A few dreams/visions


The Force is Strong With This One
When I first began researching into the deeper origins of the world and since I've had some astounding dreams. I feel as though they were significant in my arrival and journey to my current spiritual place. I will list a description of the dreams in order and my interpretation. If you have any insight please share!

1) My wife and I are traveling on an interstate going up a hill. All around me I could see planets and stars rather than our atmosphere. It was as if the highway was a cosmic highway. All around this road was beautiful space and such. The colors were so vibrant it felt like traveling down the main strip in Vegas. Straight ahead we could see the Earth. It was so amazing! While traving we came to an intersection. There were houses and vehicles on the intersecting road. For some reason I stopped and got out of the car. An old lady came out of the house and told me to leave fast! She said it wasnt safe and thats when I noticed that in the vehicles were people who looked very intimidating. One was in a red truck and there may have been a white van but I can't quite recall. So I hurried back into the car and we hastily continued towards Earth. I should mention that the planet to our left while driving looked like a smaller Earth.

My interpretation is threefold.
a. The journey of our souls to incarnate in Earth.

b. Me coming to a secret truth and the opposing forces trying to keep me from the truth. It seems that they couldnt truly harm me and they knew it.

c. this idea relates to the last but I view it as the STS forces trying to prevent our graduation to forth density.

2) I was in Egypt. Again this is very vivid and occurred as I delved deeper into alternate ideas outside of mainstream religion. I was wearing a red shirt with one of those explorer hats and was digging through yellowish stones. I then hit something and a bright light burst forth. I knew this to be Truth.

I interpreted it as finding the secret knowledge.

I'll be back with the other dreams soon
Dream 3) I saw the great pyramid and above it was a bright light. Below was the pyramind turned upside down with the bases of each butted together. The pyramids represented the time line of man in a way I guess. We started at One and were now approaching the return it seemed. I understood the bright light to be Christ, and His presence was the "Fullness of Time". And I heard a voice say to me "Prepare the way".

My interpretation:
Pretty straightforward. Manking is reaching it's culmination as we have known it. The Christ Consciousness is near! I'm not sure how to prepare the way but I assume it's to plant the seeds.

Dream 4) I had been reading about how America is constantly in a state of light hypnotism, allowing mind control to a small degree. But in my dream I learned that particular languages were designed to induce such a state. In the dream it was pointed out that sound waves are the important factor (as we already know) and that a hypnotists voice plays a large role. It was then given to me that the same effect could be produced through the proper arrangement of sounds and syllables. Just as when in meditation it can help the energy flows by the producing of syllables and sounds so to could similar sounds reverse or cloud the energy.

My thoughts: Again it's all there in the dream...My lesson is to be aware of our own thoughts and consistently gaurd and protect oneself lest we again become ensnared by the devil's trap. I believe the Bible even makes mention of how powerful the tongue can be...one small spark can set the world on fire.

Dream 5) Just that the Mudras commonly associated with Yoga are intended to bridge the gap created by our altered DNA. It works similar to certain drugs that allow for altered states of consciousness.

Any thoughts or insights on these?
In relation to the first dream posted, my current understanding is that people in dreams usually represent aspects of the person doing the dreaming.

Perhaps you stopped at the intersection because you were undecided as to which way you wanted to go and were told by the lady (feminine/creative) that you needed to get out of the neighborhood so to speak?

Are you and your wife (assuming you have one in real life) living in a dangerous area or have difficulties in your relationship (whether with each other or outside parties)? Also, have you been able to do ee?
I have a wife. And we had no troubles at the time of my first two dreams. She originally had troubles seeing outside of her religious bubble but seems to have finally awakened. She was always one who liked to ignore the realities and dwell with in the world of big box religion.

Whats EE and why would I want to try it?

my wife had a dream recently where both of my brothers were trying to convince her that I was crazy. My older brother was in front of her doing the talking while my younger brother stood behind her menacingly breathing on her neck. My older brother is a Baptist preacher and is bought hook line and sinker into the mechanizations of Man. My younger brother I feared (before the dream) may be an OP or soul less person. He doesn't seem to possess a consciousness that we do. Not that he's bad or evil, more likely amblivient. He has moments of kindness tempered by his desire to irritate you. He believes in God inthe sense that he knows a creator and Jesus exist but has never felt inclined to seek spiritual growth. Interestingly, my wife has always had a eerie feeling about him.
superman79 said:
I have a wife. And we had no troubles at the time of my first two dreams. She originally had troubles seeing outside of her religious bubble but seems to have finally awakened. She was always one who liked to ignore the realities and dwell with in the world of big box religion.

Whats EE and why would I want to try it?

my wife had a dream recently where both of my brothers were trying to convince her that I was crazy. My older brother was in front of her doing the talking while my younger brother stood behind her menacingly breathing on her neck. My older brother is a Baptist preacher and is bought hook line and sinker into the mechanizations of Man. My younger brother I feared (before the dream) may be an OP or soul less person. He doesn't seem to possess a consciousness that we do. Not that he's bad or evil, more likely amblivient. He has moments of kindness tempered by his desire to irritate you. He believes in God inthe sense that he knows a creator and Jesus exist but has never felt inclined to seek spiritual growth. Interestingly, my wife has always had a eerie feeling about him.

Hi 'superman' - I'm curious about how you found this forum?
Googled stuff about Cayce which brought up some of Laura's pages on Alantis. from there I found the Wave series and then was led here! Much of what the C's said filled in all of my blanks. I've always been aware of the dirty deeds our government does and had been informed of reptilian aliens in the Salt lake city area so finding the wave seemed to piece it all together.
superman79 said:
Whats EE and why would I want to try it?

EE is short for the Eiriu-Eolas breathing program -- there's a link to the appropriate thread in your welcome message, and you can read more about it there. Do take a look, because it's been very helpful for other forum members :)

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