A strange dream about the greys


The Force is Strong With This One
It was a dream in which I was being chased by the grey aliens, & eventually they ended up abducting me. That would be no big deal by itself- just a fear-based dream,

But then, I wake up hearing 2 incredibly high piched beeps near my left ear- I thought "Wow...THAT'S never happened before"...

This was about 3 years ago, & it's been ongoing since then. Usually it's 2 beeps, very faint. Sometimes one. Once there was such a barrage of beeps & bloops that it woke me up in the middle of the night! Sometimes I feel like I can just make out what sounds almost like morse code in my right ear- even fainter than the beeps, & much, much higher in pitch. I figure that maybe I'm hearing my own neurons firing or something.

Once, during meditation, I tried to mentally "follow" the path of the left ear beeps back to the source... & was faced w/3 tall greys just staring at me kind of nonchalantly.

Could this just me a series of "hear-lucinations"?

Etheric implants?

Anyone else experience this?
While the only experience, i have had with a gray, at least consciously was when i was outside close to the woods, and i saw it in my minds eye, it wasn't naked like most depictions, it was fully clothed in a tight fitting white one piece jumpsuit. It stayed at a comfortable distance, and we both just kinda watched each other, then it was gone or my perception of it was gone. This was about 2 years ago. Never encountered one at least to my conscious awareness since.

zhahown said:
This was about 3 years ago, & it's been ongoing since then. Usually it's 2 beeps, very faint. Sometimes one. Once there was such a barrage of beeps & bloops that it woke me up in the middle of the night! Sometimes I feel like I can just make out what sounds almost like morse code in my right ear- even fainter than the beeps, & much, much higher in pitch. I figure that maybe I'm hearing my own neurons firing or something.
Reminded me of my experiences after doing EE, they definitely sounded like morse code signals, though mine came through my left ear, very regular, but also very faint, i had to concentrate to hear it.
Thanks for the reply bngenoh:

I had to do a bit of sleuthing to figure out what you meant by EE- is that Éiriú Eolas?

I've never tried this before- I have tried many different types of meditation though. Some types of breathing in EE I may be familiar with.

My instinct tells me that breathing techniques may help to quiet in "inner chatter" & hear sounds- such as the "morse code" that are always there. I've experienced this many times- & if you do this often enough it can open psychic doorways such as clairaudience, highly tuned empathy, telepathy...

...& apparently, to my personal direct experience, meditation / breathing techniques can result in "high strangeness". Last year was the strangest year of my life. The last few years have gone something like this

"abduction dreams" > beeps, etc inside the head > UFO sightings > telepathic experiences at work (w/fellow employees) > telepathic contact w/an apparent extra/ultra terrestrial, directly followed by an actual UFO sighting a sighting (type 5 encounter, directly followed by a type 1 encounter).

The beeps, then "telepathically scheduled" sightings- Am I getting acclimated for contact, or just being "fattened up to be harvested" like a cow?

Or maybe I'm going crazy?!

Either way, I wish I knew.
Hi zhahown,

That sounds like a whole lot of stuff going, and yes i was talking about Eiriu Eolas (that was a huge assumption) have you had the opportunity to read The Wave by Laura? If not i recommend reading it, because it gives one an interesting perspective on the whole high strangeness, Ultra/extraterrestrial stuff.

Read the Wave Here: http://cassiopaea.org/2010/05/08/the-wave-chapter-1-riding-the-wave/

p.s. as the C's have said "Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers."
zhahown said:
It was a dream in which I was being chased by the grey aliens, & eventually they ended up abducting me. That would be no big deal by itself- just a fear-based dream,

But then, I wake up hearing 2 incredibly high piched beeps near my left ear- I thought "Wow...THAT'S never happened before"...

If I were you I wouldn't rule out the possibility of having been abducted, or at least having been targeted by some beaming projecting the event into your mind. As bngenoh did, I also recommend you to read the wave and Laura's book High Strangeness.
Hi zhahown, I think that it can be very difficult, even impossible for us 3D humans to know what goes on or "who" is behind these kind of events. However, in my experience the most important thing to protect yourself is cleaning your machine in every possible way: e.g. following the right diet and working on psychological aspects of yourself. This forum provides great information how to optimize and clean your "machine".

I'm saying this because I think that focusing too much on "omg...I've been abducted" is counterproductive(Ive done this in the past). Instead, working hard to enhance your knowledge and being would be more important, and it could possibly work as a "shield". At least that is my experience; my moments of high strangeness have diminished while my understanding of myself and surroundings have deepened.
Aragorn said:
Hi zhahown, I think that it can be very difficult, even impossible for us 3D humans to know what goes on or "who" is behind these kind of events. However, in my experience the most important thing to protect yourself is cleaning your machine in every possible way: e.g. following the right diet and working on psychological aspects of yourself. This forum provides great information how to optimize and clean your "machine".

I'm saying this because I think that focusing too much on "omg...I've been abducted" is counterproductive(Ive done this in the past). Instead, working hard to enhance your knowledge and being would be more important, and it could possibly work as a "shield". At least that is my experience; my moments of high strangeness have diminished while my understanding of myself and surroundings have deepened.

Agreed. And since cleaning the machine via knowledge/diet/psychology does indeed seem to decrease moments of high strangeness, it just occured to me that perhaps these 'bleedthroughs' could, in some roundabout way, be some sort of nudge, or be utilized as such. IOW, things like these could either leave people feeling absorbed and/or lost in a circle of fear and non-productive focus of attention, or be taken along the lines of A, B, C influences: inciting people to on the one hand learn as much as possible about the phenomena, and on the other hand, to step back for the bigger picture of how to approach said topics in order to not be diverted from one's path by 4D-inserted trouble agents, designed to trigger mechanical reactions.

The idea of building a 'shield' via concrete actions pertaining to body (detox, diet) and mind (knowledge, working on dysfunctional behavioural wirings) is compelling, and who would've thought - before all the research of Laura et al had been coming up - that, despite not being easy, we have means to protect ourselves.

As reported in many places on the forum, the right diet is one of the most decisive factors in this. From observing my own states, I've become convinced that the extent to which body chemistry rules mood and thinking and overall well-being, is huge, if not the all-determining factor. It also makes sense if you think about the maxim of 'as above so below': if your body's immune system is weakened or damaged by toxins and useless so-called nutrition as opposed to the right fuel, then surely, everything else is affected as well, and can be no other way.
Thank you for the replies-

About the ideas & comments about how to approach the situation:

I try not to get lost in doubt & confusion. I find it fascinating on so many levels. in 2011 I had NINE sightings- & some sightings involving more than one "UFO" (Can post my notes for the year if anyone is interested) sighting. They've varied in the type of observed phenomena, & more than one sighting last year changed my life forever- just blasted my mind wide open in certain ways.

& judging from the responses I got from the people I did tell (not that many!), I would guess that the 4D negative influences are working like a well oiled machine in about 99% of the human population. & it's really interesting- the response is always the same=- very much like a program- they look at me like I'm completely nuts, & because I don't see "the world" as they personally define it, I must be either: 1)hallucinating, 2)lying, 3)ignorant, 4)stupid.

Very, very few people can actually converse about the subject of UFOs intelligently, w/out falling back on well ingrained programming, pro or con (people seem to enjoy being DIVIDED in "skeptics" & "believers"). Society works very very hard to keep ANYONE from becoming a KNOWER. Real knowledge cannot come from outside the self- otherwise the trust issue arises- you must trust, & therefore assume that this "knowledge" is real.

In fact, I've personally found that the only true, hardcore knowledge is when I know that "I know I know" ( to use a John Mclaughlin song title), without falling back on programming. Even the most intelligent people on earth can be/are being MANIPULATED to gather & maintain ILLUSIONs- absolute knowledge cannot exist for them, not even as a possibility- it is too threatening to their psyche- their mental architecture is frajile, apparently!. although all belief systems are valid & really, untimately equal, in the end, they end up controlling & manipulating the individual to the point where they don't even know they are being manipulated, therefore:

the 4D beings involved are absolute masters of manipulation, & are adept at maintaining the human system of belief systems therefore:
I have to tread very carefully here. Learn about my own programs, watch for others willingly falling back on theirs. Because the sightings force me to learn to "weed the garden", I can say that these sightings can be a positive opportunity, if dangerous, possibly.

Something tells me that these sightings happen for a reason & are a natural progression of the individual- when you are ready, they'll happen. This many very well be why not everyone sees them.
Hi zhahown, it seems that you have encountered many strange things.

I just wanted to add that in case you're not familiar with the books by John Keel, I would highly recommend reading them. They echo much of what you say and more, and helps to grasp the big picture of what's maybe going on with UFOs etc. I'm sure you're familiar with Karla Turner's work, but in case not, check out those too. :)
zhahown said:
Very, very few people can actually converse about the subject of UFOs intelligently, w/out falling back on well ingrained programming, pro or con (people seem to enjoy being DIVIDED in "skeptics" & "believers"). Society works very very hard to keep ANYONE from becoming a KNOWER. Real knowledge cannot come from outside the self- otherwise the trust issue arises- you must trust, & therefore assume that this "knowledge" is real.
This is in principle true, but factoring in those devilish details, the picture changes dramatically, and depending on the context, it can become a lie. To know that one knows entails knowing oneself first, and in this realm, that happens after long and sustained struggle. Trust is really a big issue, but it is a structure that is built by the parties involved. As an example, take the Cassiopaean Experiment.
In fact, I've personally found that the only true, hardcore knowledge is when I know that "I know I know" ( to use a John Mclaughlin song title), without falling back on programming. Even the most intelligent people on earth can be/are being MANIPULATED to gather & maintain ILLUSIONs- absolute knowledge cannot exist for them, not even as a possibility- it is too threatening to their psyche- their mental architecture is frajile, apparently!. although all belief systems are valid & really, untimately equal, in the end, they end up controlling & manipulating the individual to the point where they don't even know they are being manipulated, therefore:
Yep, the most "intelligent" people are being manipulated to the point where they think they are the manipulators, and in that they are firmly locked in their delusion.
the 4D beings involved are absolute masters of manipulation, & are adept at maintaining the human system of belief systems therefore:
I have to tread very carefully here. Learn about my own programs, watch for others willingly falling back on theirs. Because the sightings force me to learn to "weed the garden", I can say that these sightings can be a positive opportunity, if dangerous, possibly.
You hit it there zhahown, learning by observing both ourselves & others is the key to progressing osit.
Thank you very much for the replies- There are very, very few people I can even mention the subject to, let alone have an intelligent conversation about it, so I really appreciate it.

( Quote by bngenoh: This is in principle true, but factoring in those devilish details, the picture changes dramatically, and depending on the context, it can become a lie.To know that one knows entails knowing oneself first, and in this realm, that happens after long and sustained struggle. )

That is the thing you have to watch for, & it's also why absolute knowledge seems so elusive- As humans in general- we are/can be full of self delusion, denial, flawed reasoning.

I've read on Project Camelot that, to some species of the greys we "stink" psychically- like walking into a zoo & the smell just hits you
, & maybe even makes your eyes water... I can see how they could maybe perceive this- because our mind isn't exactly diamond-clear, & our souls are generally not "brilliant to behold", unless the person is extremely advanced. So much raw human potential is locked into cycles of bs. Sometimes I get glimpses of what it could be like to be beyond all our "stuff". It can be both beautiful beyond reasoning, & enormously frustrating to have to return to the "school of the earth life system", for lack of better term. More than once I've said to myself "I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS...CIRCUS... I WANT OUT!". Not so much to just escape,or commit hari kari or something, but to move to bigger, better things that I've glimpsed, almost like looking through a keyhole, or a slightly open door.
To be of some help somewhere, & be more than just a goods-producing drone for the machine- doing nothing more with an infinite potential, & an immortal soul, than just feeding the bloated pigs at the top of a garbage heap- it's a shame & a crime, that so much of humanity is subverted & sabotaged in various ways.

The mechanics of contact (their term) is bringing all this into light for me. I turn on the light & the roaches scatter. No wonder disclosure is such a dirty word to the elite of this world- the kitchen would/will become to bright for them!

Aragorn- thanks I'll look into John Keel. I've heard of Carla Turner but have never read her work. I think she was mentioned in the Cs transcripts somewhere.
zhahown said:
Aragorn- thanks I'll look into John Keel. I've heard of Carla Turner but have never read her work. I think she was mentioned in the Cs transcripts somewhere.
If you do a forum search on "Karla Turner" (include quotes), you'll find info on her. Also, the post in this link should take you to her page for more reading. :)
zhahown said:
So much raw human potential is locked into cycles of bs. Sometimes I get glimpses of what it could be like to be beyond all our "stuff". It can be both beautiful beyond reasoning, & enormously frustrating to have to return to the "school of the earth life system", for lack of better term. More than once I've said to myself "I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS...CIRCUS... I WANT OUT!". Not so much to just escape,or commit hari kari or something, but to move to bigger, better things that I've glimpsed, almost like looking through a keyhole, or a slightly open door.
To be of some help somewhere, & be more than just a goods-producing drone for the machine- doing nothing more with an infinite potential, & an immortal soul, than just feeding the bloated pigs at the top of a garbage heap- it's a shame & a crime, that so much of humanity is subverted & sabotaged in various ways.
To go "beyond all our "stuff,"" is why we are here osit, to learn those lessons that we are here to learn. As i see it, one of the ways out of this level of existence is through, that is completion of the lesson profile for this level, when that is achieved naturally one goes to the next to learn even more.

Those glimpses beyond the veil do inspire, and are truly only approximately described by the sheer feeling of awe imo. To open the door fully would require a much greater level of awareness which is based in knowledge osit.

One of the great ways that "humanity is subverted & sabotaged," is through our own minds, which of course is not really fully our own, but is shared by a truly alien existence in the human psyche. "It" also provides a great opportunity to learn about ourselves though osit. We come back to "all there is, is lessons."
On the subject of strange sounds in the ear, I've had a constant ringing in my right ear the past few days that seems to change from a higher pitch, to a lower pitch, and then back again when I'm going to sleep. I've also had some strange experiences recently as well. I've also seen a lot of UFOs in my time.
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