3/4 Nights - This week is crazy!


The Force is Strong With This One
I will try to keep this brief and to the point in a journal-esque type post. I have recently been having crazy, for lack of a better word, nights. I am not one to normally dream or have anything intense happen to me during sleep. However, this week it's like unending and all of a sudden it has started happening.

4/12 time check after a few minutes laying in bed: 1:58 am (reposting this experience from diff section for continuity)

I was starting to fall deep asleep. I was already asleep but I think it was getting deep anyways. So all of a sudden my consciousness like wakes up. I still have my eyes closed but I'm not asleep. Then I kinda in my mind(I was able to see me and this smoky entity- like I was out of my body) picture like a bieng or presence on the side of my bed. My bed is simply two mattresses in a living room up against a concrete wall. I was laying down on the side close to the concrete wall. Anyways, I kinda had this thought of this alien presence, meaning something not good and entirely foreign come on my bed and lean over me. (At this point I was no longer seeing me and this thing and it was like I was snapped back to my body and totally awake) Now, like I was saying I kept my eyes shut. About 1 second later I feel the worst feeling I've ever felt in my entire life. First it felt like a huge downward pressure right on my chest. It felt so alien in nature and just I guess you would say evil, i dunno, felt violated big time. Then comes the worst part. I feel this pull so strong it felt like it was pulling my soul straight out of my chest. The area where this quick push down and strong ripping upward feeling came from where my ribs meet at the bottom and stretched about to the center of my chest, like a hand kinda. Kinda felt like a non material hand with the palm at the bottom ribs and fingers at top of chest. I wasn't laying on my completely on my back or on my side. I sometimes do a little combo of both where I'm in between. So I was more turned to the concrete wall and away from this terrible entity. The entire feeling probably lasted 3-4 seconds. There was great resistance on my part initially. I could feel my entire energy pulling against this and it was causing such a terrible feeling. After the first couple of seconds I thought to myself let it go, be at peace, if I'm dying so be it. Then it seemed to me that this thing got almost a piece of me, if you will, and left. I kept my eyes closed for a good minute or two because honestly that was the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me. After I thought about what happened it brought a tear to my eye. Also I couldn't breathe the entire time this was happening and my chest didn't feel the same like a slight burning sensation.

4/13 unable to time check but felt early(dare I say a bit before 2 am?)

This night I was having a dream, fairly uncommon for me. I knew it was a dream though. It was good; I felt really happy. Anyways, after it played itself out for a little bit I had another very strange experience. I started to feel the familiar sensation of - I guess you could describe it as a flow of energy? - It as if you feel sensations inside you but it is not of your physical body. I felt that the first night but it felt like it was being ripped out of me. I immediately open my eyes because I don't need anything bad happening like the first night. Then my ears start feeling pressure and like popping in and out very quickly. I start hearing a bunch of voices but they are all talking so fast and at the same time I couldn't understand. While this is going on I am simultaneously rocking from side to side. Nothing violent or anything or uncomfortable but involuntary and definitely noticeable. Between the voices and my ears like going in and out pressure-wise it was loud. I started fighting the feelings and they died down pretty quickly after I decided that this was too much.

4/14 "normal" sleep - much needed. Thought normal sleep would continue and thought making a thread was pointless...

4/15 time check right after experience: 1:51 am

Finally got into bed at around 12:30ish. Probably didn't start relaxing and getting to sleep until after 1:00 am. I am very uneasy about sleeping with all these strange stuff but mainly the first night, if that were to happen again I think that would be it my heart would just stop and that would be the end of that. Anyways, so I started feeling that familiar inner energy. So I decided I'd go with it. So I didn't try to fight it. I started hearing a ringing in my ears. My eyes were a bit open at the bottom. You know where they are so low that things are blurry and FOV is small. So it felt like I began sitting up in bed and the farther I got to vertical the louder this ringing got. From what I saw through my slightly opened eyes it seemed as that was actually occurring. However, I can't say for sure on this one. I starting getting excited as this was happening. After I got too excited I guess it starting ending quick and I just laid back down. Thought for a second about what happened and then turned on my cell phone and checked the time.


So I looked up hypnogogia and sleep paralysis and what not. For the first night, It was like I was out of my body looking at myself and this thing leaning over me. Then it was like I was totally awake in the bed and I had just enough time to think to myself, "What the hell was that?" Then I get hit with whatever. Then on the second night. I don't even know how to explain that. Can you still be in a hypnogogic state with your eyes open!? I mean I saw everything in the room while your head is basically exploding. This night, the third experience, may have been such but this is starting to get ridiculous. My sleep pattern now is way off. I end up taking naps during the daytime. At this point I don't even want to go to sleep. I'm more at peace during the day than at night. I mean if I didn't feel like I was trying to be killed the first night I'd be able to get more sleep. Although the second night wasn't comforting either.

I just don't quite understand why this is all happening all of a sudden. I mean the Universe has kinda been throwing stuff at me for the past month but now it's starting to get too much. Over the past month I have been having a gradual 'awakening' if you will, first to my own past hardships, then to the current state of the world, and then now I'm starting to read in depth of the so-called Wave. I have been seeing a lot of like synchronous events that happen right after I had a huge realization. When I saw this symbol that was directly relating to what I had learned. I even said to my friend at the time, Well, that just confirms that everything is true! Is this a culmination of a buildup? I feel like it is progress but to what I am not quite sure haha...

So, if this is all a cause of hypnogogia, can it happen with such frequency and all of a sudden?
The second night I had my eyes open. Is that still possible hypnogogia?
With the times being so similar I don't know if it is me trying to see meaning but I find it odd. With a deep hypnotic state during sleep doesn't that take time to settle into. The first and second nights I had much time to reach a deep sleep but this night I mean I had like 30-40 minutes definitely no more than 45...This is all very strange for me and very unnerving - If something crazy were to happen during the day it would just flip my lid.


Just wanted to know if anyone experiences visual flickering or very brief increases in brightness or darkness. This happens to me very frequently usually every day. What will trigger it every time is meditation or sleep. In meditation when I open my eyes it is like you'll see what is physically there and it will flash darker and then back to normal. It is very noticeable. Waking up from sleep usually does it aswell. Like when I woke up today from the last experience it was very flashy like that. But it was all in my peripheral this time. I had thought that it correlated to relaxation and brain waves but I also experience it from time to time just in day to day - but to a lesser effect. I also see another visual anomaly. The best way to describe it is to imagine the sun is out in the sky behind you but it is behind a cloud. Then all of a sudden it peaks out for like 0.25 a second and it is brighter for a very short time. It isn't a huge increase in brightness but because it is quick it is almost like a flash and that makes it noticeable to me. I also have an inverse effect happen to me. These flashes usually occur during day to day seemingly unrelated to the flickering. Anyways, I have been seeing this type of things for like a month now since I starting meditating and like figuring things out. It makes what you see seem very fake at times like a video game or better analogy like The Matrix and I'm Neo seeing the code hahaha. Your thoughts are appreciated! Any ideas to get some sleep!?
Sounds to me like seretonin deficiency syndrome. I think there is stuff about it on the forum here, otherwise, do a google search. Some 5-htp at lunch and dinner every day (start low dose and increase gradually until you have results) is in order.
Laura said:
Sounds to me like seretonin deficiency syndrome. I think there is stuff about it on the forum here, otherwise, do a google search. Some 5-htp at lunch and dinner every day (start low dose and increase gradually until you have results) is in order.

A good post about that is that one:


And a new thread about that:

Wow to think that a deficiency could cause such intense experiences. I thought I was losing my mind haha. I recently switched to a vegetarian diet with the four food groups of: grains, beans, fruits, vegetables. I have been eating the same things for like the past week simply because the restaurant I go to serves it up cheap. I don't have enough money to spare for any supplements.

For like the past week or so my diet has mainly been brown rice, black beans, diced peppers and stuff (salsa), in a spinach tortilla. As for liquids I drink like a liter and a half of bottled water and a liter of fresh squeezed orange juice. I'm in the red right now so there is no way for me to buy any supplements. I don't take any supplements although I do have 2 laying around. I have the basic Centrum Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement and then I have some MegaRed Omega-3 Krill Oil. So I will begin taking those...

It sounds like there isn't much more I can do than simply buying some peanuts and laying in the sun more, as I definitely get enough exercise. I either run/walk everywhere in the city. I also do some light lifting for physique. Ugh... I got like a headache too now like changing pinpointed pressure on the left side of my head not really pain or anything.

If you have any other ideas that I have missed, please let me know!
Mike_3091 said:
Wow to think that a deficiency could cause such intense experiences. I thought I was losing my mind haha. I recently switched to a vegetarian diet with the four food groups of: grains, beans, fruits, vegetables. I have been eating the same things for like the past week simply because the restaurant I go to serves it up cheap. I don't have enough money to spare for any supplements.

Well, basically, you are eating all the wrong foods and undoubtedly inflaming your brain beyond imagining!

Mike_3091 said:
For like the past week or so my diet has mainly been brown rice, black beans, diced peppers and stuff (salsa), in a spinach tortilla. As for liquids I drink like a liter and a half of bottled water and a liter of fresh squeezed orange juice. I'm in the red right now so there is no way for me to buy any supplements. I don't take any supplements although I do have 2 laying around. I have the basic Centrum Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement and then I have some MegaRed Omega-3 Krill Oil. So I will begin taking those...

That won't be sufficient to straighten this mess out. Geeze.

Okay, you have very little money, what to eat? carrots, celery, beets, cucumbers (these you can have raw), bok choy, spinach, squash, pumpkin, sweet potato, chard (everything else cooked).

The only grains: quinoa and buckwheat.

Fish: sardines, herring, wild salmon, black cod or sable fish, sole, and cod. No tuna (because of possible mercury contamination)!!!

Lean white meat chicken breasts or turkey breast. (If you can afford it, legs and thighs will do in a pinch.)

Mike_3091 said:
It sounds like there isn't much more I can do than simply buying some peanuts

No nuts, they are inflammatory.

Mike_3091 said:
and laying in the sun more, as I definitely get enough exercise. I either run/walk everywhere in the city. I also do some light lifting for physique. Ugh... I got like a headache too now like changing pinpointed pressure on the left side of my head not really pain or anything.

You've got major brain/body inflammation going on. What's your blood type?
Hi Mike,
Take the Multivitamin and omega-3 that you have until you can afford some more, but in the mean while go check the diet and health section : http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?board=32.0 - and read as much as you can; it is very important that you have a good nutrition and supplementation . It's life saving and I'm not exaggerating even a bit.

You say you have switched to vegetarian. Many people make this decision thinking that it is much better, but you want to make informative decisions before embarking into something that might do more harm then good.

Have you tried to take out dairy and gluten and sugars out of your diet? It is the most needed ''debut'' to stating to detox, and starting little by little won't affect you budget I think.

edit: avoiding repetition.
Laura said:
Well, basically, you are eating all the wrong foods and undoubtedly inflaming your brain beyond imagining!

No nuts, they are inflammatory.

You've got major brain/body inflammation going on. What's your blood type?

Man... I just ate 3 huge handfuls of peanuts and I come back here and read this. As for my bloodtype I don't know. I'm 18, living on my own, last time I was at a doctor was about 2 years ago...I don't have health insurance or anything like that either.

As far as taking dairy out of my diet I have done that. Sugars I have cut out aside from the ones in like fruits and such. Is gluten = MSG? Either way I don't think I'm getting any of that or very little to say the least. I'm getting very little of everything in general though so...

Maybe I'll spring for a turkey sandwich and see if that does any good. Anyways I have to go put in some work...

Oh and think it might be worthy to mention that I have been exposed to pesticides in the past week aswell. I basically have a cashcrop in my apartment and it had spidermites and I have to get rid of them. So I have used nicotine water sprays and pure pesticide aerosol spray. The latter really knocked em back burnt some leaves but had a desired effect. I definitely breathed in a bit of that in the process...

You make it sound like I'm dying though...Doesn't feel like it though aside from this expanding headache. Actually I think I'll get that turkey sandwhich right now :shock:.

Also just quick question I read somewhere that gelatin caps contain MSG? These krill oil supplements are of course gel caps. I think that the benefits would outweigh the negatives - but hey apparently I'm inadvertently killing myself so what do you think?
Mike_3091 said:
[Also just quick question I read somewhere that gelatin caps contain MSG? These krill oil supplements are of course gel caps.

Yes, but not all gel caps have MSG. If you get supplements that specify "vegetarian source" for their capsules, it should be alright.

For more information on gluten see:



Also, check the Ultra Simple diet thread: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=13241.0
Mike_3091 said:
Is gluten = MSG? Either way I don't think I'm getting any of that or very little to say the least. I'm getting very little of everything in general though so...

Maybe I'll spring for a turkey sandwich and see if that does any good. Anyways I have to go put in some work...

Oh and think it might be worthy to mention that I have been exposed to pesticides in the past week aswell. I basically have a cashcrop in my apartment and it had spidermites and I have to get rid of them. So I have used nicotine water sprays and pure pesticide aerosol spray. The latter really knocked em back burnt some leaves but had a desired effect. I definitely breathed in a bit of that in the process...

Also just quick question I read somewhere that gelatin caps contain MSG? These krill oil supplements are of course gel caps. I think that the benefits would outweigh the negatives - but hey apparently I'm inadvertently killing myself so what do you think?

MSG is in almost everything and it also hides under other names. This thread will provide much information about MSG, and this post will point you to an article on Signs of the Times that will give you a good idea about gluten (which is likely in the bread you are about to eat in your turkey sandwich). :)

What type of cash crop do you grow that you would spray with pesticides?
Thanks for all the links everyone. I have much to learn about the truth to eating right. It is a shame that the truth is never taught openly. I would much rather had a Nutrition class than a Statistics class.

I will try and just keep some simple rules in mind at first. So basically any bread is bad [ no tortillas =( ]. Don't deal with dairy. Fish is alright but no tuna (I knew about the mercury but man a tuna melt back in the day was so good I used to eat one almost everyday for like a month or two.) White meat of chicken. I'll pass on the turkey - never really liked it. Go more to berries. Eat salads. What other easy rules...I think that will do for now.

Although I find it almost contradictory the fact that I am supposedly suffering from inflammation. I have always had acne since I was quite young- I am half Italian and as you can imagine I had pasta very frequently. Ever since I switched to vegetarian It has gotten significantly better. Perhaps the decrease in overall has helped?

Oh and to Laura, I believe I read somewhere where you said that you avoid citrus fruits. Why? I would like to know because I have recently gotten in the habit of juicing 4-6 oranges daily and drinking that.

As to 1984, I live in California. I am involved in the industry here. It is how I pay my bills. I much rather do this and be free compared to forced into a 9-5 or a college education. To me memorizing what is taught as the truth is not what I want to do with my life and would not help me figure that out either. The crops I have are not to be eaten they are to be smoked. They are not in the flowering stage- meaning they are not producing any product. I wanted to eliminate this pest problem before I flipped them to flowering as to avoid contamination of product. I tried organic means and it was not enough to stop the spidermites. I will be following organic applications during flowering.
Mike_3091, please re-read the forum guidelines. It is against forum rules to post about illegal pastimes or habits. Even though the state of California has decided to allow you to do what you do, the federal government reigns supreme and their laws are clear in this regard. Any further discussion on this topic will result in suspension of posting privileges.
Heimdallr said:
Mike_3091, please re-read the forum guidelines. It is against forum rules to post about illegal pastimes or habits. Even though the state of California has decided to allow you to do what you do, the federal government reigns supreme and their laws are clear in this regard. Any further discussion on this topic will result in suspension of posting privileges.

Yes, Mike, we have to walk a very tight wire here on the forum due to the amount of attention we attract with the topics we cover. For that reason, there is a zero tolerance policy - for the protection of the forum and all involved - on the topic of drug use, be it locally legal under certain circumstances or not. I'm certain that you can continue to interact without that restriction getting in the way.
Felt compelled to answer but was too specific. Should have said, "I live in California."

Let this not impede this thread.
Just wanted to say that after changing my diet to greens chicken and seafood I no longer have any problems at night. I suppose they were all hallucinations. Although, I don't know why they only occurred at night.

Thank you very much everyone for your help!
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