A place that attracts animals.


The Living Force
I have a strange place, near the Apple tree here.
Where the all animal like to hang on.
There few more trees nearby to it, one is on a 2 meter distance.
Dogs, cats, chickens, etc, they all like to lay down there.
First I thought maybe some stuff is buried there, but why should it attracts animal.
It is an old city, it was established in 1149.
There were enough big fights in this area during 1200-1300, it is the ones I was told.
My grandparents found a basket of silver coins under the tree from Nikolay ІІ, 1900, the last Russian emperor.
This apple tree was brought from far away another area and planted by my parents.

Maybe I find some metal detector and check. Or ot is just a nice place.. I don't know what else could it be.
I have a strange place, near the Apple tree here.
Where the all animal like to hang on.
There few more trees nearby to it, one is on a 2 meter distance.
Dogs, cats, chickens, etc, they all like to lay down there.
First I thought maybe some stuff is buried there, but why should it attracts animal.
It is an old city, it was established in 1149.
There were enough big fights in this area during 1200-1300, it is the ones I was told.
My grandparents found a basket of silver coins under the tree from Nikolay ІІ, 1900, the last Russian emperor.
This apple tree was brought from far away another area and planted by my parents.

Maybe I find some metal detector and check. Or ot is just a nice place.. I don't know what else could it be.
animals are very tuned in that way ! Have you done a standing/sitting meditation on that spot? being careful not to squash any animals!😅
animals are very tuned in that way ! Have you done a standing/sitting meditation on that spot? being careful not to squash any animals!😅
I have observing it for a year for sure, but have done nothing.

I just sat down and smoked there for a while, the first thing that came to my mind was some kind of underground water stream/current and smth:-):cool2:. But I have preconceptions, maybe I should bring some people there.

added: As soon as I wrote that, an apple fell from the tree, right in this spot :-)
This is a magic spot! Perhaps it's a meeting place for them, on this earth that they feel is somehow friendly, with what may be subterranean vibrations that they can perceive but not the humans. Who knows, maybe this earth has minerals that animals can sense and just rest on it, their bodies fed by the energy of these minerals. And the apple tree welcomes them and they feel safe under its shade and the apples.
Maybe it's an energy vortex.

"An energy vortex is based on imaginary, energetic lines called "Ley Lines" that criss-cross the earth and intersect at certain points. The location of sacred sites across the world is thought to be interconnected by these lines. These points of intersection can be positive - spiralling in an upwards, clockwise direction or negative - spiralling downwards in an anti-clockwise direction. A positive vortex can be found when Ley Lines meet at a 90 degree angle - these sites are believed to promote good health and a peaceful mental state. In contrast, when a negative, imbalanced vortex occurs, lines are said to intersect in a less positive way. These negative energy lines are believed to be draining and able to cause poor mental, emotional, energetic, and physical health."

The place you described sounds positive.
I try not to eat sugar and sweet stuff, but as far as I'm no longer on keto, i start allowing me some stuff.

So I had chicken pox last year. (I didn't have it as a child) When my body started to recover, I had a crazy craving for these apples. They're not too sweet, with sourness, and very very juicy, just the way I like. And as I remember now I didn't want any others at all, because we have other apple trees.

Added: This apple tree is just hung with apples right now, we put up a reinforcement for the branches, or they are just bending, even though they are still green.
Maybe I find some metal detector and check. Or ot is just a nice place.. I don't know what else could it be.

There are many stories, mythology, legends, etc. about trees, they were even considered sacred.

- Already from his childhood Buddha had felt a great experience of happiness in the shade of an apple tree

- The Apple Tree and the Paradises. The Garden of the Western Nymphs. Atlantis and Atlantean. The last work of Hercules. Hera. Their children. The immortals War and Discord. Hephaestus and the lie detector. Paris and the golden apple. The Viking goddess Idun..

Meditate under it and see how it is. What is the worst thing that could happen to you? that you scream Eureka or when you open your eyes maybe you'll end up like a Disney princess surrounded by animals all over you? (laughs).

Still don't get carried away by wishful thinking, sometimes the reason is simpler and more mundane than we think.

There are so many reasons for a tree being a point of convergence for animals and people, I do think there's an energetic property to trees, and it may be tied to the history of the tree and the area, like you said water running, minerals in the ground and so much more. I think the C's mentioned something along the lines, where the activities of humans and animals can produce an energy signature in certain places and trees, so there's that to consider.

But there's also, the area, are there many other trees around? if not.. trees attract insects and provide shade, that's a natural gathering spots for other animals that feed on its leaves, and on the insects and birds and many others, so it could be a combination of a few factors I think.

It's cool nonetheless, I wasn't trying to rob the story of any mysticism, on the contrary, I think what we deem natural convergence points, whether there's a lot more going on other than regular physical factors, remains mystical at times.
There is another apple tree 2 metres from this one.
But this one has lower branches.
The branches of this tree are lower and cover the whole area better. The animals chose the eastern side, although the tree covers both the western and southern sides with its branches.
Also few metres away there are other trees.
At ths northern side it is united with branches of neighbouring tree.

I just came for a smoke and chickens go at that pace after me next to the tree where I was sitting.

Chickens made a nest there, or they started digging for me to show what should I do (to dig or to made a "nest" there )🤭


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Apples are not ready yet, they are too small.
They need one more month to get ready, they will be 2 times bigger. In the end of summer.
There are pleanty of them on the apple tree, very fruitful apple tree.
It is my father gathered them and put them there.
He mix them, chop to pieces in order to become a fertiliser quicker.
Those spiky friend loves dogs food, i caught him recently eating it. I guess he/she was chasing for insects, sniffing around loudly. Very cute and friendly, he/she didn't make a ball/buble protection position.
Yeas, I guess they should be perfect for cider, very juicy.
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