A documentary: Alien Invasion, Secret Space II by Chris Everard


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
A friend, that I met immediately after I had read the High Strangeness Book, sent me a link to the above four hour video. I tried to search for it in the forum files, but could not find anything.

I do not know what the last three hours are like, I am buying a legal copy on the strength of the first hour. It can be had from _http://www.secretspacedvd.com/#end

This first hour contains during the initial 10- 15 minutes a reflection on the motives of the US and UK lead coallition for being in Iraq. He argues there has been looting of museums containing evidence of alien interaction with man, and a systematic killing of people, (he mentions 1.600.000) which he relates to the wish by some powers to take out a particular bloodline which carries genes from off the planet.

Then follows many video clips, of which some are convincing others less so. Several testemonies from former NASA employees, etc. He covers a few incidences of alien invasions and interactions in the past, mentioned in ancient records and art. He divides the aliens into three groups, the helpful, the neutral, and those who exploit. These are not his exact terms but gives the idea. The last part of the first hour contains very beautiful artwork from the renaessence portraying UFOs and is accompagnied by a few old eyewitness reports. It was this last part of the dvd that made me decide to buy. Has anyone seen the whole dvd?
Seems David Icky features prominently in this video. Clue enough for me.
Since you already ordered it please do report if you find something worth reporting in it.

I was always wondering what is up with systematic killing of Balkans people and Slavs in general (since the begining of the recorded history). Can we explain that with spesul bloodline and geens too? I personally, am not convinced.
Regarding the argument of bloodlines that he raises, although he may be onto something, the evidence he presents in favour of this hypothesis, like unprovoked murdre of civilians could equally well be explained by psychopathic like soldiers. And that possibility he does not enter into at all, which is a major weakness. Some other sections seem to be better researched and referenced. When I get the DVD I shall attempt to present more details.

One experience I did have so far in ordering, is that the price for the DVD is given in Euros, Pounds and Dollars. I used the functions on _http://www.xe.com to find out which currency it was best to pay in at the moment. It turned out to be in Pounds, but as this may change with the change of rates, better make fresh calculations.
Corto Maltese said:
Seems David Icky features prominently in this video. Clue enough for me.
Since you already ordered it please do report if you find something worth reporting in it.

The Video came about a month later to South Africa, where I was ordering from. I actually ordered two, just for security and in fact only one came through, from previous experience, probably due to the reliability of the local mail service.

Having seen the whole film I think the strongest feature are the sections which quotes historic references and shows pictures of art from museums and localities around the world. Of course there are also convincing testimonies but being already convinced, they are not so interesting, also because he could have gone much further if he had read a few other authors like the ones on the reading list:
Gods of Eden - William Bramley
The Stargate Conspiracy - Picknet and Prince
UFOs and the National Security State - Richard Dolan
and Laura's High Strangeness Book.

David Icke does not feature prominently in the Video, but he is mentioned and referred to. In the end his Web Site is recommended as the one to go to for those who want to know more.

There are four chapters and bonus materials. The art features prominently in chapter three.

I am trying to view it again to give more details, but the CD did not play well on the DVD player the other night, and now on the computer I can only see the introduction title. Maybe the humidity and heat of Maputo in Mozambique damaged the disc, as well as the travel back and forth. Or maybe all I need is to meet someone who is more familiar with DVDs.
[quote author=thorbiorn 28 Dec 08] This first hour contains during the initial 10- 15 minutes a reflection on the motives of the US and UK lead coallition for being in Iraq. [/quote]

This was brought up on another website; the speculation that instructions had been given specifically to 'collect' certain artifacts , especially cylinders, tablets and scrolls. I'll try to hunt up that particular link. On this site _http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/4710/chalmers_johnson_on_robbing_the_cradle_of_civilisation

Tomgram introduces Johnson's article:

The destruction began as Baghdad fell. Words disappeared instantly. They simply blinked off the screen of Iraqi history, many of them forever. First, there was the looting of the National Museum. That took care of some of the earliest words on clay, including, possibly, cuneiform tablets with missing parts of the epic of Gilgamesh. Soon after, the great libraries and archives of the capital went up in flames and books, letters, government documents, ancient Korans, religious manuscripts, stretching back centuries -- all those things not pressed into clay, or etched on stone, or engraved on metal, just words on that most precious and perishable of all commonplaces, paper -- vanished forever. What we're talking about, of course, is the flesh of history. And it was no less a victim of the American invasion -- of the Bush administration's lack of attention to, its lack of any sense of the value of what Iraq held (other than oil) -- than the Iraqi people. All of this has been, in that grim phrase created by the Pentagon, "collateral damage

Part of Johnson's article:

"[5] Nowhere was this failure more apparent than in the indifference -- even the glee -- shown by Rumsfeld and his generals toward the looting on April 11 and 12, 2003, of the National Museum in Baghdad and the burning on April 14, 2003, of the National Library and Archives as well as the Library of Korans at the Ministry of Religious Endowments. These events were, according to Paul Zimansky, a Boston University archaeologist, "the greatest cultural disaster of the last 500 years."

Perhaps Rumsfeld's 'glee' could be interpreted as confirmation that the museum and the irreplacable ancient records were specifically targeted for just that purpose - to destroy these records.

He argues there has been looting of museums containing evidence of alien interaction with man, and a systematic killing of people, (he mentions 1.600.000) which he relates to the wish by some powers to take out a particular bloodline which carries genes from off the planet.

Exactly what Bramley was talking about in the first five chapters of 'The Gods of Eden'. Both Bramley and the Cassiopaeans have said that the ancient bloodline is the lineage of alien/human mating. I'm not convinced that it would be to 'take out' this bloodline; I'd be more inclined to believe it was to protect it, fwiw.

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