The Living Force
About 4:30pm yesterday i noticed an article about contamination to the water supply of our area and to boil all water for ingestion, as well as for brushing the teeth, bathing is apparently fine.
Obviously for those not online this information came hours later and it seems United Utilities hadn't done much in the way to alert people. There were many comments that people - particularly children and old people (who aren't necessarily online or listening to the radio) had been drinking the water all day without hearing anything.
We're now told this could last into next week. Apparently they detected it by Thursday afternoon (or a bit earlier) and it's:
And this is also the area where they - tptb - were pushing Fracking the hardest, and lost, for now. Though the frackers are back already challenging the councils decison that it would be damaging to the environment.
It's quite an inconvenience and a little off putting even washing the pots but luckily, atm, i don't have to get up in the morning for work and tackle the poison water issue.
Apparently shelves were 'cleared' of water inthe shops but the image i saw there was still water left! ;) Either way, if it lasts over the weekend, and it seems it will because the water company sound absolutely incompetent, it WILL start to get tricky. Already thousands of people could be exposed so i'll leave this here and post any updates. To note, i currently solely drink sparkling (plastic) bottled water, so i'm not drinking toilet water, but a little plastic hormones instead.
Also of note, are the multitude of utility issues going on around here - an area was without water a few weeks ago, before that a power outage of an aerospace facility for 12 hours (!), which was the second time that year, incompetence or other, i don't know.
Regarding where it could have come from, it could be cross contamination OR since we're surrounded by fields, the implication i got from one article is it could be due to farm run ouff (or something) but, either way, it aint the cows fault! Also thought it was interesting what with all the parasite discussions..
Obviously for those not online this information came hours later and it seems United Utilities hadn't done much in the way to alert people. There were many comments that people - particularly children and old people (who aren't necessarily online or listening to the radio) had been drinking the water all day without hearing anything.
We're now told this could last into next week. Apparently they detected it by Thursday afternoon (or a bit earlier) and it's:
So this is just a post to note what's up! Last week an area not far from here was without water so they supplied bottles - i think it was over the weekend, and the sea water here is often reported as containing E-coli and what not - the area was THE beach resort in the 40's or something. Not anymore!"[from] fecally contaminated water ...
Infection with Cryptosporidium represents a wide range of severity from asymptomatic infections to life-threatening diarrhea."
And this is also the area where they - tptb - were pushing Fracking the hardest, and lost, for now. Though the frackers are back already challenging the councils decison that it would be damaging to the environment.
It's quite an inconvenience and a little off putting even washing the pots but luckily, atm, i don't have to get up in the morning for work and tackle the poison water issue.
Apparently shelves were 'cleared' of water inthe shops but the image i saw there was still water left! ;) Either way, if it lasts over the weekend, and it seems it will because the water company sound absolutely incompetent, it WILL start to get tricky. Already thousands of people could be exposed so i'll leave this here and post any updates. To note, i currently solely drink sparkling (plastic) bottled water, so i'm not drinking toilet water, but a little plastic hormones instead.
Also of note, are the multitude of utility issues going on around here - an area was without water a few weeks ago, before that a power outage of an aerospace facility for 12 hours (!), which was the second time that year, incompetence or other, i don't know.
Regarding where it could have come from, it could be cross contamination OR since we're surrounded by fields, the implication i got from one article is it could be due to farm run ouff (or something) but, either way, it aint the cows fault! Also thought it was interesting what with all the parasite discussions..
Q. My water's discoloured, is it safe?
A. We have switched over the local water supplies, and we know from past experience that this can cause some local discolouration because it stirs up sediment in the pipes. The discolouration is not due to any leaks into the pipes underground. We are continuing to test the water as usual and are confident the water remains safe to use when boiled.
If your water is white, this is caused by air in the system and sometimes appears when supplies are switched or while pipes are being re-charged with water.
20:16 Thursday 06 August 2015 [the local paper published this 4-5 hours after scare reported]
A map showing the areas affected by the water contamination scare has been issued.
United Utilities urged residents to boil their drinking water after traces of the bug cryptosporidium – a microscopic parasite which can cause stomach cramps and diarrhoea - was found at Franklaw Water treatment plant in Catterall, near Garstang.
The warning is in place across parts of the North West, and customers in Blackpool, Fylde, Wyre, Chorley, Preston and South Ribble are being urged to boil their water for drinking, food preparation and brushing teeth as a precaution until further notice.
WATER SCARE: What is Cryptosporidium?
editorial image
17:06Thursday 06 August 2015
Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite. There are two species associated with human infection; Cryptosporidium parvum and C. hominis.
Cryptosporidium affects the epithelial cells of the human gastrointestinal tract and other tissue such as the respiratory tract. It can also parasitse over 45 species of vertebrate including birds, fish, reptiles and mammals.
Infection with Cryptosporidium represents a wide range of severity from asymptomatic infections to life-threatening diarrhea. Asymptomatic infections are a likely source of infection for other people.
The diarrhea is profuse and watery and is associated with abdominal cramps. In immunologically healthy people symptoms may come and go and is typically cleared in less than a month.
In people who cannot clear the parasite (HIV), the infection can be prolonged and can lead to death.
Infection with Cryptosporidium is typically transmitted by the fecal-oral route; fecally contaminated water or food and person-to-person contact.
The parasitic stage that is infectious is called the oocyst. This stage of the parasite is immediately infectious to others. The amount of oocysts that is required to cause is infection is quite low (10-30 oocysts) and can survive in chlorine treated water.
People at most risk for infection are young children, animal handlers, travelers, men who have sex with men,[?] and close contacts of infected people like family members and day care workers.
There have been several outbreaks of Cryptosporidiosis seen worldwide with most being associated with recreational water, day care centers and drinking water contamination. The most notorious is the outbreak in Milwaukee in 1993 where 400,000 people got infected through the water plants filtration system.
Though cryptosporidiosis in immunocompetent people is typically self-limiting, a large, rapid loss of fluid is treated with fluid replacement and Nitazoxanide. In HIV infected individuals, nitazoxanide or a combination of several drugs may be required to decrease the diarrhea.
Laboratory diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis can be through finding the oocysts microscopically in the patients stool, by the use of enzyme immunoassay procedure or PCR.
What can be done to prevent infection with Cryptosporidium?
• Good hygienic practices like handwashing and not swimming when sick with diarrhea;
• Appropriate treatment or avoidance of contaminated water. Filtering or boiling water, avoid swallowing water while swimming;
• Taking precautions while travelling.
Lancashire homes told to boil water after parasite found
1 hour ago
From the section Lancashire
Illness caused by the microbe cryptosporidium has been linked to drinking or swimming in contaminated water
More than 300,000 households in Lancashire will have to boil drinking water into next week, United Utilities has said.
Routine tests by the company found "low" traces of the microscopic parasite cryptosporidium at Franklaw water treatment works outside Preston.
The alert affects Blackpool, Chorley, Fylde, Preston, South Ribble and Wyre.
Cryptosporidium can cause gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhoea and abdominal cramps.
People with weak immune systems are likely to be more seriously affected.
Some customers have criticised United Utilities for not informing customers quickly enough.
Blackpool resident Robert Parker said local shops had sold out of bottled water.
No advice
He emailed the BBC saying: "We, as United Utilities customers did not get any advise regarding this issue, and only heard via the BBC news this morning, and have drank several glasses of water during the interim time period.
"We believe that United Utilities have not taken the issue seriously enough and not made sufficient steps to advise customers. We have an on-line account with them and haven't received an email, which we thought would be the minimum response!!"
"My wife and I need to take regular medication and our only recourse is to now boil water and cool it off prior to use, not ideal."
Cryptosporidium exists in the environment in a form called an oocyst, which is less than a tenth of the thickness of a human hair.
Traces were found in recent samples of water from Franklaw works, a United Utilities spokesman added.