a little preview on what might be coming for us at a global level?


FOTCM Member
hey guys i didn't see it posted anywhere else , i found this on BBC:
take a look at this video video
which offcourse clicked and reminded me of a session with the C's in which was stated:
Q: (L) What is the meaning of the number 666 in the book of Revelation?
A: Visa.
Q: (L) You mean as in credit card?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents?
A: Yes?
Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to disconnect ourselves from the credit system?
A: Isn't just credit also debit.
Q: (L) Is that an affirmative.
A: How are you going to do this?
Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?
A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.
Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?
A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.
Q: (L) What happened to free will?
A: Brotherhood AKA Lizards AKA antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.
Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?
A: If you are willing to leave the body.
Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If we were to move...
A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.

any comments?
Seeing that central control room monitoring every transaction gave me the shivers. S. Korea is obviously the "test run" to iron out any bugs or problems in the system before it gets foisted on the rest of us.

"They" have other Orwellian test runs already in place:

Taken from http://www.sott.net/articles/show/176275-Big-Brother-Digest-Steady-Creep-into-an-Orwellian-Nightmare

Convergence of technology and global warming politics

The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam shows the financial incentives granted to researchers developing CO2 related technology and the politics behind a new carbon footprint tax. Should this be imposed upon consumers, RFID technology is likely to play a key role. Researchers are working on how RFID can be used to calculate an item's Carbon Footprint:
The Bits to Energy Lab is studying how to use data collected via RFID to calculate an individual item's carbon footprint, then display that information on an RFID-enabled mobile phone.
Converging mobile devices to communicate with vehicles, a Cashless Society where Cell Phones Double As Electronic Wallets, It is relatively easy to extrapolate a not so distant future scenario:
At the supermarket checkout, all products with embedded RFID chips in your shopping basket are instantaneously scanned, the cost deducted from your bank account and you're immediately given a carbon footprint sum based on unique data on every product you have chosen. Linked to your Carbon footprint ration card it may well be that you'd have to put those Saudi dates back on the shelf otherwise you'd be over your monthly CO2 limit. You wouldn't have enough credits to get your shopping home, since your car will be automatically disabled unless you make an immediate carbon off-set purchase.

Guess that implanting a chip under the skin would be too much for most people. So perhaps the PTB are going for the next best thing, cellphones. In this days almost everyone goes around with them in their pockets or in their purses.

It is something that people are already used to, it wouldn't be much of a shock to use them to pay for everything. It even has the "convenience" of also having the purpose of tracking our every move, I mean, if people already go around with them almost everywhere, if it would be used to pay for everything, then it would be truly inseparable from almost everyone.
I caught a bit on BBC breakfast yesterday with the cell phone idea being presented by someone from Barclay's (possibly the head of?).
I just thought it was a small piece, but looks like maybe not!

I did shout at the TV at one point when he stated 'most people find cash inconvenient and fiddly'

Interestingly enough with a little web searching, they appear to have been proposing this in 2005
RedFox said:
I caught a bit on BBC breakfast yesterday with the cell phone idea being presented by someone from Barclay's (possibly the head of?).
I just thought it was a small piece, but looks like maybe not!

I did shout at the TV at one point when he stated 'most people find cash inconvenient and fiddly'

Interestingly enough with a little web searching, they appear to have been proposing this in 2005

You can listen to the interview here:

Dan Salmons director of payment innovations of Barclay card discusses the end of the cheque and the beginning of a cashless society on the Chris Evans BBC Radio 2 show 16/2/09
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