (taz-article)

On their website the bios of the tank-family members are exposed and critically examined: the teacher, the photographer, the anthroposophist, the artist, the diver, the humanist, the philanthropist and the psychotherapist. Their individual lives are put into the contradictory context of their inethical ownership: In an awards show the imaginative activists award prizes like the picture book 'Mozarts Lebensbilder' or the biography 'Mozart in Wien' by the humanist and weapons dealer Volkmar Braunbehrens, to name an example.
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