Giray Khan the Brave
Hi all,
First of all, apologies for a longish post. I hope I don't try your patience too much. I wanted to share with the forum an extended, almost lifelong experience I've had.
Over the years I've had quite a few UFO related dreams (around 20-30) all with a similar kind of theme and I wanted to describe to you three of these which I felt were significant or particularly vivid. If you can bear with me, I would like to give some background to put these dreams into some kind of context:
I think I was around 10 years old when I first read 'Chariots of the Gods' by Erich von Daniken. I can still remember what a revelation this was to my young and active imagination, how it completely changed 'everything' and was my first introduction to the fact that things might not be as they seem. I became an avid UFO enthusiast, greedily devoured any kind of information related to them and longingly daydreamed of seeing one in real life, being taken up by one, of being one with this incredible mystery.
Until I actually started dreaming about UFOs and it all changed:
Dream 1: I think I was about 11-12 when I dreamt this. In the dream, it was daytime and I was in some kind of field in the countryside when suddenly a typical saucer shaped UFO appeared and started hovering silently about 50 feet above this field. Now this dream was extremely real to me; so real that I was not aware at all that I was dreaming and I remember thinking to myself: 'This is it, it's happening, I'm looking at an actual UFO' and seeing all the textures, lights, windows etc on the UFO in perfect detail. So it was like my dream come true but instead of being awed and uplifted by this encounter something entirely different happened: an intense, scrabbling, mindless panic and catastrophic horror came over me. I cannot even begin to describe the depth of this fear and how it instantly turned me into a kind of panicked, unreasoning animal reduced to a pure fleeing instinct and nothing much else. I remember waking up from this dream with a strangled scream and my pulse racing. This first dream seemed to set the mood for all subsequent UFO-related dreams (i.e. the sense of threat, unreasoning fear and animalistic triggering of the flight reflex).
Dream 2: This is the worst of them all. I was around 14-15 and living in Ankara, Turkey when I had this one. The strange thing is that I had this dream but didn't realise I had it until a few weeks later when something triggered the memory and it came back to me in a rush that left me breathless with fear. I have never understood how I could have forgotten such a nightmare.
In the dream, I was in the middle of Ankara (a large, crowded city), walking along the main street in the commercial heart of the city. Sun shining, street full of traffic, crowded sidewalks, the typical daytime noise and hustle-bustle of any modern city. Suddenly, without any warning at all, literally in the space of about 3-4 seconds, everything stops, there is complete silence, all the pedestrians (including me) collapse to the ground like puppets with the strings cut and around 10-20 (as far as I could see) flying saucers land in the area, falling like stones but suddenly braking in mid-air just before hitting the ground. The whole thing has the feel of an abrupt and precise military operation, like a pre-planned ambush. Now, in the dream I am awake, aware, and my eyes are open but I am completely paralysed and helpless but because I am lying on my back and able to move my head around a little I can see bits of what's going on around me. Suddenly there is a flurry of activity and there are men in head-to-toe silver suits (with glass masks or visors) running around. In their hands they are holding what looks like a large radio and connected to this radio by what seems to be a flexible wire is an object (held in the other hand) that looks like a megaphone. The men in the silver suits are stopping at each paralysed pedestrian and pointing this megaphone thing at him/her briefly then going on to the next. By this time I am in the kind of deep panic described in dream 1 and this panic rises when I realise that the men in silver suits are getting nearer and nearer to me. Finally they get to me, one of them points the megaphone type thing at me, stands up and shouts: 'Yes! This one!' I remember that I was lying on the ground, my pulse racing in fear and thinking: 'Oh sh**t!! Oh sh**t!! Oh sh**t...' over and over again like a stuck record. Again the dream ends abruptly...
This dream was one of the most detailed and 'real' dreams I've ever had. So much so that when I remembered this dream a few weeks after having it for a moment I couldn't tell if it was a real memory or a dream. Although it's been years since I had this dream the sheer horror of it is still very fresh in my mind.
Dream 3: In this dream (I was probably around 14-15) I was in my room at our old house in Ankara (5th floor apartment with a large terrace) when I heard a very strange and loud sound coming from what seemed to be the sky. I ran to the terrace with an ominous feeling in the pit of my stomach and my dream viewpoint switched to what seemed to be something like gun-camera footage. It was as if I was staring through some kind of extremely powerful telescope or binoculars which was tracking a very fast moving object in the sky and this object was a gigantic UFO which appeared slightly greyed-out and colourless due to aerial perspective (it was VERY high up in the atmosphere). I still remember how whatever device I was looking through was perfectly tracking the movements of the UFO even though it was doing some crazy and extremely fast manoeuvres, tumbling through the sky. I also remember how the clouds below it streamed across the device's field of vision due to the object's great speed. The UFO was stopping suddenly (and impossibly) then blasting off in another direction and every time it did this it created a sound that was a cross between a thunderclap and a deep ringing boom that reverberated across the sky and made the ground tremble. As I was watching this someone standing beside me told me (in English with an American accent) that the craft was at the very edge of the atmosphere and was periodically 'slamming' into it, creating this incredible sound which in some ways is creepily similar to those Youtube videos which depict mysterious sounds and booms coming from the sky, especially the one that sounds like a gigantic pump or a steam locomotive but the pulses of sound are random, unlike a pump or locomotive.
A small disclaimer: I am not into phenomenon chasing and to be frank would rather not have had any of the weird dreams and experiences I've had due to the simple fact that these experiences affected me deeply in a very negative way to the extent that I feel that I would have been a totally different (happier) person today if I'd never had them. But, as with every other negative thing in my life, I try not to dwell on them and try to get on with it...
First of all, apologies for a longish post. I hope I don't try your patience too much. I wanted to share with the forum an extended, almost lifelong experience I've had.
Over the years I've had quite a few UFO related dreams (around 20-30) all with a similar kind of theme and I wanted to describe to you three of these which I felt were significant or particularly vivid. If you can bear with me, I would like to give some background to put these dreams into some kind of context:
I think I was around 10 years old when I first read 'Chariots of the Gods' by Erich von Daniken. I can still remember what a revelation this was to my young and active imagination, how it completely changed 'everything' and was my first introduction to the fact that things might not be as they seem. I became an avid UFO enthusiast, greedily devoured any kind of information related to them and longingly daydreamed of seeing one in real life, being taken up by one, of being one with this incredible mystery.
Until I actually started dreaming about UFOs and it all changed:
Dream 1: I think I was about 11-12 when I dreamt this. In the dream, it was daytime and I was in some kind of field in the countryside when suddenly a typical saucer shaped UFO appeared and started hovering silently about 50 feet above this field. Now this dream was extremely real to me; so real that I was not aware at all that I was dreaming and I remember thinking to myself: 'This is it, it's happening, I'm looking at an actual UFO' and seeing all the textures, lights, windows etc on the UFO in perfect detail. So it was like my dream come true but instead of being awed and uplifted by this encounter something entirely different happened: an intense, scrabbling, mindless panic and catastrophic horror came over me. I cannot even begin to describe the depth of this fear and how it instantly turned me into a kind of panicked, unreasoning animal reduced to a pure fleeing instinct and nothing much else. I remember waking up from this dream with a strangled scream and my pulse racing. This first dream seemed to set the mood for all subsequent UFO-related dreams (i.e. the sense of threat, unreasoning fear and animalistic triggering of the flight reflex).
Dream 2: This is the worst of them all. I was around 14-15 and living in Ankara, Turkey when I had this one. The strange thing is that I had this dream but didn't realise I had it until a few weeks later when something triggered the memory and it came back to me in a rush that left me breathless with fear. I have never understood how I could have forgotten such a nightmare.
In the dream, I was in the middle of Ankara (a large, crowded city), walking along the main street in the commercial heart of the city. Sun shining, street full of traffic, crowded sidewalks, the typical daytime noise and hustle-bustle of any modern city. Suddenly, without any warning at all, literally in the space of about 3-4 seconds, everything stops, there is complete silence, all the pedestrians (including me) collapse to the ground like puppets with the strings cut and around 10-20 (as far as I could see) flying saucers land in the area, falling like stones but suddenly braking in mid-air just before hitting the ground. The whole thing has the feel of an abrupt and precise military operation, like a pre-planned ambush. Now, in the dream I am awake, aware, and my eyes are open but I am completely paralysed and helpless but because I am lying on my back and able to move my head around a little I can see bits of what's going on around me. Suddenly there is a flurry of activity and there are men in head-to-toe silver suits (with glass masks or visors) running around. In their hands they are holding what looks like a large radio and connected to this radio by what seems to be a flexible wire is an object (held in the other hand) that looks like a megaphone. The men in the silver suits are stopping at each paralysed pedestrian and pointing this megaphone thing at him/her briefly then going on to the next. By this time I am in the kind of deep panic described in dream 1 and this panic rises when I realise that the men in silver suits are getting nearer and nearer to me. Finally they get to me, one of them points the megaphone type thing at me, stands up and shouts: 'Yes! This one!' I remember that I was lying on the ground, my pulse racing in fear and thinking: 'Oh sh**t!! Oh sh**t!! Oh sh**t...' over and over again like a stuck record. Again the dream ends abruptly...
This dream was one of the most detailed and 'real' dreams I've ever had. So much so that when I remembered this dream a few weeks after having it for a moment I couldn't tell if it was a real memory or a dream. Although it's been years since I had this dream the sheer horror of it is still very fresh in my mind.
Dream 3: In this dream (I was probably around 14-15) I was in my room at our old house in Ankara (5th floor apartment with a large terrace) when I heard a very strange and loud sound coming from what seemed to be the sky. I ran to the terrace with an ominous feeling in the pit of my stomach and my dream viewpoint switched to what seemed to be something like gun-camera footage. It was as if I was staring through some kind of extremely powerful telescope or binoculars which was tracking a very fast moving object in the sky and this object was a gigantic UFO which appeared slightly greyed-out and colourless due to aerial perspective (it was VERY high up in the atmosphere). I still remember how whatever device I was looking through was perfectly tracking the movements of the UFO even though it was doing some crazy and extremely fast manoeuvres, tumbling through the sky. I also remember how the clouds below it streamed across the device's field of vision due to the object's great speed. The UFO was stopping suddenly (and impossibly) then blasting off in another direction and every time it did this it created a sound that was a cross between a thunderclap and a deep ringing boom that reverberated across the sky and made the ground tremble. As I was watching this someone standing beside me told me (in English with an American accent) that the craft was at the very edge of the atmosphere and was periodically 'slamming' into it, creating this incredible sound which in some ways is creepily similar to those Youtube videos which depict mysterious sounds and booms coming from the sky, especially the one that sounds like a gigantic pump or a steam locomotive but the pulses of sound are random, unlike a pump or locomotive.
A small disclaimer: I am not into phenomenon chasing and to be frank would rather not have had any of the weird dreams and experiences I've had due to the simple fact that these experiences affected me deeply in a very negative way to the extent that I feel that I would have been a totally different (happier) person today if I'd never had them. But, as with every other negative thing in my life, I try not to dwell on them and try to get on with it...