Dagobah Resident
Hi guys
I was playing today with ggle maps and I found a glitch in their drawing system ( maybe they call it a feature :P )
Anyway , take a good look how light blue goes to real photo.
So basically it looks like whole map is edited.
link : #http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=canada&sll=75.40228,-100.796814&sspn=0.167171,1.178284&ie=UTF8&ll=75.395356,-100.762482&spn=0.08778,0.589142&t=h&z=11
I was playing today with ggle maps and I found a glitch in their drawing system ( maybe they call it a feature :P )
Anyway , take a good look how light blue goes to real photo.
So basically it looks like whole map is edited.
link : #http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=canada&sll=75.40228,-100.796814&sspn=0.167171,1.178284&ie=UTF8&ll=75.395356,-100.762482&spn=0.08778,0.589142&t=h&z=11