I felt like writing this article, after I started reading the book ‘Gift of Fear’. I request the gifted sott team to modify if needed and publish, if it is worth it.
After continuously watching the 65 hours of unfolding traumatic terrorist drama in Mumbai, I opened the book which recently I got with a hope of diverting my mind. As I started reading the book “ The Gift of Fear: And Other Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence “by Gavin de Becker, I was startled to find the real culprit of the attack which is different than world media wants us to believe as Pakistan. Before I go on with the reasons that identified the real culprit, I would like point out the known facts.
1. It is the USA that financed, supported, armed Pakistan for more than 30 yrs and an ally to Pakistan is all its crimes.
2. It is the USA pumped unaccounted 6 billions dollars to musharaff during the last 7 yrs in the name of WAR ON TERROR.
3. The computers used to send terror threats in all the bomb attacks happened this year is from American national called Kenneth Haywood with close links to American Police establishment.
4. It is the unsolicited worldwide blanket media coverage well before the details of terrorists emerged, which forces us the question the motive of US media which is controlled by handful of media barons. The Indian counterparts of these media went on to instigate the dissent in the Indian political process. Arnab Goswami Editor-in-Chief, ‘Times Now’ even demanded to rebel against the politicians and even suggested that Indian government should take the help of other governments with in hours of the terrorist attacks, when nothing was clear. This anchor either must be anti Indian or he is the agent of foreign governments. None the less, many of the India’s media outlets followed the same in search of the sensational news.
5. It is the US Govt. US federal intelligence, Israel intelligence agency, that were convened with in hours of terrorists attacks. Though this sounds proof for their generosity, it doesn't answer to the question, what is the motive behind the sudden abrupt interest in India where terrorism is not new and estimated 4108 terrorism incidents happened from 1970 to 2004 . If terror is the real concern, why didn’t they react the same way for the murder of 400 people in Nigeria just couple of days after Indian attack is over.
Before I switch your attention to the contents, I would like to quote the qualifications of the author, though these qualifications are not going to depict the invaluable advice he gives.
In this Book, he outlines the different techniques sexual or others predators use to obligate the victim to be taken advantage of. The backdrop for these techniques is the story of one of his client named Kelly, who is a rape victim. She was raped by a stranger who offered unsolicited help of carrying the vegetables into her house despite repeated rejection of his offer. The Authors starts these techniques with the following
The author goes on to explain these techniques.
It is the US, Israel and British media how India should and shouldn’t do. Though India desisted from responding, surely India started reacting to the west with more self criticism. Obviously these countries doesn’t have faintest idea of what issues involved with more than billion people cramped in a country 12 times denser than developed united states with a poverty rate of 20%. The Western media which is controlled by mere 5 companies already embarrassed India with their non-stop 62 hour coverage, when it is not prepared. The only thing that saved India is the failure of the collapse of Taj Hotel and casualty level. Indian black commando’s desisted the firing back in the Taj hotel, thus saving thousands of innocent lives, though took more than 2 days to cleanup.
What comes next from these so called security consultants is billions of dollars of worth suggestions and embarrassment of opening up its own short comings.
Again it is the US , Israel and Britain , that continue to ignore ‘No’, until is obligated to say ‘Yes’ when every thing is settled.
It is these same predatory techniques are used to unsuspecting American and Iraqi public to manipulate them and subsequently loot them. In Iraq, Iraqi’s are force teamed with American lead coalition forces with unsolicited promise of protection from the dictator (Loansharking) and plundered hundreds of billions of dollars worth of the Oil and ignored repeated requests of leaving the country.
In US, people are forced to team with their government after 911 under the influence of slogans ‘you are with us or you are against us aka terrorist', duped in the name of protection from terror (loansharking) and lost every fundamental constitutional rights they have. They were given unsolicited promises of protection from non-existent threat for their obedience to the wars and trillions of dollars bailout to the super rich banks, ignoring the repeated requests from the many of the senators and public.
India shouldn’t forget its history and three centuries of servitude, rape and plunder it faced from british East India company which entered India for in the name of trade and used its guns and wits of ‘divide and rule’ to conquer. It took hundreds of years of struggle by hundreds of millions of dedicated people to secure its freedom. India should be careful of the same predators, who are only interested its political agenda . What is at stake are not only its cheap high tech human resources , estimated 25000-30000 tons of gold , 300 million middle class and its independence itself.
After continuously watching the 65 hours of unfolding traumatic terrorist drama in Mumbai, I opened the book which recently I got with a hope of diverting my mind. As I started reading the book “ The Gift of Fear: And Other Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence “by Gavin de Becker, I was startled to find the real culprit of the attack which is different than world media wants us to believe as Pakistan. Before I go on with the reasons that identified the real culprit, I would like point out the known facts.
1. It is the USA that financed, supported, armed Pakistan for more than 30 yrs and an ally to Pakistan is all its crimes.
2. It is the USA pumped unaccounted 6 billions dollars to musharaff during the last 7 yrs in the name of WAR ON TERROR.
3. The computers used to send terror threats in all the bomb attacks happened this year is from American national called Kenneth Haywood with close links to American Police establishment.
4. It is the unsolicited worldwide blanket media coverage well before the details of terrorists emerged, which forces us the question the motive of US media which is controlled by handful of media barons. The Indian counterparts of these media went on to instigate the dissent in the Indian political process. Arnab Goswami Editor-in-Chief, ‘Times Now’ even demanded to rebel against the politicians and even suggested that Indian government should take the help of other governments with in hours of the terrorist attacks, when nothing was clear. This anchor either must be anti Indian or he is the agent of foreign governments. None the less, many of the India’s media outlets followed the same in search of the sensational news.
5. It is the US Govt. US federal intelligence, Israel intelligence agency, that were convened with in hours of terrorists attacks. Though this sounds proof for their generosity, it doesn't answer to the question, what is the motive behind the sudden abrupt interest in India where terrorism is not new and estimated 4108 terrorism incidents happened from 1970 to 2004 . If terror is the real concern, why didn’t they react the same way for the murder of 400 people in Nigeria just couple of days after Indian attack is over.
Before I switch your attention to the contents, I would like to quote the qualifications of the author, though these qualifications are not going to depict the invaluable advice he gives.
He is not an ordinary person. His company Gavin de becker, Incorporated’s Clients are federal government agencies( including U.S Marshals service , Federal reserve board, the central intelligence Agency), prosecutors, battered women’s shelters, giant corporations, universities, television stars , television stations, police departments, cities, states, movie studio’s, cultural figures, religious leaders, champion athletes, politicians, recording artists, movie stars and college students." Gavin De Becker is a three-time presidential appointee whose pioneering work has changed the way our governments evaluates threats to our nation's highest officials. His firm advises many of the world’s prominent media figures, corporations and law enforcement agencies on predicting the violence and it also serves the regular citizens who are victims of the domestic abuse and stalking."
In this Book, he outlines the different techniques sexual or others predators use to obligate the victim to be taken advantage of. The backdrop for these techniques is the story of one of his client named Kelly, who is a rape victim. She was raped by a stranger who offered unsolicited help of carrying the vegetables into her house despite repeated rejection of his offer. The Authors starts these techniques with the following
Some of the techniques are Forced Teaming, Typecasting, Loan Sharking, The Unsolicited Promise, Discounting the word “NO”. By understanding the meanings of these words, you yourself will know who real culprit behind the Mumbai attacks is.The capable face-to-face criminal is an expert at keeping his victim seeing surviving signals, but the very methods he uses to conceal them can reveal them.
The author goes on to explain these techniques.
It is the US, Israel and British agencies who were ready with in hours, when nothing is clear and India didn't ask for help or made any comment about the attacks.Forced Teaming
Forced Teaming is an effective way to establish premature trust because we're-in-the-same-boat hard to rebuff with out feeling rude. Forced teaming is not about the coincidence; It is intentional and directed and it is one of the most sophisticated manipulations. The detectable signal of forced teaming is the projection of a shared purpose or experience where none exists: "Both of us”; "we're some team"; "How are we going to handle this?"; "Now we have done it" etc.
Forced teaming is done in many contexts for many reasons, but when applied by a stranger to a woman in a vulnerable situation, it is always inappropriate. It is not about the establishing the rapport and that may or may not be all right, depending up on why someone seeks rapport.
Another strategy used by predators is called typecasting. A man labels a woman in some slightly critical way, hoping she will feel compelled to prove that his opinion is not accurate. “You are probably too snobbish to talk to the likes of me”, a man might say, and the woman will cast off the mantle of “snob: by talking to him, A man tells a woman “You don’t look like someone who read the newspaper”, and she sets out to prove that she is intelligent and well-informed. When she refused her attacker’s assistances, he said “There is such thing as being too proud, you know” and she resisted the bael being accepting his help.
Type casting always involves a slight insult, and usually one that is easy to refute. But since it is the response itself that the typecaster seeks, the defense is silence, acting as if the words weren’t even spoken. If you engage you can win the point but you might lose something greater. Not that it matters what some stranger thinks anyway, but the typecaster doesn’t even believe what he sees is true. He Just believes that it will work.
It is the US, Israel and British media how India should and shouldn’t do. Though India desisted from responding, surely India started reacting to the west with more self criticism. Obviously these countries doesn’t have faintest idea of what issues involved with more than billion people cramped in a country 12 times denser than developed united states with a poverty rate of 20%. The Western media which is controlled by mere 5 companies already embarrassed India with their non-stop 62 hour coverage, when it is not prepared. The only thing that saved India is the failure of the collapse of Taj Hotel and casualty level. Indian black commando’s desisted the firing back in the Taj hotel, thus saving thousands of innocent lives, though took more than 2 days to cleanup.
US, Israel and Britain want to help India and repeatedly requested the offer which India declined politely. India does understand the obligation it involves but I am not sure what it accounted for. It is suicidal for indian politicians to take help from country like Israel.Loan Sharking
The next signal I explain to the victim is one I call loansharking: “He wanted to be allowed to help you because that would place you in his debt, and infact that you owe a person something makes it hard to ask him to leave you alone”. The more traditional loan shark gladly lends one amount but cruelly collects much more. Likewise, the predatory criminal generously offers assistance but is always calculating in debt. The defense is to bring two rarely remembered facts into consciousness, He approached me, and I didn’t ask for any help. Then, though a person may turnout to be just a kindly stranger, watch for other signals.
We are all familiar with stranger who offers to help a woman with her groceries; most often he is fairly unsophisticated loan shark looking to pick some up. The debt he records in his ledger can usually easily paid off quite easily; just little talk will do it. But he has some thing in common with the predatory criminal who imposes his counterfeit charity into someone’s life: Motive. There is no spiritually minded movement dedicated to lightening the burden of American women by carrying their groceries. At best, loan sharking is a strategy on a part with asking a woman. “Do you come here often”? At its worst, it exploits a victim’s sense of obligation and fairness.
What comes next from these so called security consultants is billions of dollars of worth suggestions and embarrassment of opening up its own short comings.
Again it is the outgoing president of US who was noticeably absent from US policies after the presidential debacle, repeated for this help, when India continue to reject the offer.The Unsolicited Promise
The unsolicited promise is one of the most reliable signals because it is nearly always of questionable motives. Promises are used to convince us of an intention, but there are no guarantees. A guarantee is a promise that offers some compensation if the speaker fails to deliver. They are the very hollowest instruments of speech, showing nothing more than the speaker’s desire to convince you of something. So aside from meeting all unsolicited promises with skepticism (whether or not they are about safety), it is useful to ask your self “Why does this person needs to be convince me? The answer turns out, is not about him – it is about you. Always in every context, be suspicious of unsolicited promise.
Discounting the word “NO”
Actions are far more eloquent and credible than words, particularly a short and undervalue word like “no” particularly when it is offered tentatively or without conviction. So when she said no but then agreed, it wasn’t really no more. “NO” is a word that must never be negotiated, because the person who chooses not to hear it is controlling you.
In situations in which unsolicited offers of assistance are appropriate , such as approaches by a salesman or flight attendant, it is simply annoying if you have to decline three times. With stranger, however , refusal to hear no can be an important survival signal as with a suitor , a friend.
A Criminal’s process if victim selection, which I call the “Interview” is similar to shark’s circling potential prey. The predatory criminal of every variety is looking for some one , a vulnerable some one who will allow him to be in control and just as he constantly gives signal, so does he read them.
A woman will turns towards him and raises her hands to stop position and says directly “ I don’t want your help” is less likely to be victim.
A decent man would understand her reaction or more likely wouldn’t have approached a woman along in the first place unless she really had some obvious need. If a man doesn’t understand the reaction and stomps off dejected that is fine too. In fact any reaction even anger from the decent man who had no sinister intent is preferable to continued attention from a violent man who might have used your concern about rudeness to his advantage
When some one ignores that word, ask your self “ Why is this person seeking to control me? What does he want?. It is best away from the person altogether.
Again it is the US , Israel and Britain , that continue to ignore ‘No’, until is obligated to say ‘Yes’ when every thing is settled.
It is these same predatory techniques are used to unsuspecting American and Iraqi public to manipulate them and subsequently loot them. In Iraq, Iraqi’s are force teamed with American lead coalition forces with unsolicited promise of protection from the dictator (Loansharking) and plundered hundreds of billions of dollars worth of the Oil and ignored repeated requests of leaving the country.
In US, people are forced to team with their government after 911 under the influence of slogans ‘you are with us or you are against us aka terrorist', duped in the name of protection from terror (loansharking) and lost every fundamental constitutional rights they have. They were given unsolicited promises of protection from non-existent threat for their obedience to the wars and trillions of dollars bailout to the super rich banks, ignoring the repeated requests from the many of the senators and public.
India shouldn’t forget its history and three centuries of servitude, rape and plunder it faced from british East India company which entered India for in the name of trade and used its guns and wits of ‘divide and rule’ to conquer. It took hundreds of years of struggle by hundreds of millions of dedicated people to secure its freedom. India should be careful of the same predators, who are only interested its political agenda . What is at stake are not only its cheap high tech human resources , estimated 25000-30000 tons of gold , 300 million middle class and its independence itself.