3 knocks, no-one ther, three knockings.

I live in a loft over the garage. Knocks on the door are quite-pronounced. The door to the house and to the loft, is the main door. On your right is the 2 door garage, when you pull into the driveway. remote control opens the door under me, and your home.

To your left is the house, foyer, family room, dining room, kitchen and Dad's Sunroom, its just like that a big ol-'C'-shape.

Last nite, while im drinking and playing games on the internet, out of nowhere, (4am, ish) - i hear a knock, fast like a wood pecker one then, one two, three. I couldn't place the origin of the knock, so i sat still, and called out a hollow hello-.

moments passed, and a few minutes, then again was the knock, one and 3 rapids. I say 'Hello"- again. and no answer.

Im spooked and now i begin to pay attention to whats going on around me. I put my beer down. Put me smoke down, and listened, and called out for them to come in. No answer, so i settled down, thinking pipes-winter-froszen, stuff- .

No sooner did i get myself back, than the Knock came again. as soon as i got myself aware and logged into the game, the knock came again!, only much closer to me- past the door- near my desk.

Instantly alarmed, I dropped everything and went in search of these 'knocks', to find nothing. Dad is OK, on his side of the house, and so am I on my side of the house. Except im unnerved, three knocks, no-one there and the last knock was so close to me , to make me think it was on my desk. that I made a mental mark -"3 Knocks-look it up on the net"- .

I did not go too sleep for a couple more hours, thinking and listening for this "unknown visitor"- There was a definite approache, to the knocking sound the 1st being,"the front door?" and then the 2nd being,-" -is that my door?" and finally, the third Knock.
What the hell , is my desk breaking?- wher is that sound coming from?

and then nothing, no trace of anyone having been here- just me, and my beers. and that sound- it was an unnatural sound, the knocks came closer each time, yet they sounded like they were here with me in my room.
This has set me on edge, i did not do this too myself, nor would i want too.
I sat down to play some world of warcraft, and drink beers. then this happend.

I dont really kno what to think about it!

a couple internet sites, say- that the 3 knocks means your going to die- shortly.-
I don't know, but I do know- them 3 knocks are the strangest thing, i have actually tried to deal with.
I mean I said "Come In!!"- more than once, and well -you know the rest of the story-.

am i going to die? is ther anything about the 3 knocks?
a couple internet sites, say- that the 3 knocks means your going to die- shortly.-
I'm afraid your time is up my friend :evil: Mwuuaahahaa!

No, seriously. What sites are these and where did they get their information from? The likeliness of hearing 3 knocks and dying shortly after is well, unlikely. How often do you knock on someone's door 3 times, or someone knocks on your door 3 times. I would think that is a regular occurrence.

As for the actual knocks that occurred, I have no idea. Although sometimes hearing a sound, thinking it came from a certain direction or area can be misleading. There are quite a few times when I'm in the woods and hear birds chirping, so I try to find them. They are almost never in the area that I 'heard' them coming from, because I believe the sound is bouncing around, so a sound that seems like it's coming from in front of me, is actually to my right.

Maybe there's a possibility it was a small animal or bird that is in a duct in the house, or outside.
I've had a very similar experience, and I'm glad to have found your account here. I wound up starting a forum for people who've experienced the knocs... you're welcome to to join: _http://3knocks.forumer.com


Mod: link deactivated
I typed in "symbolic meaning knock" and found this:

KNOCK a issue is being addressed in your real life conscious world
KNOCK a warning or awareness of something - be on guard
KNOCK ask for a favour
KNOCK asked for help and advice
KNOCK new opportunities
KNOCK warning

They could be wrong though, but maybe your surroundings are telling you that you shouldn't play WoW hahaha :P
(i used to play it as well and when I played it it took quite a lot of 'time' and energy of me, did you check the Games thread yet?)
is ther anything about the 3 knocks?

Yeah. You did say that you didn't do this to yourself, and I agree that your 'conscious' self probably didn't. :)

Your subconscious self is different, and its significant that this knocking resumed each time you returned to activities that 'zone out' the mind: drinking and vid games.

My first thought is that your subconscious mind is telling you to "Knock it off": meaning, to think about what the combination of beer, video games, and a lit cig can lead to late at night. (sleepiness, fire hazard etc)

Sometimes your subconscious mind will use mild phenomena to get your attention. Knocking is one of those.

Do you exercise at all? If you're spending all your spare time playing vid games, it can negatively affect your health. Try going for a walk a few times a day, see if that helps.

The phenomena is just a symptom, its not the main point....osit :D

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