A tail of ?


The Living Force
Two different pictures shot evening of the 6th December over Queensland, Australia:



The comet that must be visible actually is Lovejoy (C/2013 R1).
The pictures above do not give any useful indication: time, position, direction etc. It can be anything so far. OSIT

Added: one can enjoy some pictures of Lovejoy here _http://spaceweathergallery.com/comet_gallery.html
Yea, not too much data other than a setting sun in one of the pics. Obviously it's not ISON as one them claims (unless it got a miraculous boost) and I gathered it couldn't be Lovejoy, judging from the other gallery photos of it, to make such a long broad tail stream apparently so close. And it doesn't seem to be within the atmosphere burning up like a fireball. There was a rumor like comment on Sott about 'a mega asteroid being seen in the Earth's atmosphere', this rumor I haven't been able to find anything further on, but thought this, whatever it is, could have been contributing to that story.
Hopefully we'll have a clear night here in the next few days and will get the telescope out on the hill over the way and see if there is anything to be seen.

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