A Break in the Bell Jar


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member

I thought I'd share this as it’s a fascinating post by Simplicius (better known for his Ukraine-focused Substack, Simplicius the Thinker) on his transhumanism-themed "Dark Futura" Substack, which covers the emerging decline of wokeness, the DEI infestation of video games, and an interesting theory of ethnogenesis by Russian theorist Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev.

And that’s the point: we’ve reached what feels like a logical singularity-peak to the woke strain; it has run its course and lost whatever vital verve and authenticity it may have once possessed, resigning itself merely into trite self-parody.

This is being witnessed throughout the industry on a wide scale. Titans are falling, stalwarts are being driven back for the first time. Gaming giant Ubisoft has been crashing due to two misplayed DEI hands in the form of Assassin’s Creed Shadows, a culture-torching romp set in feudal Japan and starring black Samurai Yasuke, and Star Wars Outlaws starring lantern-jawed androgyne in an undeveloped amateur bugfest.

The broader revelations of the drama revolve around the methods by which we are being purposely colonized, mind and body, with the reconfiguring of the very definitions and contours of human biology. There is a sudden concerted push to simply erase the female, feminine form—but in a very specifically targeted way. The erasure targets the objects of affection of only one type of male—the kind feared by our controllers the most: the dominant, defiantly irreverent alphamale. You are allowed to enjoy watered-down female forms custom-tailored for the agreeable ‘soyboy’, ‘simp’, or ‘closeted’ types—you know, the type who never gets too rowdy or pushes on the margins, preferring to color within the lines like a good little boy; see: Tim Walz archetype.

Every female must essentially be able to code as a man.

To bring it full circle, the elites’ historic method is always one and the same: sever the link to man’s essence, that eidos and anamnesis, in order to refashion him into the Noviop of the corporate future, infinitely moldable, limitlessly adaptable to any labor or extractive design, as required by his corporate headmasters. Your “Faith” precludes you from getting this vaccine needed to stay ‘healthy’ enough to maximize your labor-hours for our EBITDA productivity? Religion be abolished! Your ‘traditional culture’ doth protest against these transhuman adaptations meant to harden your mind against “nature’s” sissy-low pain threshold to the necessary modern work conditions? Traditionalism begone! You must be fractured and remade anew to the standards and specifications of modern realities!

I thought I'd share this as it’s a fascinating post by Simplicius (better known for his Ukraine-focused Substack, Simplicius the Thinker) on his transhumanism-themed "Dark Futura" Substack, which covers the emerging decline of wokeness, the DEI infestation of video games, and an interesting theory of ethnogenesis by Russian theorist Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev.
Indeed , eat up up the soylent green , it has electrolytes ....
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