A Doctor looks at Main Stream Media's selective eye-sight problems


A Disturbance in the Force
Confronting the Evidence on a daily basis.

A Doctor looks at Main Stream Media's selective eye-sight problems

Last week I used 550 Influenza vaccines in a single day, vaccinating former and current personnel of a major Belgian television network.

I made use of this occasion to make a small social experiment of citizens' reactions while being confronted to troublesome evidence that does not fit with the New York Times hypothesis of an "Al Qaeda" provoked 9/11 attack on the WTC.

People working within mainstream media need to be more amply exposed to evidence that points to an orchestrated false flag war on terror, since they are in a position to become complicit in spreading false fears and attitudes among the population, and also of obfuscating a correct understanding about who the real criminals are. This is true also among judiciary and law-enforcement personnel, since the whole issue of "terror", in a society with many documented incidents of "False-Flag" terror exercised by agents of the state, against it's own civilian population begs the need for a thorough and open criminal investigation of all possible culprits. (search BBC 1992 3 part series on "Gladio", and/or check <http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=125x115151> )

As an expatriate American doctor working in Belgium I consider the mainstream media's selective scotomisation of evidence that invalidates the commonly held myths in the current "war on terror" to be a greater threat to our collective health than the influenza viruses that I was inoculating this quite healthy population against. I am trained to make my decisions based on evidence, so, I hung up a still shot of one of the twin towers half-way disintegrated to dust under an eye-sight chart and asked the individuals to describe the picture that they saw below the chart. (see link: <http://members.surfeu.fi/11syyskuu/soldier5.htm> for some similar pictures, or go to <http://911review.org/ScholarsforTruthabout911> )

Typical reactions would be: "Oh, that makes me think of Vesuvius erupting in a city!" So I would let them go closer, and explain that I too have an impression of a magnificent explosion upwards and outwards, but I have been told by the media to se heavy pancakes that are somehow hammering the rest of the building down at free fall speed. The official NYT "Al Qaeda" conspiracy theory does NOT fit the evidence of what we see in still shots and movies of the WTC I, II and VII disintegration. In fact, just like there was no hard evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Saddam Hussein's Irak, there is also no hard evidence that would stand up in a court of Law that Bin Laden or his group planned or carried out the highly complex combined attack on America on September 11 th 2001.

So where is our professional curiosity? Is this not the hottest news story of our age. A day that, most strangely, our common laws of physics and normal common sense did not apply. I do not believe in fairy tales, I believe we must criminally and scientifically investigate what happened on September 11 th '01 in order to heal the fear that comes from living in a false reality, a kind of collective psychosis.

In my small social experiment last week, I was stunned to see how the younger generation seemed well aware that the official story was impossible, but they clearly felt a sort of taboo from the higher echelons in their institution to address this burning issue. The older generation on the other hand seemed either smug in their belief of an Islamic extremist attack on the west, or else they simply felt uncomfortable or infuriated that some-one was asking them to question the basis of the beliefs that they held about this event. Of-course, the more they had invested their own reputation and time behind the official version of events, the more they were unwilling to revise their beliefs. Some volunteered their opinion that the idea of an in-side job was simply too uncomfortable for them to contemplate, so they preferred to stick to their current understanding of the events. The extremely short time that I interacted with these people gave me little scope to actually change any beliefs, which I have come to realize is quite difficult even when it comes to your closest family. I could conclude though that the older generation seems very little bothered by the fact that the official US ministry of Truth explanation does not abide by physical laws, (see Dec 13th '05 entry below) while the younger generation seems better informed, but feel as if it is a taboo to bring up these uncomfortable truths because it disturbs the "official line" of their dinosaur run institutions.

In the hope that we not face the same fate as the dinosaurs, let us find ways to get through even to the people of the "old media", and of our judicial, police and military institutions.

Talk in a matter of-fact way to every young-thinking individual you meet about the verifiable discrepancies that led you to suspect false flag terror. Do it today, and every-day until we have identified and taken to court the real criminals behind these cold acts of mass murder for (geo-)political and financial gain. The Bush/Cheney junta was careful to retract themselves from any obligations towards the World Criminal Court. Let their actions then be judged directly by the American people.

With Healthy greetings from Brussels,

Dr Beeth
Brussels, Belgium

Dr Beeth has been working as an independent family physician since 1989 in Brussels Belgium. Born in New-York, he treats his cosmopolitan patients in 6 different languages. He cried "Wolf" on 9/11 after sensing that the Nick Berg video was a P2OG botched psy-war job, and started looking closer at other "Al Qaeda/Al CIAeda" videos designed to influence western political opinion, most notably the so-called "Bin Laden confession video" which was released by MI6 and the State Department on December 13 th 2001. He is quite intrigued about how the WTC I & II were actually brought down. He thinks the seismic pulses should also have us consider the possible existence of a new type of "Mini-Nuke", in the lines of a Hafnium isomer with a directed perfectly timed, somewhat slow pulse gamma radiation that could have pulverized the central columns from below. This, as well as all other possible explanations, needs to be investigated.

See also this older entry:
US Ministry of Truth explanation of how we should understand "Larry the Weasel" 's words "pull it". (Dr Beeth, Dec 13th 2005)

It is always interesting to see what crucial "misunderstandings" that
the US Ministry of Truth deems necessary to correct. Larry
Silversteins open admission on television (
<http://www.911sharethetruth.com/extras/SilversteinBdg7.wmv> ) is one of
those big "Ooops!" that was left behind this otherwise highly
professional operation. Many are still puzzled with what explosive
technique the redundant twin towers were taken down, pulverising the
whole enormous steel beam and reinforced cement core at practically
free fall speed, into its own footprint. A Finnish expert in military
explosives even volunteered that a hitherto unconventional mini
hydrogen bomb could have been used once the top part was set into
motion with more classic demolition explosives: see
http://members.surfeu.fi/11syyskuu/military.htm . One can not help
but marveling at the ingenuity of the demolition and explosive experts
that must have been involved, but it is clear that explosives must
have been used. The $20 million dollar investigation by the National
Institute of Science and Technology could only give a theoretical
hypothesis on how the collapse at the impact site could have been
initiated, through extremely high heat levels that are not confirmed
by eye-witness accounts or radio-transmissions from fire-fighters who
managed to make it up to those floors. With those $20 million dollars,
the NIST backed away from volunteering a mathematical model to explain
how the Twin Towers came down straight, with the extremely solid core
of the building seemingly offering practically no resistance. Since
about a year a concerned citizen has a standing offer to give $ 1
Million to the scientist/engineer/mathematician/genius or who-ever who
can prove with a mathematical model how this can be achieved without
using explosives.

On the other hand, practically every-one agrees that WTC 7 was a
classical demolition job. This is why, one year later, Silverstein
felt it was easier to admit it on TV. He said that he had discussed this with the Fire Department
Commander along the lines of: "Listen, you know we've had such a terrible loss of
life. Maybe the only one sane thing to do is just pull it".
Silverstein continued: "And we made that decision to pull, and then we
watched the building collapse." Yes, you see, in the same breath, he
is saying "We pulled it, and we watched it collapse". The US Ministry
of Truth are embarrassed by this old mans declarations on TV, and are
now set on doing an Orwellian "correcting" your understanding of his
words, because we all know that it would have been impossible to rig
up a professional demolition in that one fateful afternoon, with a few
fires ablaze in parts of the building.

Harold Pinter said towards the end of his Nobel adress: "unflinching,
unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define
the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation
which devolves upon us all. It is in fact
If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we
have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity
of man."

If we expect to find truth by believing what the US Ministry of Truth
spews out, a Ministry of the same administration that brought us "The
Project of the New American Century" which is written by dangerously
naive nincompoops influenced by commercially funded neo-con
think-tanks, then we might as well say a definite good-bye to our

With Healthy greetings from Brussels,

Dr Beeth
Brussels, Belgium

Dr Eric Beeth
Av de l'Armee 127 (= Legerlaan)
1040 Bruxelles / Brussels
Metro: "Thieffry" (ligne 1A dir. Hermann de Broux)
e-mail: via reply box

"unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory. If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity of man." (Harold Pinter)

<http://www.911blogger.com/node/4219> Dr. David Ray Griffin Speaks in Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. 14th 2006

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Inform yourself while you can!

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