A dream I had a in April 2011

My way of remembering this dream is to express it in a story like form to bring out the impression in the dream:
I knew too hastily to leave from this pulsating temptations of a place, when alone a man with an instrument played behind me and as I tossed the last bit of this pretzel into a yard separated by an old brown fence the cow mooed.... as to begin to awake I was given the impression: I seen a lie and the deep loss as the world as it is I dishearten and then a man from behind spoke and said: *And those who were to return to Athens believe themselves to be free only to return to their slavery thinking they were free. And many who lived gloriously from the outside where not of those who walked graciously from within*

[I knew too hastily to leave from this pulsating temptations of a place] when I became conscious in the dream It seem that I was being tested with money insside of a count room. I t seem that I pass and then the dream took me to a house of all things material and of food. It felt like a rich home where everyting was provivded and happy busy faces were on there way. Another test I suppose. But It seem to that I failed because I was told in the dream to not touch until it was ready. But I creep around the back and grabed 3 or two pretezels and grubbed, but at the same time I knew to hastily leave from such a place. With the remaining pritzel in my hand, while alone walking up a street I tossed the rest into a yard and the cow (unsuspecting to me) mooed and at which someone played an instrument behind me and as the dream (I knew) was coming to a close I was given a view of the place to which is called this world: Scarry and devoid of life

Wanted to share
What do you think this dream could mean? Is there anything happening in your life right now that this might be speaking towards?

It reminds me a little bit of a fable I once heard in church as a young boy, but I can't quite remember how it went. Something about going into a room (a store perhaps?) and not being allowed to touch anything inside. At the time, it was also described as a 'test' of sorts, if I recall correctly.
1.In hindsight it partially meant not to sow your seeds of any sort (unless*) of this world and even if one sow their good deeds in such a place do not take credit. "We work for the betterment", doesn't mean one is safe and as we are here we are not. And all because one knows the terrors of this world she/he is still returning to slavery for the time being. This divine knowing will keep one to expect the unexpected as long as he is not of Assumptions.

What it meant to me in the dream was a message even though I know I could recieve little of it. Automactically you just listen and observe. And how I am moved and grateful for such an encounter.

What it meant to me when I woke up, well, I was in silence.

2. Everything happening then and now is my process of wakening up that speaks in reference to this path. Only now it has come for me to awaken as much as possible.

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