I just stumbled on this information while having a look at the loan list of the European Investment Bank :
Israël Prêts globaux (Global Loan) 28/12/2006 BANK HAPOALIM GL 75,000,000
Israël Eau, assainissement (Water, Sewage systems) 27/12/2006 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME LOAN 200,000,000
This are the last published loans made by the EIB. Interesting to know where the European Money goes. It's also interesting to notice that this decision was made between Christmas and New Year's Day.
Israël Prêts globaux (Global Loan) 28/12/2006 BANK HAPOALIM GL 75,000,000
Israël Eau, assainissement (Water, Sewage systems) 27/12/2006 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME LOAN 200,000,000
This are the last published loans made by the EIB. Interesting to know where the European Money goes. It's also interesting to notice that this decision was made between Christmas and New Year's Day.