A dream in the chateau


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This night I dreamed about the Chateau. But I remember just Chu and Scott in it. We were giving food to a group of young kids, it was a sort of party, and I remember some cakes, a sort of "empanadas" with cheese cream inside. Chu was eating a lot of these cakes and suddenly she said to us that she was expecting a baby! I was very happy for her. Another woman was with us that I don't know and she also was expecting a baby! I congratulated both of them. In my dream Chu was with Scott but Scott was not with us. The impression in my dream was very gentle, specially because Chu was, as she is in the real live, very, very gentle.

I think it is a positive dream, us giving food to the new generation. And a new new generation coming soon.
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