A farewell to a great cynic George Carlin


It is to my chagrin that I am posting this. I never thought I'd see the day of his passing.Unfortunately,that is how things go. Iwould like to express my undying gratitude to a very funny and wise man. Cheers George!

Here is a timeless piece by him to send him off in the only way I know how. R.I.P.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=casUr9UsabY "musta been Joe Pesci"

Cheers George indeed! May he rest in peace.

Another classic Carlin, my absolute favorite - Saving the planet:

He would've been #1 on my list of "celebrities to send Ponerology to". Finding out Lobaczewski has moved on was bad enough, and now this!? I call a foul, this is total bs! :(

Now I can't look forward to another brilliant standup from the most charismatic and insightful, and yes cynical 70-yr old guy on earth. In the back of my mind I always had the thought that at least there's still Carlin, who tells it like it is and makes it funny and has a huge audience and makes people think. He always seemed to me like this bridge between the mainstream and the truth, someone who could package the truth in such a way that it can be presented to the mainstream public. He was no Lobaczewski, but his delivery was designed for a different audience, and what a delivery it was!

Just as Lobaczewski's torch was picked up by Laura and group, I feel like we need to work even harder now to wake up and shine that beacon brighter than ever. Sadly to many people Carlin was probably the closest thing to truth they've ever seen or heard. Any and all ideas and projects that have to do with making this material easier understood and easier accessible to the general public is probably a good way to continue and to refine the job that Carlin left open.
He will be sadly missed.

Its tough right now, but we can try to look in the bright side. In the next few weeks, his material is going to be googled and watched more than ever. People who had never heard of him, or seen his acts, will now be informed of who the man was and what he stood for. It's a sad reality, but many individuals hear of great people in all fields of work only after, and because of, thier death.

His 'Bullshit meter' and his ability to spot hypocrisy was 2nd to none in the comedy world. The message in his comedy is reflective of the times we live in more than ever. Over the next few years, and sadly, because of his death, he may just go from another comedian to a legend. Maybe, just maybe, his death will help a few more people to wake up, or at least, want to wake themselves up.
One of the last few heros in this day and age, spreading truth through his art and comedy........R.I.P.
Much respect for never conforming or compromising your art, George!

two of my favorites:

George Carlin on "The American Dream"

George Carlin on "Voting"
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Just as Lobaczewski's torch was picked up by Laura and group, I feel like we need to work even harder now to wake up and shine that beacon brighter than ever. Sadly to many people Carlin was probably the closest thing to truth they've ever seen or heard. Any and all ideas and projects that have to do with making this material easier understood and easier accessible to the general public is probably a good way to continue and to refine the job that Carlin left open.
Well said. There is work to be done.
I really liked George Carlin's performances, they were always entertaining and refreshing. Its interesting how the more truthful the comedian, the funnier the jokes are :)
I was just a teenager when I listened to a Carlin album where he did "The Seven Words You Never Say on Television." It was the funniest thing I had ever heard. I don't necessarily agree that a word is "just a word" and I don't tolerate bad language in my house and we discourage it on this forum. Words do have power. But that wasn't Carlin's point; his point was the hypocrisy.

Not long ago I watched a recent routine where he took aim at the Bush Regime. Yeah, the truth was funny, but it also hurt and it hurt to see that many in the audience didn't get it. There he was, telling them the absolute truth, the horrible truth, in a pretty funny way, and it was going right over their heads. I even had the feeling that there was a sort of desperation in his voice. Everything he had stood for his entire life, everything he had worked to expose just grew and grew and grew and nobody paid any attention.

What DID happen to the people who claimed to have principles back then? What happened to all the people who listened to George Carlin and protested the war in Viet Nam, and cried for JFK, RFK and MLK? Why are they silent now?

It's enough to break your heart. Maybe it broke George's.
Good bye Hippy Dippy Weatherman.
His first persona was my favorite!

I saw him live once in Sunrise, Florida. Most of the crowd really seemed to understand what he meant. But I also remember the helplessness of it all as we left the theater. Sure we all HEARD him, but how many of us would actually DO something about it? He really made you think.
I felt like I got hit in the gut when I read George Carlin had died. He has been one of my favorite comedians for years. Always hilarious and so truthful. He will be missed in my household. :(
Nawd said:
I felt like I got hit in the gut when I read George Carlin had died. He has been one of my favorite comedians for years. Always hilarious and so truthful. He will be missed in my household. :(
Yeah - that was my reaction as well - hit in the gut - then loss and really strong sadness - not for him - but for the things we'll not hear him say - for the people who will not be spurred to think, if only for a split second, about what he might have said in the future.

And, of course, sadness for the future laughs I'll miss so dearly - he's always been one of the few comedians who could make me literally 'laugh out loud' at my television/radio - and lord knows we need that.

What impressed me about George was his command of language. His delivery had the feel of spontaneity but his performances were carefully crafted and prepared. A real master of his craft.
He exposed hypocrisy in a way that was so much fun.

He will be missed, and all that he might have said. Carlin was my favorite funny cynic, he said it straight and raw.
"Im not trying to be cute and funny, I try to get them were it hurts"
“The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death! What’s that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you’re too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you’re young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating…and you finish off as an orgasm!”

-G Carlin

This news made me sad as well. He was one of those rare humans who used his gift for being funny to bring some bits of truth to people in ways that were not so serious. He will be missed by me for sure.
Loved him in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back! Might not be the best reference movie of his work but he is a madman in it. Don't remember the full series of lines but I rolled the second time I watched it, the first time through was too much of a shock to laugh as far as the movie.

Saw him live once at the temple theater. He had a great logical yet humorous way of looking at things. There are some recent political/real world stand up comedy works he put out in the last couple of years that are very real world related so far as the pathocracy etc..

"..it's the new Millenium." "..Gay, straight, it's all the same, there are no more lines." -George Carlin

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ4SSvVbhLw George Carlin on "the American Dream" (Language..)

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