David Topi
Jedi Master
I read it this morning and like it very much. Just in case you are interested. Pretty much own thoughts.
from O'Finioan's Blog by ofinioan
I don’t have time for this. I really don’t. But I’m here right now, it has been snowing, the ground is frozen. I’ve been marching on that frozen ground for the better part of the day, and I just don’t have time for this crap. But …
There comes a time when you just have to get some crap off your chest. If I were smart, and had taken Miranda’s advice a long time ago and gotten everything — different things — out while they were still small, I wouldn’t have to be doing this at a time when I’m pushing through be exhaustion. But I guess in some aspects, I just ain’t that smart. So here is your warning: Your one and only warning: I guarantee , if you read this post, the vast majority of you will go away pissed off. And guess what? That’s my intent. My intent this night with this blog post is to piss off as many people as I can. So if that’s not what you want, click out now and move on. You want to stick around for the ride? Then buckle up.
Part 1 — 9/11
Don, only because you asked:
The events of 9/11 are something that we have not shied away from, but honestly just never really saw the point, since it happened ten years ago. We just figured everyone already made up their minds one way or the other and they weren’t going to be changed. Since we were asked by a good friend to say something about it, that’s what we’re going to do.
9/11 was a staged event. No ifs, no ands, no buts about it — it was a staged event. Don’t worry, we’re not going to belabor the details that are already out there for audiovisual consumption, you just need to do the research. But, one of the best things that I can comment on concerning this event — as I sat in my living room on the East coast at that time, and I watched the second plane strike one of the towers, and then a little bit later I watched both the towers fall — the first words out of my mouth were “Damn, best demolition job I’ve ever seen.”
No plane brought down those buildings. Those buildings were wired with explosives and then detonated. And I will add this: The bullshit expounded on by the media , that burning jet fuel weakened/melted the steel and brought those buildings down, is so bogus I can’t fathom even a mildly intelligent person believing it.
Please allow me to briefly recount a little story that took place around the Vietnam War. A little story that Senator John McCain knows all too well, since it was he that caused this event tot happen. There was a ship on its way back to port called the USS Forestall. There was an “accident” that caused a missile to fire from one of the parked jets on her deck. This caused a chain reaction of explosions which literally caused thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel to not only run all over her main foredeck, but to run down into the lower decks. This fire burned for hours. Did she sink? No, she made it home to port. Does anyone see the irony in this?
And one last thing I’ll say about the two towers falling. Planes struck one side. If any structural weakening was done, it was done on ONE SIDE. If they had caused these buildings to fall, they would have fallen like notching a tree — they would have fallen to the weakest side, not STRAIGHT FUCKING DOWN the way they did.
There were many, many reasons why this event took place. That is an entire post all to itself at another time. Now Don, I know this doesn’t give you everything you asked for, but brother, I’m tired tonight and I got a long way to go …
Part 2 UFO Disclosure
I have a question for a great number of you UFO researchers/disclosure advocates and general all around flying saucer conspiracy theorists: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Did you really think that the government was going to come out and admit to that contact has been going on since basically the beginning of time? Did you really believe that?
And let me ask you another question: Why do you need the blessing and confirmation of an illegitimate government, topped by an illegitimate president with delusions of grandeur and kinghood of the world to confirm your beliefs? I don’t. I never have. How can you one minute say you can’t believe a damn word from the government to go to the next minute, needing them to disclose something when you know damn well you couldn’t believe it anyway? This makes no sense to me people.
You believe what you believe — great. My opinion, is there evidence out there that life exists out there in the universe? Yes. Is there evidence out there that other intelligent beings have visited this planet? Yes. Is there evidence out there that other races of beings have a working relationship with various government of the world? Yes. Also “interdimensional beings”, and these are the ones you need to be afraid of.
Not if but when the governments of the world come together and finally do announce disclosure, and they will, it will be for THEIR benefit, not yours, not mine, not anyone else’s but their own. I don’t know about any of you, hut I know what I believe, and I don’t need some nitwit unelected official, whether in the white house, Downing Street, the Kremlin or wherever to give me any kind of confirmation. Hey, that’s just me.
My advice: stop wasting your time petitioning governments — it’s all going to happen, it’s on a time frame, it’s all coming together, it just probably won’t be what you’re wishing for — but you’re going to get it.
Anyone not pissed off yet?
Part 3
I am going to tie two pieces of rope together right now and talk about two things at once. Religious beliefs, and love and light. If you remember, a few weeks ago I did the post and basically came out and admitted that we are Odinistic, and that we hate doing that. That is one thing that we do not like to do, because it always brings trouble, talking about your religious beliefs.
First of all, we’re not religious. Not at all. And by the way, if you read your Bible, neither was Jesus. As a matter of fact, Jesus hated religion. Look it up. We believe in the old ways. The ways of Odin. They are harsh ways. They’re strong ways. They’re good ways. It’s how we live our lives. But oh boy howdy, you wouldn’t’ believe the number of people who are no longer our “friends” because of this. As one person came up to me right after that after reading it in person and said “You’re not a Christian?” My reply was “Uhh no, why?” “Well I read your blog post… ” And I stood there waiting for this person to continue and all they did was shook their head and walked off. I haven’t seen the person since. And several other like events happened as well. Hmmm. So much for love and light.
I know several months ago we briefly touched on the whole love and light stuff. I’m gonna say something flat out: You cannot project love and light unless love and light resides in YOU. Just because you like writing and speaking flowery words, dancing around like a faery, and saying bless you to everybody you meet, while truthfully inside, you really thinking that you just want to get away from this person –that doesn’t work. And as our good friend Dave Corso said at this last Awake and Aware conference, love and light won’t stop a bullet. He’s right. It won’t.
Projecting love and light works only if you have love and light in your heart, in your soul, and you L IVE it. You don’t just talk it, you live it, and even then, it will only go so far. Love and light only works against something that has an understanding of love and light.
Boys and girls, as I have said previously, the things that are coming have no concept of love and light. And if you think you’re going and a couple of you are going to get together and hold hands and project love and light and you’re going to be ok — well, alright.
It’s my understanding that humans are a delicacy to some of these creatures. And no, I am not talking abstractly. You can’t just talk the talk, you have to walk the walk and live it. And honestly, I don’t know what more I can say on the matter except that I’m just really sick and tired of people expounding love and light “jut love love and light” and then damning me to hell for what I believe. I got news for some of you people” Miranda and I have been to hell. Until you’ve gone there and crawled yourself out of it, don’t wish it on somebody.
Part 4
Now, now comes my bitch rant. I want to start by saying one thing straight up: I despise the term “Supersoldier”. I hate that word. That was never what I called myself, that was never what Miranda called herself, that was never what we called ourselves. We were Omega units. That was the project we were in together. The Omega Project. Again, we were Omega units. We were never called Supersoldiers, we were never called Ultimate Warriors. Those terms are media terms. In my opinion, designed and put out there to cheapen the testimony of anyone coming out of these projects.
But, it would seem there are a ton, and I do mean a ton, of little jackwagon pieces of shit on the internet calling themselves “Supersoldiers”. It’s amazing to me how, at Awake and Aware I, the first one, when Dave Corso and I were on stage and we discussed the different generations of so-called supersoldiers from generation one through five, no one had ever hard that before. The suddenly, right after that, dozens of little jackwagons were all over the internet, claiming to be “Generation 5, Generation 6, Generation 7”. Oh people, give me a break.
It’s unreal. One so-called fifth generation supersoldier said that he and another fifth generation supersoldier defeated Satan and Lucifer and stopped the bringing about of the New World Order. Really? Guys, if you did, where the hell is heaven on earth then? We’re still waiting, tick tock.
Then there are those out there, and I guess for whatever reason, they think they’re an angel flying around between heaven and earth holding a flaming sword, with sunlight shooting out of their ass. It’s bad enough that when legitimate people do come forward, the harassment, the ridicule, and derision is bad enough. But I swear to the gods (yes, I said gods as in more than one), every time someone legitimate comes forward, a dozen more of these little jackwagons come out with so much bullshit that it just tears away the legitimacy of a real whistleblower.
Now, contrary so many of these idiotic YouTube posters, yes –we do this at a great risk. Not only to ourselves, but to every one around us. I read and heard so many times “if this were real, why are you still alive?” And I’ll say it again — it damn sure isn’t because they haven’t tried. We live with constant surveillance. We can prove dozens of times over how our phone calls are monitored. As a matter of fact, a great deal of so called information that is out there on the internet right now being used by these little jackwagons, came from us. It has been twisted and perverted to become so fantastical, as I said earlier, it overshadows the legitimate ones. Boys, enough. And you know who the hell you are.
There are also, as I call them, little jackwagons out there that like to throw our names around to try and give themselves their own legitimacy. Ain’t’ working, guys. It ain’t working.
In truth, besides David Corso, there have only been two others that we know of that we 100 percent say came out of these projects. One was a Native American man who was older than me who had to leave this country because of this. The other is our good friend John Stormm. And John, if you ever want to use our site, our blog, to come forward, it’s yours brother, any time you want.
Let me take a moment and relate something that happened just over a year ago. I have a very good friend who is a Colonel in the US Army, and active Colonel. He had, notice I said had, an uncle that was in the Air Force during the Vietnam era. My Colonel friend spoke with his uncle about me and some of the vents that he and I talked about. The uncle said that he needed to speak with me because he remembered some of the event that I said took place. A meeting between us was arranged.
This man blew his brains out the night before. Can you begin to comprehend the tightrope walk with this?
Hopefully you little jackwagons will learn something from this.
I can’t do any more tonight. I need to get a nap. I’ve got to blow something up tomorrow.
from O'Finioan's Blog by ofinioan
I don’t have time for this. I really don’t. But I’m here right now, it has been snowing, the ground is frozen. I’ve been marching on that frozen ground for the better part of the day, and I just don’t have time for this crap. But …
There comes a time when you just have to get some crap off your chest. If I were smart, and had taken Miranda’s advice a long time ago and gotten everything — different things — out while they were still small, I wouldn’t have to be doing this at a time when I’m pushing through be exhaustion. But I guess in some aspects, I just ain’t that smart. So here is your warning: Your one and only warning: I guarantee , if you read this post, the vast majority of you will go away pissed off. And guess what? That’s my intent. My intent this night with this blog post is to piss off as many people as I can. So if that’s not what you want, click out now and move on. You want to stick around for the ride? Then buckle up.
Part 1 — 9/11
Don, only because you asked:
The events of 9/11 are something that we have not shied away from, but honestly just never really saw the point, since it happened ten years ago. We just figured everyone already made up their minds one way or the other and they weren’t going to be changed. Since we were asked by a good friend to say something about it, that’s what we’re going to do.
9/11 was a staged event. No ifs, no ands, no buts about it — it was a staged event. Don’t worry, we’re not going to belabor the details that are already out there for audiovisual consumption, you just need to do the research. But, one of the best things that I can comment on concerning this event — as I sat in my living room on the East coast at that time, and I watched the second plane strike one of the towers, and then a little bit later I watched both the towers fall — the first words out of my mouth were “Damn, best demolition job I’ve ever seen.”
No plane brought down those buildings. Those buildings were wired with explosives and then detonated. And I will add this: The bullshit expounded on by the media , that burning jet fuel weakened/melted the steel and brought those buildings down, is so bogus I can’t fathom even a mildly intelligent person believing it.
Please allow me to briefly recount a little story that took place around the Vietnam War. A little story that Senator John McCain knows all too well, since it was he that caused this event tot happen. There was a ship on its way back to port called the USS Forestall. There was an “accident” that caused a missile to fire from one of the parked jets on her deck. This caused a chain reaction of explosions which literally caused thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel to not only run all over her main foredeck, but to run down into the lower decks. This fire burned for hours. Did she sink? No, she made it home to port. Does anyone see the irony in this?
And one last thing I’ll say about the two towers falling. Planes struck one side. If any structural weakening was done, it was done on ONE SIDE. If they had caused these buildings to fall, they would have fallen like notching a tree — they would have fallen to the weakest side, not STRAIGHT FUCKING DOWN the way they did.
There were many, many reasons why this event took place. That is an entire post all to itself at another time. Now Don, I know this doesn’t give you everything you asked for, but brother, I’m tired tonight and I got a long way to go …
Part 2 UFO Disclosure
I have a question for a great number of you UFO researchers/disclosure advocates and general all around flying saucer conspiracy theorists: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Did you really think that the government was going to come out and admit to that contact has been going on since basically the beginning of time? Did you really believe that?
And let me ask you another question: Why do you need the blessing and confirmation of an illegitimate government, topped by an illegitimate president with delusions of grandeur and kinghood of the world to confirm your beliefs? I don’t. I never have. How can you one minute say you can’t believe a damn word from the government to go to the next minute, needing them to disclose something when you know damn well you couldn’t believe it anyway? This makes no sense to me people.
You believe what you believe — great. My opinion, is there evidence out there that life exists out there in the universe? Yes. Is there evidence out there that other intelligent beings have visited this planet? Yes. Is there evidence out there that other races of beings have a working relationship with various government of the world? Yes. Also “interdimensional beings”, and these are the ones you need to be afraid of.
Not if but when the governments of the world come together and finally do announce disclosure, and they will, it will be for THEIR benefit, not yours, not mine, not anyone else’s but their own. I don’t know about any of you, hut I know what I believe, and I don’t need some nitwit unelected official, whether in the white house, Downing Street, the Kremlin or wherever to give me any kind of confirmation. Hey, that’s just me.
My advice: stop wasting your time petitioning governments — it’s all going to happen, it’s on a time frame, it’s all coming together, it just probably won’t be what you’re wishing for — but you’re going to get it.
Anyone not pissed off yet?
Part 3
I am going to tie two pieces of rope together right now and talk about two things at once. Religious beliefs, and love and light. If you remember, a few weeks ago I did the post and basically came out and admitted that we are Odinistic, and that we hate doing that. That is one thing that we do not like to do, because it always brings trouble, talking about your religious beliefs.
First of all, we’re not religious. Not at all. And by the way, if you read your Bible, neither was Jesus. As a matter of fact, Jesus hated religion. Look it up. We believe in the old ways. The ways of Odin. They are harsh ways. They’re strong ways. They’re good ways. It’s how we live our lives. But oh boy howdy, you wouldn’t’ believe the number of people who are no longer our “friends” because of this. As one person came up to me right after that after reading it in person and said “You’re not a Christian?” My reply was “Uhh no, why?” “Well I read your blog post… ” And I stood there waiting for this person to continue and all they did was shook their head and walked off. I haven’t seen the person since. And several other like events happened as well. Hmmm. So much for love and light.
I know several months ago we briefly touched on the whole love and light stuff. I’m gonna say something flat out: You cannot project love and light unless love and light resides in YOU. Just because you like writing and speaking flowery words, dancing around like a faery, and saying bless you to everybody you meet, while truthfully inside, you really thinking that you just want to get away from this person –that doesn’t work. And as our good friend Dave Corso said at this last Awake and Aware conference, love and light won’t stop a bullet. He’s right. It won’t.
Projecting love and light works only if you have love and light in your heart, in your soul, and you L IVE it. You don’t just talk it, you live it, and even then, it will only go so far. Love and light only works against something that has an understanding of love and light.
Boys and girls, as I have said previously, the things that are coming have no concept of love and light. And if you think you’re going and a couple of you are going to get together and hold hands and project love and light and you’re going to be ok — well, alright.
It’s my understanding that humans are a delicacy to some of these creatures. And no, I am not talking abstractly. You can’t just talk the talk, you have to walk the walk and live it. And honestly, I don’t know what more I can say on the matter except that I’m just really sick and tired of people expounding love and light “jut love love and light” and then damning me to hell for what I believe. I got news for some of you people” Miranda and I have been to hell. Until you’ve gone there and crawled yourself out of it, don’t wish it on somebody.
Part 4
Now, now comes my bitch rant. I want to start by saying one thing straight up: I despise the term “Supersoldier”. I hate that word. That was never what I called myself, that was never what Miranda called herself, that was never what we called ourselves. We were Omega units. That was the project we were in together. The Omega Project. Again, we were Omega units. We were never called Supersoldiers, we were never called Ultimate Warriors. Those terms are media terms. In my opinion, designed and put out there to cheapen the testimony of anyone coming out of these projects.
But, it would seem there are a ton, and I do mean a ton, of little jackwagon pieces of shit on the internet calling themselves “Supersoldiers”. It’s amazing to me how, at Awake and Aware I, the first one, when Dave Corso and I were on stage and we discussed the different generations of so-called supersoldiers from generation one through five, no one had ever hard that before. The suddenly, right after that, dozens of little jackwagons were all over the internet, claiming to be “Generation 5, Generation 6, Generation 7”. Oh people, give me a break.
It’s unreal. One so-called fifth generation supersoldier said that he and another fifth generation supersoldier defeated Satan and Lucifer and stopped the bringing about of the New World Order. Really? Guys, if you did, where the hell is heaven on earth then? We’re still waiting, tick tock.
Then there are those out there, and I guess for whatever reason, they think they’re an angel flying around between heaven and earth holding a flaming sword, with sunlight shooting out of their ass. It’s bad enough that when legitimate people do come forward, the harassment, the ridicule, and derision is bad enough. But I swear to the gods (yes, I said gods as in more than one), every time someone legitimate comes forward, a dozen more of these little jackwagons come out with so much bullshit that it just tears away the legitimacy of a real whistleblower.
Now, contrary so many of these idiotic YouTube posters, yes –we do this at a great risk. Not only to ourselves, but to every one around us. I read and heard so many times “if this were real, why are you still alive?” And I’ll say it again — it damn sure isn’t because they haven’t tried. We live with constant surveillance. We can prove dozens of times over how our phone calls are monitored. As a matter of fact, a great deal of so called information that is out there on the internet right now being used by these little jackwagons, came from us. It has been twisted and perverted to become so fantastical, as I said earlier, it overshadows the legitimate ones. Boys, enough. And you know who the hell you are.
There are also, as I call them, little jackwagons out there that like to throw our names around to try and give themselves their own legitimacy. Ain’t’ working, guys. It ain’t working.
In truth, besides David Corso, there have only been two others that we know of that we 100 percent say came out of these projects. One was a Native American man who was older than me who had to leave this country because of this. The other is our good friend John Stormm. And John, if you ever want to use our site, our blog, to come forward, it’s yours brother, any time you want.
Let me take a moment and relate something that happened just over a year ago. I have a very good friend who is a Colonel in the US Army, and active Colonel. He had, notice I said had, an uncle that was in the Air Force during the Vietnam era. My Colonel friend spoke with his uncle about me and some of the vents that he and I talked about. The uncle said that he needed to speak with me because he remembered some of the event that I said took place. A meeting between us was arranged.
This man blew his brains out the night before. Can you begin to comprehend the tightrope walk with this?
Hopefully you little jackwagons will learn something from this.
I can’t do any more tonight. I need to get a nap. I’ve got to blow something up tomorrow.