5 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest


I didn't know what topic to post this under exactly. But supposedly 2 snipers were firing at police at the end of a public protest of the recent police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota in Dallas, TX this evening. My assumption on this is that the perpetrators were either backlash for the recent police shootings this week or perhaps there is something much more fishier going on with these attacks on officers, a la agents provacateurs and the like. Whatever is going on, it's ugly and just more "signs of the times" with the authoritarian state hard at work with its many crimes and deceptions!

I do not wish death or violence on anyone, even though the current American police state agitates me to no end. My heart goes out to the officers murdered and those that were injured.
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

VIDEO: Protest underway in Oakland against recent police shootings, 880 blocked
By Vince Cestone, KRON Published: July 7, 2016, 6:15 pm Updated: July 7, 2016, 9:31 pm




Stir the plot (pot)

Google tweets dismay at police shootings
Published: July 7, 2016, 6:31 pm Updated: July 7, 2016, 6:43 pm
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

Police update: a summary


Dallas police are engaged in a standoff with an armed suspect in a garage. The suspect has fired at police and claims to have placed bombs in the city:
The suspect we are negotiating with … has told our negotiators that the end is coming and he’s going to hurt and kill more of us … and that there are bombs all over the place, here and downtown.

Three other people have been detained by police: a woman who was stopped close to the garage, plus two people who were stopped in a dark Mercedes.
Dallas police chief David Brown said police believed four people had worked together to launch the attack, but he did not speculate on any motive for the shootings. He said the people in custody were not cooperating:
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

#BlackLivesMatter protesters block Morrison Bridge in Portland (Video)
By KATU.com Staff Friday, July 8th 2016
Hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters blocked the Morrison Bridge ramp in Portland Thursday night.

Portland Police Bureau officers in tactical gear stopped the crowd from crossing to the east side for several hours, until the protesters started dispersing around 11 p.m.

Many protesters screamed at police about wanting to cross the bridge, chanting "Black lives matter!"and "Hey, hey, ho, ho, these racist cops have got to go."

Earlier in the evening, a Don't Shoot PDX rally and a Black Lives Matter rally joined together for a march from the Justice Center to the Morrison Bridge.

All events have have remained peaceful, though a man was seen pulling out a gun.

No shots were fired, and no one was injured.

"He just pulled out a gun and started pointing it at some people to get back," Mike Bivins said.

He was placed in police custody and arrested. His name hasn't been released.

Reports from Dallas is that a man was witnessed throwing a bag into the trunk of a Mercedes, and 2 men was being questioned, (He was dressed in camo fatigues).

Shortly before midnight, a Dallas police officer saw an individual carrying a camouflaged bag, walking quickly down Lamar Street. The person threw the bag in the back of a black Mercedes which then sped off, police said.

Police questioned both occupants of the vehicle and they were released, KXAS-TV (NBC5) reported.

Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

It's the US's Maidan.

Added: Five officers dead, now.

Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

Полицейские в США застрелили с начала года почти 500 человек

Почти 500 человек застрелили с начала нынешнего года при различных обстоятельствах полицейские в США, сообщила в четверг на своем сайте газета Washington Post.
Согласно ее данным, в первые шесть месяцев текущего года в инцидентах с участием блюстителей порядка погиб 491 человек. Это на 26 смертельных случаев больше, чем было зарегистрировано за аналогичный период прошлого года, сообщается в материале.
Количество полицейских, погибших в перестрелках при исполнении служебных обязанностей, также возросло.
Если год назад их было 16, то теперь скорбный список пополнили 20 имен.
«В среднем чернокожие в перестрелках с полицией гибнут в 2,5 раза чаще, чем белые», — отмечает издание. По его данным, «менее 10 процентов застреленных не были вооружены, каждый четвертый страдал психическими расстройствами».
Как указывается, «теперь больше подобных инцидентов остается на видео». По данным издания, в прошлом году на пленку попало 76 таких случаев, в нынешнем — 105.
Цифры однако страшные.

Police in the US shot and killed since the beginning of the year, almost 500 people

Almost 500 people shot and killed since the beginning of this year under different circumstances, police in the United States, said Thursday on its website, the Washington Post.
In the first six months of this year in incidents involving peace officers killed 491 people. This is 26 deaths more than was registered over the same period last year, according to the material.
The number of police killed in the shootings in the performance of official duties has also increased.
If a year ago there were 16, now mournful, added to the list of 20 names.
"On average, blacks in police shootings killed 2.5 times more often than white", — notes the edition. According to him, "less than 10% shot were not armed, every fourth suffered from mental disorders".
As stated, "now more of these incidents remains video. According to the newspaper, last year the film hit 76 such cases in the current — 105.
However, the numbers are terrible.
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

Knowledge Junkie 2012 said:
I didn't know what topic to post this under exactly. But supposedly 2 snipers were firing at police at the end of a public protest of the recent police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota in Dallas, TX this evening. My assumption on this is that the perpetrators were either backlash for the recent police shootings this week or perhaps there is something much more fishier going on with these attacks on officers, a la agents provacateurs and the like. Whatever is going on, it's ugly and just more "signs of the times" with the authoritarian state hard at work with its many crimes and deceptions!

I do not wish death or violence on anyone, even though the current American police state agitates me to no end. My heart goes out to the officers murdered and those that were injured.

This is very sad. I wonder if this is part of their plan to divide the people.

They said that one guy was 'a person of interest', and they put up his picture all over the news. He turned out to be innocent:

Mr Hughes said: 'Police officers were lying. They said they had video of me shooting the gun, which is a lie. They said they had witnesses saying that I shot a gun, which is a lie. At the end of the day the system was trying to get me.'

The reporter asked him if he had got an apology from the police.

He replied: 'I said "now you have my face on national news are y'all going to come out and say that this young man had nothing to do with it".'
Mr Hughes said he had not received an apology.

Earlier footage emerged of him handing over the weapon to police.

Cory Hughes earlier told KTVT his brother had brought the weapon - which was unloaded - to the protest simply to exercise his Second Amendment rights to bear arms.

It is thought the gun may have been an AR-15 assault rifle, which is legal to carry in Texas. The weapon has been highlighted recently as it has been used in many of America's gun massacres but has not been outlawed by Congress.

After his brother was released Cory Hughes told CBS11 TV: 'I am so overwhelmed with emotion right now. I’m trying to be strong right now for my family that I know is watching. but I’m crying on the inside because we simply came to be a voice, for those that don’t have a voice and we went from being a voice, to being a suspects and being villains and my question is why?'

On Thursday night Dallas Police released an image of Mr Hughes brandishing a rifle as he walked through the city wearing a camouflage shirt.
The force tweeted: 'Please help us find him!'

But a video showed him wandering among panicked protesters moments after gunfire erupted and he was not shooting.

Dallas Police are understood to have said that Mr Hughes was only ever a 'person of interest' and never a suspect.
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

This is very sad. I wonder if this is part of their plan to divide the people.

It has a the spinning's of........................ :whistle: imho



1 Suspect In Custody After Snipers Kill 4 Cops, Wound 7 More In Downtown Dallas - Live Feeds
by Tyler Durden
Jul 8, 2016 2:43 AM


Update 2: According to Breaking 911, the Dallas gunman has been described as a black male wearing green ballistic vest with a long gun. Fox adds that 3-6 officers have been "gravely wounded" while according to the International Spectator there is an active situation at the Omni Hotel in Dallas. There are reports of two suspects.

"There are three to six officers who are gravely wounded, according to my sources inside the Dallas Police Department," KDFW's Shaun Robb reported, adding, "This is going to be an international story."

One was a Dallas police officer and the second officer was a Dallas Area Rapid Transit officer, KDFW is reporting. KDFW also reports that police are in negotiations with a second suspect.

Local Fox-affiliate KTVT relayed police commands that the suspect was armed with a rifle in a nearby alley, after previously, the station had reported that at least one suspect was down, following SWAT officers with shields storming a parking garage.


DeadFred MonsterBox Jul 7, 2016 10:40 PM
Operation Chaos wasn't supposed to start for another week or two I thought.

alvadordaly curbjob Jul 8, 2016 1:22 AM
2 shootings of black men (by police) in the last couple days.
1 in Baton Rouge Louisiana
1 in Minnesotoa
1 protest in Dallas??? Sparks a shooting spree on Police???? Why is Dallas such a hot bed of protest????
Notice the question marks that I have there. It does not make sense. I am in Houston, no protest here. Dallas,, Dallas??? Baton Rouge, or Minnesota has protest with Police taking fire????? Again question marks. How does all this come together so far from the actual towns that these "unjustices" happend???? Seems a little bit out of line, but I guess I am just supposed to say OK??? I don't know about you but I am not just saying OK. My Spidey senses are tingling. What about that whole Hillary, FBI thingy,,, oh nevermind. Rock on Amerika, the best god damned thing since, well , since, ever!!
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

How convenient, kill three birds with one stone.

Hillary’s crime is off the front page; gun control is back on the front page. And the icing is the police are now looking “justified” in shooting first and asking questions later. Honestly its getting so obvious and boring.

Always the same sh*t with a different smell. :mad:
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney said this on Facebook last night:
"Protesters, beware the FBI-embedded agent provocateurs, gunmen. Remember COINTELPRO against American Indian Movement and the Black Panthers!"
I suspect something of that sort is what happened. Especially because the protests were peaceful and some cops were even posing for pictures with protesters. I think the fact that it was going so smoothly is why Dallas was specifically targeted (by the STS Consortium, perhaps?) to be disrupted by snipers, to further racial tensions and tensions between the general public and the police.
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

FROM CBS DFW: The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous. Members of law enforcement, along with fire and EMS personnel conducted an active shooter exercise at a North Texas high school on Wednesday.

Emergency vehicles could be seen responding with lights and sirens at Argyle High School. Local hospitals also participated in the disaster drill.

The event includes realistic scenarios that have actors playing victims and officers using fake gun rounds.

The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous. Members of law enforcement, along with fire and EMS personnel conducted an active shooter exercise at a North Texas high school on Wednesday.

Emergency vehicles could be seen responding with lights and sirens at Argyle High School. Local hospitals also participated in the disaster drill.

The event includes realistic scenarios that have actors playing victims and officers using fake gun rounds.

Argyle ISD Police Chief Paul Cairney said officials are taking every consideration and realize a shooting event can happen in a small town. “We’ve been thinking about that. But one of the things that we need to make sure that we do, if something were to happen, is we need to have the whole response coordinated and coordinated well, because we don’t want to have anymore people that are hurt,” he said.

Isn’t it ironic that another drill took place right before a major tragedy?

What about the military precision of the shooter?

More to come as the situation unfolds…


An active shooter drill in Dallas 8 days before the shootings of police in Dallas. I was actually thinking this event was something other than another false flag, with all that everyone is posting here, it's starting to look like more of the same old tricks, same old MO, it seems.

[edit: Argyle is 41 miles north of Dallas]
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

Dallas Ambush Follows Pattern of Provocateured False Flags
Published on Jul 8, 2016
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: _https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=19161
In February 2014 paramilitary snipers (later identified as Gladio operatives) opened fire on protestors and police forces in Ukraine, escalating the crisis and putting the final nail in the coffin of Yanukovych's rule. In March 2011 the "spontaneous democratic protest" in Daraa led to carnage as trained snipers killed seven policemen, escalating the crisis and launching the five-year long devestation of Syria. In July 2016 unidentified snipers opened fire at an otherwise peaceful protest in Dallas, potentially sparking America's next civil war. Do you see a pattern?
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

Nima said:
How convenient, kill three birds with one stone.

Hillary’s crime is off the front page; gun control is back on the front page. And the icing is the police are now looking “justified” in shooting first and asking questions later. Honestly its getting so obvious and boring.

Always the same sh*t with a different smell. :mad:
This is what I thought as well, the cops pretty much needed this tragedy to garner the support of the authoritarian followers.
Re: 4 Police Officers dead, Numerous officers injured in Dallas, TX protest

I was expecting something like this to happen eventually, with the color revolution in the USA coming down the pike. Race relations have always been a contentious fault line in US politics and culture. Soros' funding behind the scenes of Black Lives Matter seems to be on par for the divide-and-conquer strategy that the elite goes for. Blacks are owed something by the US, but the #BLM movement itself does have some pathological elements in it (such as t-shirts that say the wearer bathes in white tears, or debates on whether whites should be subjected to genocide). I think some of these psychopaths (from either the #BLM or #BlueLivesMatter camp) are definitely attracted to the idea of a race war in the US, to allow them to act out their pathology with impunity. The indiscriminate murder of police is just another step in that direction. I mean there would have been less outrage if it was a specific revenge killing of a murderous officer, but the violence present thus far in Dallas has been nothing short of utterly senseless and tragic. If that's not the hallmark of those who fundamentally enjoy destruction for its own sake, then probably nothing is.

It's not going to be a great stretch for Black Lives Matter to eventually be labeled a terrorist organization, with all coming down of the DHS and FEMA on black communities that that entails.
Micah Johnson, the main suspect in the deadly attack on police in Dallas, Texas last night, had served in Afghanistan and received several medals from the US military, The Hill reported.

Main Suspect in Dallas Attack Served in Afghanistan, Received Awards

Twenty-five-year-old Johnson was a US Army reservist deployed to Afghanistan from November 2013 to July 2014.

Johnson received the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, National Defense Service Medal and Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, among other awards, the report noted.

US police will resort to military style defense strategies during protests in the wake of the Dallas shooting of police officers, former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said on Friday.

US Police to Enter ‘Military Mode’ After Dallas Attack - Police Ex-Head

Five Dallas police officers were shot and killed at a protest in the city that took place following the death of two black men who were killed by police in separate incidents in Louisiana and Minnesota. Police killed Johnson after the attack by exploding a bomb in the location where he was cornered.

This is a game changer. Police now are going to have to worry about force protection, go into a more military mode now when handling any of these demonstrations," Davis said during an interview with FOX Business.

To take down the Dallas sniper on Thursday night, police used an explosive delivered by a robot, a first for US law enforcement agencies.

'New Horizon': Dallas Police Become First to Use a Robot to Kill

[...] But the tragedy is also making headlines because of the unusual way in which the shooting suspect was neutralized.

“We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension for it to detonate where the suspect was,” Chief David Brown told reporters on Friday. “Other options would have exposed our officers to grave danger. The suspect is deceased…He’s been deceased because of a detonation of the bomb.”

This marks the first time that a domestic police force has used a robot to kill a suspect.

According to the New York mayor, the New York Police Department (NYPD) will increase patrols at future protests.

New York City Police to Increase Patrols at Future Protests

The New York Police Department (NYPD) will increase patrols at future protests after the shooting death of five police officers in Dallas, Texas on Thursday night, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said during a press conference.

"There will be very substantial police presence at all protests. We are going to make sure there are plenty of officers to keep everyone safe so our officers have plenty of backup and support," de Blasio stated on Friday.

These apparently unprovoked attacks on individuals who were not directly involved in threatening the life of the shooters are a hindrance to the progression of liberty and police accountability.

Random acts of violence will only serve to undo what little progress those of us in the peaceful movement have accomplished and, in fact, will reverse it and prevent any future progress.

Attacking Police and Enacting Violence Will Do Nothing to Stop Brutality — It Will Make it Far Worse

Random acts of violence will only serve to undo what little progress those of us in the peaceful movement have accomplished and, in fact, will reverse it and prevent any future progress.

Violently attacking the government creates victims out of the ones we are trying to expose as criminals.

Those who initiate and support such violence will be complicit in creating the hellish police state that will inevitably ensue as a consequence of their actions.

It will start a war in which the people are the enemy.

We can simply look back to 9-11 as an example of what is to come if this violence continues.

Prior to 9-11 the TSA did not exist, indefinite detention did not exist, the NSA did not spy on American citizens, the police weren’t given armored assault vehicles, and Americans could not be assassinated without trial.

If these acts of aggressive violence against the State continue, we can expect to see what little civil liberties are left to be whisked away in the name of protection from the ‘domestic terror threat.’

We can expect to see peaceful activists rounded up and detained indefinitely. We can expect to see homes raided of individuals who are speaking out against the State. We will see more and more checkpoints, and less and less unmolested travel.

If you think that the American people can somehow win in a war against the military industrial complex that the US has built up in the last decade and a half, you are seriously delusional.

Your AR-15 will do nothing against thermal imaging predator drones equipped with Raytheon’s small tactical munitions designed for blowing up single homes. They will not stop the MRAP as it plows through your front door. No matter how you slice it, the most well-armed American citizen is no match for the hundreds of billions spent annually by the US on warfare.

No, this battle will not be won with weaponry as the US spends more annually on defense than the next 13 largest militaries in the world, combined.

Also, the above scenarios don’t take into account the public’s support. If a group of people rise up and claim to be freedom fighters and they do not have the support of the citizens, well, that “revolution” was over before it started.

[...] As a former Marine, I know that before I woke up to this tyranny, I would have done anything my leaders told me, including initiating force against Americans — especially if there were an increase in the prevalence of unprovoked violence against the State like we just witnessed in Dallas.

However, I also know firsthand how people can change once presented with the information that frees them from their Statist bonds. Most of these police officers are simply brainwashed into thinking they are doing the right thing. They just need to see their true reflection enough times to realize that they are not. It is up to you and me to provide this reflection.

That is why we must win the hearts and minds of the people within the State. We must expose as much of their violence and corruption as we can, for that is what garners support — not murder.

We must show that those of us who stand against this state corruption are the good guys. We are not some violent group of terrorists who are quick to don the pitchforks and torches and beg for blood.

)Article continues.)

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the US Justice Department intends to provide assistance in the investigation of the Dallas shooting.

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch Makes Statement on Dallas Tragedy

"We intend to provide any assistance that we can to investigate this attack," Lynch stated during a press conference.

"To all Americans, I ask you, I implore you, do not let this week precipitate a new normal in this country," Lynch stated.

She called for a "calm and peaceful" response to racially profiled incidents.

Earlier in the day, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said the suspect in the deadly police attack been killed by a bomb planted by the law enforcement after negotiations had broken down.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is coordinating with Democratic activists to so disrupt the upcoming Republican and Democratic National Conventions that martial law will be declared.

That’s the stunning discovery revealed in a series of direct messages between three activists.

Hacked messages of #BlackLivesMatter leader reveal Obama admin’s plan for ‘summer of chaos’ and martial law

On Friday, June 10, 2016, someone hacked into the Twitter account of #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) leader and former Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay McKesson. McKesson later confirmed the hack to The Baltimore Sun.

On June 11, 2016, a Twitterer who calls himself The Saint (@TheSaintNegro) tweeted a direct-message conversation on June 10 between KcKesson and another BLM leader Johnetta Elzie (Netta), in which the two discussed talking with Attorney General Loretta Lynch about plans to bring on martial law by causing chaos at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA, so as to keep Obama in office.

Here’s the conversation over the course of several days between black activists DeRay McKesson (DM) and Johnetta Elzie (JE), and between McKesson and a “white ally” named Sam (S):

JE: “Have you spoken with Mrs. Lynch [Attorney General Loretta Lynch] recently about the plan for the summer and fall leading up to the elections.”

DM: “We spoke two weeks and they want us to start really pushing how racist Trump is now instead of waiting so the others can start getting the protesters ready to shut both conventions down.”

DM: “If we can get both conventions shut down for messing over Bernie and for having racist Trump, then get martial law declared so Obama can stay in office we will win. Call you soon when I get to my dads so I can use his landline and we can talk more on this.”

DM: “We have to make sure that we use our voices to keep people disrupting Trump all summer and through the fall so martial law can be declared….”

S: “I wanted to touch base with you about the summer of chaos. So far we have over 2,000 people bused in from different cities and another 6,000 to 8,000 expected to drive into Cleveland for the Convention.”

S: “They will not be ready for the crowds we are bringing and they will blame Trump for it, especially if we shut it down. The GOP will have to replace him at that point or we will continue the disruptions nationwide.”

DM: “I will pass the info along. Good work, Sam. You never let us down. It’s so important we stop Trump. He can not be president. He will destroy everything we worked so hard for and we can’t trust….”

DM: “…today and he [Sam?] confirmed that there will be around 10,000 protesters disrupting the [Republican] convention. Plans are being made for other cities as well for upcoming Trump events. Ads have already been placed looking for people to help. I know you don’t care for them [white people] but this is the time we need our white allies doing a lot of the work for us. They are the ones who listen the best.”

JE: “That will put fear into the GOP and the country when they can’t have their convention for all their racist supporting Trump. We’ve worked too hard and closely with the Obama administration to have that racist ass take it all away and Hillary…. You know I can’t stand those white allies, but yo right this is the best to use them. They hang on every word you say and will do whatever is asked. I just hate all that kiss ass they try to do. Like that changes who they are.”

DM: “We have a lot of white allies volunteering for Trump’s campaign to pass along information to us before it’s made public so we know when rallies are coming up before they are announced. That way we can plan major disruptions in those cities in advance. We just have to keep our names out of this and let these white people do the work for us by pushing how Trump’s racist ways will destroy….”

JE: “That’s all those white people are good for in my eyes. I couldn’t imagine even pretending to like that racist ass Trump even to get info on his events. I’ll be glad when we shut his ass down.”

DM: “With the support we have from Mrs. Lynch and the help we’ve got from Sam and others it won’t be hard to cause enough….”

Here are screenshots of The Saint‘s series of tweets: (At website)

The authorities seem to be taking the plan to disrupt the Republican Convention seriously.

As reported by Alice Speri for The Intercept, June 23, 2016, local police and federal agents from the FBI, DHS, and Secret Service are knocking on the doors of activists and community organizers in Cleveland asking about their plans for the Republican National Convention in July.

On June 29, 2016, Deray McKesson sort of confirmed the plan when he went public with warnings about “possible” protests at the DNC and RNC, as reported by USA Today.

In fact, a recent survey showed that as many as 67% of Democrats want Obama for a third term.
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