Sorry for this late reply.
I run quickly and put the small stork into the box with some old coat. I think his neck was broken, because the stork couldn't lift it up. He almost can't move and when I took him away from the place where he falls, I put him on old cart (because there are a lot of cats there and was afraid that some of them can quickly find him and eat him) and when I returned to him with a box he was laying on the grass. (It is good that it was a grass and it didn't hurt him a lot, I hope) He fall from the cart, stupid I that I put him there and couldn't find any better place. So I put him into the box and I noticed that he breath hardly. So I run and found some syringe, took needle away and wanted to give him some water but it was too late, because he died. I hope that he will wake up again, but it was just my wishful thinking. I also thought about taking the little stork under the turkey with her babies. Because, I know my mom put chicken eggs under turkey and the turkey until they grow up enough don't see the differences. She cares about them like it her own kids.
people there in a village said that storks usually throw out egg if there is no pair for it. At first I thought that maybe there was no pair for this little stork.
And at first I thought about putting it back call one woman and asked her to ask one man to put him back to his nest. But she said that there is no point in it if they throw it away. Also they said that storks and swans if they do not find the pair in their life they committed sluiced. Just fly high up and then fall
straight to the ground. I confused a little bit about the storks, because about it said one guy in a village and I don't know exactly if people say about it. And I found the confirmation about the swans in the web, but about the storks no.
Also, when the small storks grow up, I found out that there are only three of them. It isn't pair, so it seems to me that it happened accidentally.
I was disappointed and blame myself that I couldn't save him. But what is good that even if he died, he died quickly and didn't feel a lot of pain.
And I don't know if I would be a good parent to him, so to say. Maybe I would just bring to this little stork a lot of pain in his life during his growing up.
Thanks Elisa and treesparrow for your replies.