4 d dream


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

Today I have strength dream, at this moment I'm doing non stop EE program .... + diet + detox + gym + reading + observing my self and others .
in the dream I have been visited by QFS team ... the were strength calm and strength looking ( all young 28 yeras old ) they wear this same clothes ...
I was in the home and qfs were outside of home - they have cried for me -- and they show me that THIS REALITY is not REALITY that we live in... I want go but I must to take.... ( knife... shoes .. and other stuff always wants something that i forgot to take... and they waiting for me cried that there is no time... )
I realize THAT I MUST LEFT ALL because this is 3D and there outside with them is 4d nad Nothing that I take will not be used .. because there is ALL NEW.
I leaft all go without shoes and woke UP.

This was so realistic dream that i remember it and it was meaning for me . to STOP doing 3d just Concentrate to 4D and WORK.

If you have question , suggestion just ask..
hi, i just want to share and describe also a weird dream i had last night, in which i was just in an strange pale yellow-lighted room and had the general feeling i had during the day, then all of the sudden a voice in kind of within me and the room as well tells me something like"the time has ended this is 4th" and from then on i "felt the counting" and knew almost exactly when it was gonna change; the yellowish light distorted and i clearly saw the same objects in the room in a more than vivid "deep" color, but some how felt some "suggestion" in creating such environment from my part, however, the feeling and how i saw things were extremely weird, like transparent extentions from the objects in the room. i saw this guy all the time (i thought it was me) looking at a mirror also transparent like but the colors were much more vivid and and vibrating in my ears.
i personally think that besides being partly a suggestion from myself, it was an abduction. i prefer to thinking that first due to the struggle im having lately in trying to balance my emotional life
im not sure of what it could have been, but i had an strange feeling all day long
Yes sometimes i'm wonder how it will be look transformation wake up ?in other Good realms ?
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