A dream of time


Padawan Learner
Sometimes or many times reality mixes collective and personal elements... and just sense this may be the case, so there it is:

A dream of time

Today at the morning of the day happened this dream. In my left wrist, I think, there was a watch that had a square shape so its display was square as well. But, I think, there was no hours or pointers to hours but a calendar of the current month filling its visor. Yet in "waking life" I don’t use any kind of watch I must say. Since I was in my young days I had that feeling that watches arrest and lock people to time, I don’t like them. Back to the dream, then an unknown woman, but with a courteous look ask me if I might adjust the watch to the specific date "December 23, 2017." I comply immediately. There are other people around us. Yet the watch acts strangely, it refuses to show that date and instead it projects a black and big screen at my right. In this screen there is a 3D image, actually more than 3d it looked like real. The image is dominated by a pompous woman “projected” in the regular size of a person. She wears a dark gown with a hood covering her head, it has some vertical colours that run her tick garment, yet I don’t remember properly which were only that the outfit had some elegancy. But the most notable aspect is her face. It was all made of cloth, it was a dark brown fabric cleaved by vertical waves. No movement there was in her face, no eyes, mouth, nose; nothing, yet it had a tenebrous expression. The woman was not still, she came walking around.

We ask to other people to try adjusting their watches to that date. Nobody seems capable of doing it. Not even to a less specific date, like for any day of that month is possible to set the devices, though other dates work without problems. Somebody hints that this can be done if the watch code is changed to another. What is this?

I’m at the place where I used to live while kid. In front of the house where used to be a grove, now instead there is a big lake. From the middle of the lake an abrupt rumble build up a steamy mushroom like cloud, perhaps 30 feet away and hundred foot height. Afterwards in the near street at my right, that comes from east to west, a sequence of little mushroom blasts follow by the lane and quickly stop before reach the junction close to the spot where I am. Somebody tells that those are controlled explosions made by the city office intended to promote the installation of a railroad. I realize that some rails are already set up till the local where the explosions stopped and there are men working on them. In fact the train service comes from west to east along that street and operates till that location. Wouldn’t be this building site too dangerous?

That is it, and don't! I mean, i don't use do have this kind of dream at all. Thoughts?
Gateway salvation, your pseudonym seems to symbolize your dream. My interpretation is this: It seems that no one can read the time, or the future after 22 December 2017. This would suggest that the time stops. To go beyond 23 December 2017, we need a new way. You say that the new train from the West to the East. This could indicate pole shift, or else the earth would change its rotation West to the East. If the earth changes its reverse rotation, this would be the reason that the future does little longer exist. Because dates are printed according to the sunrise in the east. So maybe this is climate change, meteorite, magnetic, the density change, world? But it may be just the things that you are clean you individually somatises. Expect the show ..
Gateway, in the first six months of 2013 I was metal detecting quite a bit. I found a "sword" (really a hundred year old russian letter opener with cloisonne on the handle), an eight pointed star, an indian head penny, a bar of lead and an old Waltham railroad pocket watch WHERE TIME HAD STOPPED. Initially, I thought it was just a broken, but cool, watch. Given later circumstances, I have to come to understand that watch had heavily symbolism of time stopping or not being relevant. I, too, have an aversion to watches. The last one I wore as a bracelet. It didn't work.

Your dream seems heavily symbolic of the same thing. When we are in tune, the universe sends us many messages of the real reality. Hindsight often reveals. Perhaps it is true that the future drops clues into the past.
Other detail of this dream that for an instant escaped from the report was the mention that the shape of that screen projected in the air had also a square shape. Also I'd like to say to you all that all of your interpretations posted here seem valuable and revealing to me in one direction or another. In particular the interpretation made by Villival seems that it touches a key aspect.

See, only noticed by me after sent, there is a typo in the opening post of this thread that produced the word "tick" instead of that one intended. The thing is, it was so an accidental anagram. At first i understood of that should made an errata, yet then reading these replies turns out i came to surmise that somewhat it makes explicit an unexpected detail in that description. It expresses IMO the nature and state of the current "temporal drama," that is, a histrionic "tick" of the clock.
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