90's Poems

Mountain Crown

The Living Force
I used to write.

To be alone
Is a bitter pill
Alone in the midst of people
Is lonelier still

Mysteries profane
Mysteries blessed
No question harder pressed:
Does the one for which I yearn
Love me in return?

I’m waitin for the D train
Just got off the 9
With a mean & nasty hangover
From drinkin too much wine
The man across the platform
Sees enough of my kind

One more degree of heat- I think I’ll lose my mind
I got the New York Transit Authority Blues

There’s a self appointed preacher
Standin ‘neath the clock
Howlin: “Bow before Jesus”
To an invisible flock
The stench of purulent flesh
Hits me like a rock

If I’m not out of here soon- I think I’ll go in shock
From the New York Transit Authority Blues
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