A Red Room Dream

As I was reading the thread entitled Different learning styles. Can the LAW OF EXCEPTION be reached intuitively?, I was reminded of a dream I had about a 1.5 years ago and approximately 1.5 years after discovering and reading the contents of cassiopaea.org and some of its related sites. Not wanting to "hi-jack" the aforementioned thread, I thought it would be more appropriate to start a new thread and write about that experience here.

On that particular afternoon I had decided to take a nap on a couch in a living room at a friend's house and it was at a point in my life where I had an abundance of questions about the true nature of our reality. While drifting off to sleep I had been thinking about what I should do in terms of my pursuit to better understand the spiritual aspects of life. As I drifted to sleep my awareness was jolted "awake" but in a sense my body was still asleep. As I was jolted "awake" I felt some invisible force envelope my entire body and sort of "squeeze" me (at the same time I felt as though I was being tickled). At the time my eyes were open and I was fully aware of my surroundings. As the pressure of this "force" continued to increase I decided to close my eyes and at that very instant something very interesting happened. I felt my body (ethereal/astral/dream body?) being carried/directed before a gated entrance that appeared physical and yet at the same time very ethereal. That is, you could pass through it as though it were a hologram.

Arching over the top of the "gate" itself appeared the upper 1/3 of two very beautiful and partially nude women. Their bodies were facing in my direction partially covered with slightly transparent sheets with one arm/hand stretched out pointing to the heavens above while the other was directed towards the interior of the entrance below (as though allowing passage). The heads of each were facing each other and were slightly directed upward at angle of approximately 45 degrees. Their eyes were gazing upwards in the same direction as their outstretched arms towards the heavens and gave the impression of being both disinterested and sad.

The gate opened inwards as I was more or less "pushed" through the entrance at the level of these two figures. Thus, I clearly saw them turn inwards and separate from each other as I entered. Once I entered I was confronted with a puzzle/problem and was given not only a key i.e. abundance of information/instructions but was also told which door (the solution) it opened. In sum, I knew exactly how everything worked within these gated walls. After I was given this information I realized what exactly I needed to do in order to find the door. I was then suddenly dropped into an enclosed room bathed in a red light. As I was falling I realized that the instructions/information given to me, by themselves, weren't sufficient to find the door. It was then that I realized that there existed other people in the Red Room that also had a key and knew the location of the door. In other words, my instructions/information weren't sufficient in the sense of allowing me to find the door (solution) by myself, but were sufficient in allowing me to find the pertinent information via the events of the Red Room and via locating other such people with keys.

In a sense, it was a game or puzzle and the nature of the game was such that the knowledge of how the "pieces" fit together required discernment of the experience while in this Red Room. In other words, the pieces are hidden within the experience and may be discovered via the careful discernment of its reality. That is, collecting knowledge (pieces of the puzzle) via a constant awareness of the 'going's on of what happens around you and within you' as you navigate the reality of the Red Room.

However, once I hit the ground of this Red Room I suddenly couldn't remember exactly what I supposed to do and only had a vague idea. My memory was almost completely erased, I then had this notion that I would have to rely on an alternate mode of understanding the experience of this Red Room: my intuition.

Upon awakening from this dream, I sat up and refreshed the browser on my computer that was displaying my myspace page. When it refreshed, I saw that a friend of mine had just posted a comment that read: "www.gnosticteachings.org, interesting stuff". Seeing that added to the significance of my dream which solidified the desire in my mind that understanding the meaning within the dream might be beneficial. The next thing I did was do a search on the net to try to better understand the symbolism of the dream. One of the first results of that search may be found here:


The following is a short excerpt from that site:

In his dream Cooper meets Laura the victim who will inform him about the killer's identity. However, the solution will retain in his subconscious until much later in the series, when he will be enabled to enter this blurry subconscious state again. In terms of narrative this is a 'cliffhanger'17, in terms of Cooper's development it is necessary time that has to elapse in order for him to grow into his role as a new detective.

Cooper is not only introduced to the 'Red Room', but he even merges with the female victim in account of an 'elastic ego', a trait that characterizes intuitive types, according to C.G. Jung. Angela Hague defines this term as follows:

An 'elastic ego' is a characteristic feature of an intuitive type, which enables this person to fuse with all envisioned possibilities, even enabling this person to foresee the future (Hague, 137).

This description fits Cooper who can tell future events not from analytic deduction, as the classical detective, but from his intuitive ability. Cooper's willingness to indulge into the unconscious region of his mind leads to a visionary contact that goes hand in hand with an "ego loss that eliminates the boundaries separating the 'I' from the rest of the world, just as it dissolves the distinctions between subject and object" (136). Cooper does not "reduce detection to a narcissistic game of no-difference" (Irwin 70), but takes the investigation to his heart. Only complete physical and emotional (psychic) involvement can lead Cooper to a true solution. In terms of the narrative it is also striking that the solution is delivered to him, yet Cooper forgets it right after waking up. This incident is essential for Cooper's development as a new serial detective. In a mental state of inner balance Cooper dreams himself into the Red Room and enjoys waiting for a revelation. Thus, the solution to the murder mystery is delivered to Cooper at the very beginning, but it seems that Cooper is striving for a greater achievement, i.e. focusing beyond the (narrative) board on a bigger game.

This definition is crucial for Cooper's contact with Laura Palmer in his dream. His ability stands in harsh contrast to the classical detective who not only seals himself off from the outside world, paradoxically to analyze it even more precisely, but also refuses to see the female victim as a subject. The rationale of the classical detective prevents him from an active engagement with the sphere he investigates. Cooper, on the other hand, is eager and willing to let go of rational thinking in order to fuse with his subconscious region. He (and the viewer of TP) are rewarded for that with a highly unconventional, cryptic, yet not meaningless dream vision that takes Cooper into another sphere of experience.

I will now examine this strange space, this place between two worlds, keeping in mind that an ultimate explanation cannot and shall not be possible in a realm that deliberately violates the codes of spoken language. The Red Room denies rational meaning, as it is always present and demanded in conventional detective mysteries, where "the logical construct dissolves the enigma of the body, and the masculine principle ... creates the desired order" (Nochimson, 'Passion', 89).

After fully reading the analysis of the Twin Peaks Red Room Dream, I was more than taken aback at the eery similarities presented in the analysis of the relationship between Cooper, the Red Room Dream, and the reality of Twin Peaks to my own "Red Room Dream". I thought it was very interesting that the methods Cooper co-opted to not only solve a murder mystery but also to solve the much bigger mystery of evil's root cause (that is, to understand both the nature of the realm and of the evil spirit that has taken control of or imprisoned the residents of Twin Peaks) were very similar to how I interpreted experience in order to gather knowledge about the spiritual realm.

I never was really sure what to make of this dream, but at that time I did hold the belief (maybe naively) that it meant something of significance. What do you all think? Was I leading myself astray by thinking that I needed to develop my intuition in order to better discern and navigate myself through the maze of this reality? I found the "theme"/"plot" of Twin Peaks to be curiously allegorical to what's going on in this reality, does anyone else see the similarities or am I deluding myself?
as soon as i read the title of your post i immediately thought of the highly memorable sequences in twin peaks. (that's why i clicked & read it)
have you watched the show recently? maybe that caused you to dream about a red room?

and i agree with you that the plot of twin peaks is very symbolic of our reality, i assume this is why the show immediately grabbed my attention all those years ago.

also - our existence here is somewhat similar to your dream IMHO - we know the 'solution' beforehand, then get 'dropped' onto the BBM and forget everything. then we try to re-gain that knowledge.
Actually before that day I hadn't watched an episode of Twin Peaks nor did I have the slightest idea of its theme/plot. Thus, I didn't know about The Red Room Dream or it contents. So I was amazed when I realized the similarities between my red room dream and the one presented when I clicked on the link to the analysis of Cooper's Red Room Dream. :huh:
SeekingtheTruth said:
Actually before that day I hadn't watched an episode of Twin Peaks nor did I have the slightest idea of its theme/plot. Thus, I didn't know about The Red Room Dream or it contents. So I was amazed when I realized the similarities between my red room dream and the one presented when I clicked on the link to the analysis of Cooper's Red Room Dream. :huh:

I'm about 2/3 way through the new edition of "High Strangeness", and this dream reminds me of something Laura mentions in there. (Though I can't remember exactly where :-[ ) She talks about a group of either 4D or bi density beings spending all their time 'beaming' ideas into 3D people's heads, all kinds of scenarios, in an attempt to direct/vector creative energies.

That said, it depends on how the intuitions and imagery 'click' to you, as to whether or not the above is close to what's going on.

About intuition: In my life (which is all I have to go on at the moment) every time I've ignored or rationalized away an intuitive impression about someone or event etc, it's lead to a bad end. I got hurt every time. In each case there was a pattern recognition going on, or a subtle red flag that spiked in awareness that at the time I thought was ridiculous.

Just some ideas to think about, and I hope its made sense, if not let me know and I'll try again at 'splaining it.
[quote author=Gimpy today] About intuition: In my life (which is all I have to go on at the moment) every time I've ignored or rationalized away an intuitive impression about someone or event etc, it's lead to a bad end. [/quote]

This used to happen to me also, so I can recognise exactly what you mean, Gimpy. Now, I pay strict attention to my intuitive feelings, even the very fleeting ones, and have saved myself a lot 'bad ends'. In retrospect, I believe that the ignoring of my intuitions was due to the subtle and deceitful whisperings of the Predator, because like you, I've always ended up in deep shtuck of one kind or another; nearly always emotionally charged. By then, of course, it's too late to wail; 'Oh if only I had listened to myself!', and the Predator has had a nice little feast!
Gimpy said:
I'm about 2/3 way through the new edition of "High Strangeness", and this dream reminds me of something Laura mentions in there. (Though I can't remember exactly where :-[ ) She talks about a group of either 4D or bi density beings spending all their time 'beaming' ideas into 3D people's heads, all kinds of scenarios, in an attempt to direct/vector creative energies.

That said, it depends on how the intuitions and imagery 'click' to you, as to whether or not the above is close to what's going on.

About intuition: In my life (which is all I have to go on at the moment) every time I've ignored or rationalized away an intuitive impression about someone or event etc, it's lead to a bad end. I got hurt every time. In each case there was a pattern recognition going on, or a subtle red flag that spiked in awareness that at the time I thought was ridiculous.

Just some ideas to think about, and I hope its made sense, if not let me know and I'll try again at 'splaining it.

It's funny that you mention the book High Strangeness as the dream occurred not too long after having read it. So when I found that particular analysis of Cooper's Red Room Dream on the web I was definitely internally conflicted because I was thinking pretty much the same thing. During this "struggle" I thought about the poison scene from Princess Bride : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUee1WvtQZU, and my internal dialogue turned into something akin to the following:

With a very serious tone I thought, "How much control does 4D STS have on what I'm thinking and also on the very next thing I will experience? If they know what I am thinking at any particular space/time and have the ability to travel at will through time, it's possible then that my very next perception is under their control. So at that particular space/time they will inevitably know what I'm thinking and control what I will experience next. If they wanted they could do this over and over and over!"

I started to slightly laugh in disbelief at my thoughts and how crazy they would have sounded to my friend sitting across from me, but I kept on anyway, "But seriously, man, how much control do they really have on the continuity of my internal dialogue and my very next perception?! It can't be that complete can it? Am I really that mechanical and predictable?!"

I started thinking about how everything I did was mechanical. I began to get angry at myself, though I was still quietly laughing. I started to stare at the ceiling and thought, "Eff, eff, eff, eff, eff! Is it even possible to get outta here? How in the hell....not with this mechanical mind/body. I need more knowledge of how it all 'works'. I mean the dream I just had sorta implies that I know how but how to get to this 'knowing how'?!! And dammit 4D STS could very well be toying with me anyway!"

My thoughts then turned sarcastic and began sounding like the puppet, Ed, in Crank Yankers (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=1457100), "I'm so special. I don't even have to think because I already know everything. I'm a good puppet. They pull the strings and I move and look I think I'm thinking but I'm not thinking! I'm mechanical. They control my next perception. They know my next move. They control my next perception. I don't move. They move me! Isn't life great?!"

I started to get serious again, "Did they really just now somehow project this Red Room Dream to me knowing that I would search the net and then find this analysis of Cooper's Red Room Dream? Thus, leading to these 'crazy' and confusing thoughts so that I might start thinking this way all the time and just become some sort of raving paranoid lunatic?! I'm not going to allow them to do that I have freewill right? But can they really do that? I don't know! I'm so confused! Man I need some help here. I can't tell anyone because you know, it's crazy talk man. They'd tell me to stay off the crack or something. Nobody would have a clue anyway, they don't have any of the background knowledge! So how to be objective here? HOW INDEED?!! Dammit I don't know what these guys are capable of doing! Remember there's also STO. Everything is not just STS, there's STO, there's STO, there's STO. How would STO work? I know the C's would probably say 'Naturally of course', but what in the heck does doing something naturally in terms of 4D STO mean? I haven't a clue. Damn, I really am just a lost person right now aren't I?! How does 4D STO help? How does 4D STO help? How would it appear? Was I being given a little help? Maybe? But damn there's 4D STS and they can do whatever they want. More than likely it was those "friendly" guys. But perhaps not? If I assume STS and it was STO that would be a bad move but if it was STS and I assume STO that would also be a bad move. Guess I'll leave it on the table and see what happens next."
Gimpy said:
About intuition: In my life (which is all I have to go on at the moment) every time I've ignored or rationalized away an intuitive impression about someone or event etc, it's lead to a bad end. I got hurt every time. In each case there was a pattern recognition going on, or a subtle red flag that spiked in awareness that at the time I thought was ridiculous.

Just some ideas to think about, and I hope its made sense, if not let me know and I'll try again at 'splaining it.

bedower said:
This used to happen to me also, so I can recognise exactly what you mean, Gimpy. Now, I pay strict attention to my intuitive feelings, even the very fleeting ones, and have saved myself a lot 'bad ends'. In retrospect, I believe that the ignoring of my intuitions was due to the subtle and deceitful whisperings of the Predator, because like you, I've always ended up in deep shtuck of one kind or another; nearly always emotionally charged. By then, of course, it's too late to wail; 'Oh if only I had listened to myself!', and the Predator has had a nice little feast!

I've also had similar experiences in regards to not acting on my intuition. However, in one instance I decided not to act on these feelings that I felt to be my intuition on purpose. I had a notion that in order for me to better sense how the arising of intuition "feels" as it arises from the functional interaction between my emotional and intellectual centers, it might be beneficial for me to do such an experiment. My reasoning for doing such an experiment involved the assumption that not following my intuition would give negative results more often than giving positive results. Since negative results are much easier to identify than positive ones with regards to identifying its root cause, I decided to risk experiencing some pain for the possible benefit of gaining more knowledge about the "feeling" of my intuition as it arises. I felt if I were to simply act on my intuition and a negative result did not ensue, it would be harder to identify its root cause since intuition gives positive results most of the time (perhaps all of the time?) and chance may give positive results some of the time. Thus, I felt the signal of intuition might necessarily be increased if I were to oppose it. If so, then it would give me an opportunity to "see" it in action more clearly and more often. At the same time, it would allow me to approach the experience without most of the confusion that is brought about by wishful thinking. Thus, I felt I could remain more objective throughout the experience. What resulted was a slow growth in wishful thinking accompanied by an increase in the frequency of dreams that made it readily apparent that I was heading in the wrong direction as well as a noticeable increase in seeing the time 9:11 when I was thinking about my decision. Also during this time I had two flat tires on my car and got a ticket that all happened within weeks of each other. There were numerous other less subtle events but since they are harder to describe I decided not to include them. During those events I noticed a certain feeling, a sort of deja vu like knowing but a bit different in its "substance" and also with respect to its duration and connection to my internal dialogue. What I noticed most of all was how swiftly wishfully thinking was able to dominate my thinking processes and the hypnotizing effect it had over me. I did experience pain but thankfully I was able to muster the strength of reason and actually follow my intuition and withdrawal myself from the situation. It was an experiment that I will definitely not attempt to repeat but I did learn more about how intuition "feels" when it happens. But I think I learned more about the power wishful thinking has in clouding my ability to think objectively.
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