Saw that on Yahoo today. It is a shame that so many people are going to see and read that and think that everything is going to turn out ok.
Then you have a totally different message from an ex-aide to an ex-prime minister in the UK tweeting to stock up on water and food because it is going to get 20x worse than 2008. I wonder what is up with this coming from an insider - that is one way to spark panic even if I happen to agree with him.
As some forum members have already figured out, the PTB/MSM have been awfully busy lately sending out mixed signals regarding the possibility of an economic collapse. Some factions within the control system actually want panic, as they might profit from it, while others are in denial. And some may see pitchforks in the future and are desperately looking for a scapegoat(s) to pin the blame on.
As some forum members have already figured out, the PTB/MSM have been awfully busy lately sending out mixed signals regarding the possibility of an economic collapse. Some factions within the control system actually want panic, as they might profit from it, while others are in denial. And some may see pitchforks in the future and are desperately looking for a scapegoat(s) to pin the blame on.
Indeed, for now they seem to be pinning the blame on China's economic slowdown, and currency devaluations. Its going to get much worse down the road and soon they will be running out of excuses...
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