8.0 quake hits off Chilean coast, triggers tsunami alert


The Living Force
8.0 quake hits off Chilean coast, triggers tsunami alert
Published time: April 02, 2014 00:07
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Earthquake, South America

A massive earthquake has struck off the coast of Chile measuring at a magnitude of 8.0, according to the US Geological Survey.

A tsunami warning has been issued for all Latin American Pacific coast, according to the USGS.

The quake occurred Tuesday 86 km northwest mining area of Iquique. The epicenter was located at a shallow depth of about 10km below the seabed.

The Chile National Office of Emergency of the Interior Ministry has ordered a preventative evacuation for the coastal areas of Arica, Parinacota, and Tarapacá, La Tercera reported.

"An earthquake of this size has the potential to generate a destructive tsunami that can strike coastlines near the epicenter within minutes and more distant coastlines within hours," the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.


(TheWeatherSpace.com) – An 8.0 Earthquake hit Chile on Tuesday, and when these hit the Western United States answers back with an Earthquake.

In my theory of watching patterns, when Chile or Peru strike with a large Earthquake, the effects can be felt across the world, pertaining to the fault-zones. An 8.0 earthquake means that the waves are going through the planet, ringing all fault-lines like a bell. It is very likely that reverb from these will hit and with a target of the Western United States.

So far this hasn’t failed to happen, and happened as well during the 1970s Sylmar Earthquake of Southern California.
Event Time

2014-04-01 23:46:45 UTC
2014-04-01 18:46:45 UTC-05:00 at epicenter
2014-04-01 16:46:45 UTC-07:00 system time


19.630°S 70.863°W depth=10.0km (6.2mi)
Nearby Cities

99km (62mi) NW of Iquique, Chile
140km (87mi) SSW of Arica, Chile
191km (119mi) SSW of Tacna, Peru
225km (140mi) SSE of Ilo, Peru
449km (279mi) SW of La Paz, Bolivia
itellsya said:
The quake occurred Tuesday 86 km northwest mining area of Iquique. The epicenter was located at a shallow depth of about 10km below the seabed.

That's got to have great repercussions. Thanks for sharing itellsya.
This earthquake has been preceded by a lot of seismic activity in the same zone. It has just been upgraded to 8.2

Tsunami alerts:
Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia

Tsunami Watch in Effect For:
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras
Yes, it occured around 23:46:46 UTC, just at the end of the first day of the month, whatever it means.
Hope everyone in Latin America is safe. Whenever you have the chance, please let us know how you're doing.
mkrnhr said:
Yes, it occured around 23:46:46 UTC, just at the end of the first day of the month, whatever it means.

Mkrnhr how it felt ? Are you ok? We had tsunami alert but it was cancel an hour ago!
SeekinTruth said:
Hope everyone in Latin America is safe. Whenever you have the chance, please let us know how you're doing.

Thanks for your concern SeekinTruth, at least here in Santiago (central zone in Chile) we didn't feel the earthquake. Yesterday I could not do EE, but when I did it today, the earthquake was in the middle of meditation.

While it is not possible to accurately predict these things, few minutes ago I saw this video where one person today in Mexico "predicted" the earthquake in northern Chile and southern Peru for this day, but through observing nature (winds and clouds), I found it interesting. Greetings.

I learned about this through the Earthquakes Tsunamis twitter account:


I don't know a whole lot about the subject but there have been at least 25 aftershocks that have been big enough for them to register (4.5 or higher) and they're still going on. I know aftershocks often continue for a while but are they usually this strong and this frequent?
SeekinTruth said:
Hope everyone in Latin America is safe. Whenever you have the chance, please let us know how you're doing.
Me too. In my case, I live much further east. Perhaps it is appropriate for those who live in a obvious seismic area to consider seriously moving to another place?. I know it's complicated, but the times are given clear warnings.
During this day there have been over 100 aftershocks, and now, a few minutes ago, another earthquake been upgraded to 7.4 and a new evacuation of the people of northern of Chile starts, because of a new tsunami warning.


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