A scientific theory and the multiverse madness


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
A scientific theory and the multiverse madness

The discussion about constants in physics such as gravitational constant G, and different values for those same constants in a multiverse, made me think about constants in calculus, integrals and derivatives.

When there is an equation with variables and constants, taking the derivative of the equation eliminates the constants.

Going the other way, taking the integral of the equation creates a constant out of thin air.

So if I start with an equation, take the derivative so the constants go away, and integrate the derivative, then I have the original equation with the original variables but don't necessarily have the original constants and may now have new constants. Is this in some way how reality works?

Perhaps transmolecularizing back and forth is similar to taking the derivative and integral, so that the equation and variables remain the same except the constants may be changed. If the constants are changed by accident, then that points to an incompetent operator.

If this reality is a derivative reality, then it makes sense that taking the integral and moving to a higher reality and then taking a derivative back to this reality could result in the loss of trailing parts or things not arranged in the original order.
When reading the last line of your post, first thing popping into my mind was the Mandela Effect...
Thanks for the mental exercise hlat. :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
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