A very odd dream


The Living Force
I had a very odd dream during a brief nap today. I was wondering if anyone might have some thoughts about it.
Here's some context leading up to it:

My wife was feeling down today because nothing we wanted to do together worked out due to things coming up unexpectedly and beyond our immediate control. At some point I noticed she was crying and trying not to show it. My heart went out to her, so I left my computer and laid down behind her in a 'spoon' and just held her. I know when to get her to talk and when to just be there for her.

I had been studying and thinking hard about the last page of the on-line wave concerning Love and the contextual explanation about 'ASKING' as quoted below. I had also been trying to visually and emotionally experience the understanding by simply opening my heart and asking the universe what is needed right now to fulfill the yearnings of my soul.

As we lay there quietly, I began to drift off in a light sleep. I knew that I was thinking about something as I drifted off, but don't remember what it was. Next thing I knew, I was observing fully typed out sentences flying within my view and placing themselves one after another, horizontally left to right, as if on a page. I then observed various complete phrases and sentences coming down from above the lines of type and moving around the sentences already in place as if they were comparing themselves with the sentences that were already connected. Some of the ones that came down just vanished and a few just went off to the side to wait, and new sentences were still putting themselves in place after the existing ones, one after the other, left to right, on a horizontal line, as if it were all just assembly line work.

As an observer, I wasn't participating and I couldn't read the sentences, only watch the action. The action wasn't slow or fast, just methodical, like a machine steadily running. I have the impression that what I was seeing might have been 'thinking' but whoever or whatever was doing this 'thinking', wasn't aware of me; just itself, and what it was doing.This all happened very fast and when I awoke due to my wife stirring, It seems I had only dozed for a second. I couldn't remember anything I was thinking about when I dozed off. I just remember the sensation of thinking about 'something'.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Could this have been a split second of observing my machine in action, perhaps in just a symbolic way? Or maybe it was just a dream? I almost don't dare to ask this one: Could this have been an answer to my attempt to 'ASK?' On the one hand, it seems a bit presumptuous considering my stage in the Work, but on the other, it just seems more like 'daring' in a child-like kind of way.
It was so odd, unlike any other dream, so I just wanted to share this to see if anyone had any thoughts. Thanks.

[quote author=http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/wave13j.htm]
But, how can you experience and test faith if you have no knowledge with which to experience and test faith? If your faith is small, you must establish it through knowledge. If you were given proof and the proof gave you faith, then everyone would have faith and then the "virtue of faith," which is the building and brightening of the light within through knowledge combined with faith, would have no value in moving you further along the upward path. Faith is self-evident knowledge of the inner light. It is light that grows within through effort to know truth and God by acquiring knowledge.

And it all begins with ASKING without belief, but absolute openness to receive an answer. Because, in the end, this openness of seeking without assumption or pre-formed answers is the essence of faith.

And, it seems that the asking or not asking of these questions establishes the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness. Of course, there are those who CLAIM to ask, but really do not; they already have their answer in some belief system that is an established power over them. But those who ask, who REALLY ask, are faced with moment-by-moment decisions, choices that they must make to navigate the labyrinth, hoping that those choices will take them either to the center or the exit, depending upon their "direction." Thus, if one asks with a completely open mind and heart, each moment that they are open is a moment that they are conscious. Those who do not ask are unconscious, they exist in a state of fear.[/quote]
Hi Buddy.

I have exactly experienced the same when I took a small nap!(I think) It was really weird, it was like my mind was putting all kinds of sentences together and somehow they made "sense" or it was "logic", though I couldn't remember any of this, just remember experiencing it, like you describe it. Weird experience, I don't really know what to make of it...
I had this experience when I was still in contact with a person who was not really the "same" way I was. I knew/think that some of these sentences were the one's that I heard from this person, it was almost like I was connecting his sentences ("knowledge") with the ones I learnt from the Wave as though something was telling me that this person was somewhat "genuine" and perhaps he was to some extent, but in the end it turned out he was not what I thought him to be.

I guess your situation is different, just thought I'd share this, because I recall experiencing quite the same and find it quite weird as well.
Hi Buddy,

I've experienced volumes of text streaming before me, once just prior to waking in the morning, and other times while in contemplation. Never knew what to make of it though. I wonder at times if it had any correlation to DNA recombination mentioned by the Cs and Pleiadians.
Buddy said:
Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Could this have been a split second of observing my machine in action, perhaps in just a symbolic way? Or maybe it was just a dream? I almost don't dare to ask this one: Could this have been an answer to my attempt to 'ASK?' On the one hand, it seems a bit presumptuous considering my stage in the Work, but on the other, it just seems more like 'daring' in a child-like kind of way.
It was so odd, unlike any other dream, so I just wanted to share this to see if anyone had any thoughts. Thanks.

Hey Buddy,

contemplate to that we are living in an symbolic universe, your dream could have been an answer. On the other hand, as far as I understand it, is that the universe is "speaking" all the time (to us, in a sense "all are lessons"), but that we are not able to get a grasp what the universe is talking about. Because we are acting automatically, and don't external considerate our actions towards others for example. Or as the C's put it, when we make conscious choices that we can "navigate the labyrinth" (through knowledge).
And self-observation is the main point of the work, which seemed the central message of your dream imo, the beginning point to understand "your" language (programs) and how you interact with the universe.

Buddy said:
As an observer, I wasn't participating and I couldn't read the sentences, only watch the action. The action wasn't slow or fast, just methodical, like a machine steadily running. I have the impression that what I was seeing might have been 'thinking' but whoever or whatever was doing this 'thinking', wasn't aware of me; just itself, and what it was doing.

It may have been a symbolic splitting of "IT" and "I" in the dream.
I've had very similar experiences as well. Sometimes I see messages that I've never posted nor thought about posting which appeared to be on this forum! Though I don't exactly remember what the messages were, I do remember that its content seemed to be coherent and well thought out. It seemed almost as if this isn't the first rodeo of this forum. In addition, I've experienced a dream-like state where I've seen messages taking the place of labels of everyday products that one can purchase at the store. For example, instead of seeing Powerade on a bottle I would see a word that said something completely different but looked very similar to the Powerade design. This has also occurred with the labels of Charmin on the packages of toilet paper and various other products as well. When I saw these "messages" or words, I saw each letter as though they were being "typed" which took the place of each letter in the label. At another time I saw the body of each participant of the forum standing in front of a forest. We were all trying very hard to understand what the forest actually looked like and every time one of us vocalized our thoughts (i.e. posted a message) the scenery of the forest would change. It seemed as though the position/location of each tree would change in response to our thoughts. I felt that this was very frustrating to us because it was very crucial for us to see the same forest and our assumptions were preventing this from happening.
Hi everyone. I was reading all the responses when my wife called me to help with something. As soon as my thoughts went off in another direction, an idea came to me. I have a "mind your own business" program with strong emotional associations that go back to childhood.

I guess that could be represented by the 'thinker' in the dream that was doing it's thing, "minding it's own business".
As I thought about this program, I can see how my failure to recognize it could be 'excused' or buffered with thoughts like "I don't want to see anyone/myself get hurt/in pain, or things like that. This can easily cause me to BLINK and block out some reality when, in fact, I need to KEEP LOOKING to continue receiving information.
I'm excited about exploring all these possibilities that are coming up, to see how they apply to my experience!

Thanks very much for all the feedback!
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