A strange sighting..


Jedi Master
I thought I might share a strange double sighting In the night sky I had last year around september in Dublin, Ireland.
I did search the forum first but didn't find anything similar.

So, it happened twice both times around 2 o clock at night, one night after another. In both cases I was sitting in my backyard talking to my friend on skype, lying down and looking up at the sky.

I was facing northwest portion of the sky, there were no clouds that would obstruct the view and as I wasn't in the centre, thus light pollution wasn't too strong. The air was crystal clear. One of great features of Ireland.

Suddenly I saw a flash that I looked at directly in a plit second, the way the eyes do it. It was as bright as Venus approximately, cold, blue-ish white, about 60 degrees over the horizon.
And as I looked it kept flashing slightly more frequently than every second. Every time in just a slightly different place (it all would be within the size of area visually ocuppied by the Pleiades, for comparison) and not in a perfect rhythm. I thought it might be my eye twitching between the blinks that makes it appear in different places, but it moved a bit more than that. It lasted about 5 seconds, then after the last flash it shined just a little longer and I could see it move rather quickly just for a very short moment as it then dimmed and disappeared. It almost seemed as if it wanted to catch my attention: )

And the next night I was doing the same things, in the same position around the same time, and the light came up again in more or less the same area in the sky. The only difference was that I didn't see it move off after it was done blinking.

Has anyone exerienced or heard of anything similar?
I have seen what you have described many times here in Adelaide over the past couple of years.

I suspected it to be ETs popping in for a look see but who knows what it was. Interesting phenomenon, nevertheless. :)
stellar said:
I have seen what you have described many times here in Adelaide over the past couple of years.

I suspected it to be ETs popping in for a look see but who knows what it was. Interesting phenomenon, nevertheless. :)

Ok, so it happens elsewhere too:)
Interesting even more so, I think, because it is hard to ascribe it to atmospheric phenomena (although what do we know), and it isn't the 'usual' disc, saucer, orb, that appears, moves and disappears.. It's the first time (two times!) I have seen a ufo.
ametist said:
Has anyone exerienced or heard of anything similar?

Yes, sitting on my deck in the foothills of Colorado. These blinked red in the same way you describe - not regular and very jerky movements between flashes. I had the feeling they "knew" the were being observed - particularly when one of them broke away from their general trajectory and approached my overhead. At this point I just went inside. Some nights they were very active.
LQB said:
I had the feeling they "knew" the were being observed - particularly when one of them broke away from their general trajectory and approached my overhead. At this point I just went inside. Some nights they were very active.

Now, the notion of them knowing of the observer can be completely subjective, but we had it, nevertheless. And it could be some wishful thinking on my behalf but I also felt like there's a rather curious/benevolent or neutral kind of consciousness behind it. Unless it was how some sts critter wanted me to perceive them. Not sure how I would react or how would my feeling change if it suddenly hovered over me, though, probably I'd go inside as well.
ametist said:
LQB said:
I had the feeling they "knew" the were being observed - particularly when one of them broke away from their general trajectory and approached my overhead. At this point I just went inside. Some nights they were very active.

Now, the notion of them knowing of the observer can be completely subjective, but we had it, nevertheless. And it could be some wishful thinking on my behalf but I also felt like there's a rather curious/benevolent or neutral kind of consciousness behind it. Unless it was how some sts critter wanted me to perceive them. Not sure how I would react or how would my feeling change if it suddenly hovered over me, though, probably I'd go inside as well.

Like 'I'll be safe indoors'? :D IF that's what it was, ETs, I think the thoughts in ones mind and imagination leads to the pulsing heart beat and fight or flight mode telling one to 'run''somewhere else. And yet when we do that do we really feel safe or is the thought of fear still in our mind triggering other emotions and further (possibly) irrational thinking; probably.

It kind of reminds of all the false flag stuff and lies in the media to make us do just that; fear, run, make quick thoughtless automatic reactions that may be detrimental to one or many. Like the C's say the war is t h r o u g h us and that' where I think it's so important to always try to reign in our emotions and analyse what is really going on. :cool:
stellar said:
ametist said:
LQB said:
I had the feeling they "knew" the were being observed - particularly when one of them broke away from their general trajectory and approached my overhead. At this point I just went inside. Some nights they were very active.

Now, the notion of them knowing of the observer can be completely subjective, but we had it, nevertheless. And it could be some wishful thinking on my behalf but I also felt like there's a rather curious/benevolent or neutral kind of consciousness behind it. Unless it was how some sts critter wanted me to perceive them. Not sure how I would react or how would my feeling change if it suddenly hovered over me, though, probably I'd go inside as well.

Like 'I'll be safe indoors'? :D IF that's what it was, ETs, I think the thoughts in ones mind and imagination leads to the pulsing heart beat and fight or flight mode telling one to 'run''somewhere else. And yet when we do that do we really feel safe or is the thought of fear still in our mind triggering other emotions and further (possibly) irrational thinking; probably.

It kind of reminds of all the false flag stuff and lies in the media to make us do just that; fear, run, make quick thoughtless automatic reactions that may be detrimental to one or many. Like the C's say the war is t h r o u g h us and that' where I think it's so important to always try to reign in our emotions and analyse what is really going on. :cool:

I sensed the opposite of benevolence in these things. They were trying to behave like or mimic aircraft - but on close inspection, it was very obvious they were not. They tended to converge and disappear (from my line of sight) in the vicinity overhead of a remote reservoir that I had camped near in the past. I hiked down to the reservoir (at the time) to have a look and experienced a distinct bad feeling about the place (regardless of the remote beauty).

I sent my Uncle the Missing 411 book - he was a career Parks employee in CA. He described to me some of the same bad feelings about some of the places in that book.

And going "inside" the house was not about hiding or protection - it was about cutting off the observation.
stellar said:
Like 'I'll be safe indoors'? :D IF that's what it was, ETs, I think the thoughts in ones mind and imagination leads to the pulsing heart beat and fight or flight mode telling one to 'run''somewhere else. And yet when we do that do we really feel safe or is the thought of fear still in our mind triggering other emotions and further (possibly) irrational thinking; probably.

It kind of reminds of all the false flag stuff and lies in the media to make us do just that; fear, run, make quick thoughtless automatic reactions that may be detrimental to one or many. Like the C's say the war is t h r o u g h us and that' where I think it's so important to always try to reign in our emotions and analyse what is really going on. :cool:

Well, whether safe indoors, or not, I'd say this move isn't so irrational, however I definitely understand your way of thinking, this could have some effect, for instance getting in sight of other people inside. Aliens don't like witnesses ;)

And fight or flight system in 3rd density is not irrational at all. Also, if you sense danger that even according to your information is nearly impossible to escape, not trying it certainly isn't going to help. It's like not giving up without a fight (or flight!) I believe it is less rational to stay around the danger just because one knows that he can't escape it, which also can't be 100% sure. There instances of people opposing abductions even when already on board of a vessel and strapped to the table!

Then on another note, I can only vaguely recall, that even the C's mentioned that if one sees a dark disc around, it's definitely STS critters and one is better off running as fast as one can rather than anything else.

LQB said:
I sensed the opposite of benevolence in these things. They were trying to behave like or mimic aircraft - but on close inspection, it was very obvious they were not. They tended to converge and disappear (from my line of sight) in the vicinity overhead of a remote reservoir that I had camped near in the past. I hiked down to the reservoir (at the time) to have a look and experienced a distinct bad feeling about the place (regardless of the remote beauty).

I sent my Uncle the Missing 411 book - he was a career Parks employee in CA. He described to me some of the same bad feelings about some of the places in that book.

And going "inside" the house was not about hiding or protection - it was about cutting off the observation.

I just thought it's very curious, and was kind of happy to witness something strange and mysterious on my own, I wasn't necessarily in the open (small squishy estate) and it seemed to be very far away. When it comes to a bad feeling from a place, I had it in some areas in Ireland but never felt it to be related to ultraterrestrial activity, though. Rather like something conventionally(?) bad just hapenned there, and the energy remnants were left.
Have you considered the possibility that it was a meteorite burning up?
Perceval said:
Have you considered the possibility that it was a meteorite burning up?

Even taking into account the changing trajectories and all other 'erratic' electrical phenomena related to the behavior of meteorites, I would find it less likely to occur in a nearly identical way twice, at the same hour, in the same place than some intelligent form of life.. Although of course, some natural phenomena can't be outruled.
Similar sighting three weeks ago. Outside on patio, 1:30 AM looking up in the sky (for UFO's) and noticed an intense white/blue flash. Very bright. Then there was a dimmer but sharp red blink. Thought to myself, ah, it must be a plane. The next bright white flash again was accompanied by a red flash but timing didn't seem the same. Kept thinking that light is way up in the atmosphere to be that bright! Then the next flash was not in a linear trajectory from the last two. It skipped east a fair distance and there was no way a man made plane could have done that. Watched it do it's arial "cha-cha" thing for another minute or so before it disappeared behind some pine trees. Went and got another beer snickering about the sighting and damned if it didn't return going back the same direction it came from doing it's angular skipping along the way. The next day for fun, I used dowsing to ask a question. That being,"Did the UFO know that it was being observed by me?" And the answer was no. I guess it was not Personal.

For edification, I always look for UFO's and have seen several others. Everyone was different, but at least the first one was witnessed by others and filmed. A copy was sent to the Canadian Department of Defense.

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