A little girl with prophetic insights? Or Fundie church-inspired?

It may also be possible that she is a child perfectly indoctrinated by her Christian parents.
Yeah it's a tricky one, she's definitely talking like someone who either attends Church or listens to Biblical sermons at home. Her vocabulary is very "churchie". But who knows, maybe she also did see something and can only express it via the vocabulary and worldview she's been taught. The comets and booms and tsunamis and aliens is an interesting touch. Of course there's always the possibility that the parents are using her for internet points. Anyway she's cute and hopefully makes it to her new and better world.

I've been having this thought - are children going to be born and go about their lives as normal when the "cleansing" comes? As in, will they all be just normal kids who get caught up in destruction within a few short years of being born? On the one hand, that's not unheard of in human history when thousands or millions of families have been killed and/or starved either by other humans or natural disasters. But those are events that may or may not have happened. But if you're a bunch of souls about to incarnate and see a global disaster within just a few years, I'd imagine you might want to come with special abilities or knowledge to help your families if possible. Or maybe be at the end of your 3d incarnation cycle to benefit from the transition, which I guess goes along with the above. I realize plenty of kids get born just to die shortly after, but if we're talking about mass scale destruction and global renewal, perhaps the souls coming in wouldn't be coming in thinking they're going to have a regular old 3d incarnation. So perhaps there's some kind of selection or self-selection process that happens at the soul level for those coming in now?
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Here is, for example, the ranting of an indoctrinated child.

Known in Latin America as the preacher child is a pastor of a Christian church.

The new life of the child who said 'depraved people, blinded by satan'.​

He is currently a musician and shares his creations on video platforms.

In the 90's, Nezaretth Castillo Rey preached, with his small hands and big voice, the word of God in temples, churches and stadiums. This infant was very popular among the community of Paiján, Peru, because it was believed that he had something special being only three years old and referring to the public with such propriety.

His destiny seemed to be marked. According to what his father told the Spanish newspaper 'El País', his birth was a prophecy, since God appeared to him in a dream and told him that he was going to give him a son who would travel the world preaching. He also gave him his name, Nezaretth, which means 'sent by God'.

His father's hopes ended when Nezaretth, already a young man, decided to devote himself to music and not to preaching.​
Yeah it's a tricky one, she's definitely talking like someone who either attends Church or listens to Biblical sermons at home. Her vocabulary is very "churchie". But who knows, maybe she also did see something and can only express it via the vocabulary and worldview she's been taught. The comets and booms and tsunamis and aliens is an interesting touch. Of course there's always the possibility that the parents are using her for internet points. Anyway she's cute and hopefully makes it to her new and better world.
I don't know either, but there did seem like some inspiration in what she was saying despite whatever religious brainwashing she has endured from her parents or wherever. She reminded me of how the C's seem to push us to keep a stiff upper lip and some humility in the face of coming catastrophes.
I've been having this thought - are children going to be born and go about their lives as normal when the "cleansing" comes? As in, will they all be just normal kids who get caught up in destruction within a few short years of being born?

As the Cs have said on countless occasions "All there is is lessons".

I think those souls who go to reincarnate in the last moments, shortly before the cataclysms, only arrive to experience this event, the Cs have said that these events reflect the human experience, like Joan of Arc and her "ecstasy" on the pyre. Who knows, possibly the experience, which we 3D humans consider painful, is the catalyst for ascending to 4D.

Now, given the psychological and social moment we are living in, many of those children with a mission for their family or a family member will be lost or forget their mission. Today's education is not particularly interested in developing the spirit, unless the parents belong to communities like this one, which are very small. At last count, we are 7529 members, of which how many of us have responsibility for a child?​
As the Cs have said on countless occasions "All there is is lessons".

I think those souls who go to reincarnate in the last moments, shortly before the cataclysms, only arrive to experience this event, the Cs have said that these events reflect the human experience, like Joan of Arc and her "ecstasy" on the pyre. Who knows, possibly the experience, which we 3D humans consider painful, is the catalyst for ascending to 4D.

Now, given the psychological and social moment we are living in, many of those children with a mission for their family or a family member will be lost or forget their mission. Today's education is not particularly interested in developing the spirit, unless the parents belong to communities like this one, which are very small. At last count, we are 7529 members, of which how many of us have responsibility for a child?​
Good points, and the C's and RA both speak of catalysts - painful experiences - that might prompt one to grow. Then there's the group that might need to clear karma (the two not being mutually exclusive), and of course we also have like 50% who are OP's as well who just happen to be born as well. So I guess it's probably a shorter list of people who would choose to opt out from incarnating given the opportunities in our times. I tend to forget that pain, suffering, and death aren't seen by souls the way we see them. Especially given that the C's mentioned the Wave will be experienced by everyone according to their individual FRV - so there is no inevitable fate for any given person, even if overall widespread destruction might happen. What you are able to learn, and to contribute to others, and exactly what your fate is might depend more on "who you are and what you see" than anything else. And death, however and whenever it comes, doesn't mean failure, just as suffering/struggle isn't without its benefits, again, depending on who you are and what you see and do.
Sounds like her parents have been taking her to a fundie church quite a bit.
Yup, I totally agree, that was my first impression as well.
Then, when the Mom pans the camera a bit, there’s that nice big t.v. Screen.
A cartoon Is paused, from the looks of it, and it’s a rocket, or missile, can’t really make it out, from the still picture.
Dollars to donuts the “600 Club” or some other Holy Roller station is on the “favourites” remote button.
The child is parroting all the hell and brimstone, blue eye, long haired hippy Jesus stuff, that the evangelical gang “believe”, and preach and screech non stop.
Also, having raised a few kids, and been one myself, a while ago, watching her body language, especially the rocking, eye movements and speech cadence, all indicate a repetition of memorized words.
As well, the mother is very encouraging throughout the child’s “sermon”, every kid thrives on that.
Is she a Prophet, a shamanic “reborn” soul?
Nah, more likely a born again car salesman, or door to door zealot.
The kid is cute as a button, sharp as a tack, but, ultimately just pleasing mom and dad is my my vote.
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