A dream I had


Jedi Council Member
hello all, Harold here.
I do not remember my dreams much, I have not read a book on dreams, so here goes! I have however read books where (like the wave) parts are on dreaming.

I was walking towards my childhood home, on my street. In this dream this was a pretty much exact replica of my house and street, I was walking in a eastward direction. My childhood home (on the north side of the street)faces a park to the south. In the park (to my right)was a dead elephant with about a half a dozen men around it, they were African Tribesmen, in their original regalia. Red Kilts/saries/skirts? I dont know what to call them. They had those long spears, they are the tribesmen that have that initiation of sending out their young boys to kill lions as their initiation, those tribesmen. They had a little red face and body paint , no shirts, no shoes. I think some were jumping straight up and down, like one would see in a documentary of this tribe. They had a big black round cauldron(exactly similar to a withches cauldron) on a fire burning, they were using what I would describe as whale cutting tools to cut square or rectangle cubes of meat and putting them in the cauldron. I could see square or rectangle chunks cut out of the elephant. I believe I could see that they were stripping the elephant to the bone. They might have had on necklaces and bracelets, I remember them looking very real, they may have been chanting or singing a little.

I then saw a school bus(orange and black) come down the street(westward) towards me, a tiger was crossing the street and the bus ran over it and stopped on top of it and let some kids out. End of dream, that I remember.

Another dream I recently had, about 2 weeks ago, was I was in my house, but it did not look like any house I have lived in, it was a typical small ordinary home, about 60 years old. It was full of cats I was trying to get out of my house, they seemed to keep going into the kitchen. I was a little afraid of these cats, as they were agressive, and seemed to possess a consciousness. One had only 3 legs, one eye(I think), looked like a sort of pirate version of what a cat would look like, real mangy, mean. He looked at me. I remembering getting a stick to chase them out, I remember being scared of them that they might attack me. Another of these cats was bigger than any cat I had seen befor. It was a sort of golden longer haired tabby, very unique looking, and conscious looking. I think I did chase them out I cant remember. end of dream.

I will save my opinion of these dreams, depending on the feed back.
Hello All, I'm very interested in your observations of my two dreams still.

I did not want leave my interpretation, so as to not subject any observers to my opinions. And I dont have much of an interpretation to share, but here it goes! :umm:

The elephant, to me is the ol white elephant in the living room, the death of this elephant I dont quite get. :huh: I think it might mean that some issues in my family are dead? I feel that way a little, but it dosnt fit exactly. Nor do I get the guys/african tribesmen, they seem to have hunted the elephant, but to me in reality they are Lion hunters. I had this dream befor I ever came to the forum but it has really stuck out in my mind, like I said, I dont remember my dreams as well as others. As a child, I recieved quite a bit of reprimand for 'day dreaming' during class.

Ok this might be a stretch, :rolleyes: but I just though about this.... the elephant represents the obvious, that either no one has seen, or is ignoring. Has my spritual journey gone unnoticed :huh:. But I do not think I project a spiritual image. And in a sense I have not looked at my life experience as a spiritual one. Not exactly, but I have not considered myself to be a heavy duty spiritual person to the outside world. I'm more of a rebel, if anything. I have personally, tried to live by spiritual principles, and learn about the spiritual path, but that is a personal thing, that I dont make public. My parents and one friend are aware of my persuits, but that is about it. :huh: :cool:

The cauldron, chunks of the elephant... in squares, cut down to the bone, is reminiscent of the :wizard: Shamanistic dreams mentioned in 'The Wave', I don't understand why an elephant, just like the white elephant in the living room, I dont 'get it'....yet.

As for the school bus, I just thought of it this morning, 'knowledge protects', the tiger is dangerous, the school bus(knowledge maybe) seemed to protect me, but I dont remember the tiger coming at me or anything. But it was in front of my house. The children getting put of the bus? hmmm... don't know.

Also Tiger by the tail comes to mind, which I relate to the C's material. Or as it is said somewhere here on the forum/SOTT sites, 'the most dangerous idea in the world'. So maybe knowledge protects when one has a tiger by the tail?

Harold :huh: :cool2: :D
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