a violent dream


The Living Force
hello all,

a friend of mine had a disturbing dream the other day. it rattled her a bit, as her dreams are not usually this violent or vivid. she gave me permission to post it here, as written, to see what other interpretations are available. i'm not an expert in this arena and could only do my best to say what it seemed to indicate, but there are so many possibilities, it's a bit of a shot in the dark without external input.

[quote author=anonymous]I was out in my yard in an neighbourhood that I have never seen before, but in my dream, it was very clearly my own space. I had hired my friend's son to help me put couch cushions all over the yard, as if I was covering up the lawn with a double layer of cushions. They were neatly organized and slid under the trees et al very nicely. I thanked my friend's son for his help and he was on his way.

While I was in the yard, I noticed a police cruiser slowly go by, as if monitoring the area. I felt secure knowing that he was checking our neighbourhood. I went into my house and in the back of my mind, I wondered where my son was. I wasn't alarmed, but a mother's instinct is to always know where your child is. I pondered as to whether he was in or outside because I couldn't hear him. Then I could see the red light from the police car shining in my front livingroom window and I looked out to see what was going on.

The car was backed up into my driveway. I was looking out the window to my left. Two boys, approximately 10 or 11 years old in age, were sitting in the back seat. I had never seen these boys before in real life, but in my dream, they were neighbourhood boys. My first thought was, I wonder what those kids were up to, and assumed that the cop was just going to give them a scare to "smarten them up" for being hooligans. The backseat in the cruiser was not situated where it should be. Instead, it was on the opposite side, so that I could see the boys' faces from the back window of the cruiser.

They were sitting backwards so the back of their heads was facing the cop in the front seat. They were unaware that I could see them through the front window. In the next instant, the cop pulled out an automatic gun and shot the two boys repetitively. I could see their shocked look on their face, then their bodies slumped down and the car was loaded with blood. The policeman had another boy sitting beside him but left him alone. I was paralyzed with fear and panicked and couldn't move. I needed to know where my son was and I could not move a muscle.

The cop got out of his car and started shooting a dog that was across the road. The dog was vibrating from the repetitive bullet action that was pulsing through its body. I looked over to my right across the road and another dog had attacked yet another dog, and was eating the dogs organs. Then I woke up.[/quote]

she also indicated that when she woke up, the feeling of dread and paralytic fear of this cop in the dream had carried over full-force into the waking state.

any thoughts as to the possible meaning of this? i'm not sure if it seems prophetic, but there are certainly archetypes there...
Hi there Jonny.

I'm not confident interpreting dream symbolism, but did you ever get a look at this thread?

Dreaming in a Totalitarian Society

Depending on how clued up your friend is on world events, maybe you could send her a link to this article?

T.C. said:
Hi there Jonny.

I'm not confident interpreting dream symbolism, but did you ever get a look at this thread?

Dreaming in a Totalitarian Society

Depending on how clued up your friend is on world events, maybe you could send her a link to this article?


no, i had not read that thread yet, but those are excellent recommendations T.C., thanks. :) i will pass them along and read them as well. that article on the "third reich of dreams" looks very interesting.
Hi Jonny

I've been meaning to post a reply to your friends dream for a while...
It reminds me a lot of the dreams I posted in the thread T.C. refers to.

I'll go through and pick out what I interpret it as, and then conclude afterwards. My interpretations in []

I was out in my yard in an neighbourhood that I have never seen before [new], but in my dream, it was very clearly my own space [part of her life]. I had hired my friend's son [external trusted male input] to help me put couch cushions all over the yard [protection from danger/damage/falling], as if I was covering up the lawn with a double layer of cushions. They were neatly organized and slid under the trees et al very nicely [the knowledge reguarding the protection of her space fit well to her view of things]. I thanked my friend's son for his help and he was on his way.

Taking the dream as a whole, and then coming back to the first section, I read it as follows:
She is constructing/exploring a new part of life for herself, with the help of male friend. Particularly in regards to her/her sons safety. A new neighbourhood suggests a move (either mentally/emotionally/geographically). So all together I'd suggest she may have just got out of an abusive relationship, possibly with a man.

While I was in the yard, I noticed a police cruiser slowly go by, as if monitoring the area. [Authoratative figure, someone who symbolises power] I felt secure knowing that he was checking our neighbourhood. [The rest of the dream suggests the feeling of safety from this male authority was false] I went into my house and in the back of my mind, I wondered where my son was. [connection between false authority and sons welfare] I wasn't alarmed, but a mother's instinct is to always know where your child is. I pondered as to whether he was in or outside because I couldn't hear him. Then I could see the red light from the police car shining in my front livingroom window and I looked out to see what was going on. [red is usually a warning, mental connection to authoity and son again]

All together it reads to me as:
Has been/is being taken in by a male figure who is powerful. (I made this connection having read Laura's thread on women who love psychopaths, based on the book of the same name).
Instinctively she knew there was danger, specifically to her son from this male figure.
Note that when I say 'male figure' it may be state authority, or an actual male in her life.

The car was backed up into my driveway. [invasion of space] I was looking out the window to my left. [left brain is logical and analysing] Two boys, approximately 10 or 11 years old in age, were sitting in the back seat. I had never seen these boys before in real life, but in my dream, they were neighbourhood boys. [non threatening/pathalogical males, symbolic of son] My first thought was, I wonder what those kids were up to, and assumed that the cop was just going to give them a scare to "smarten them up" for being hooligans. [false assumptions?] The backseat in the cruiser was not situated where it should be. Instead, it was on the opposite side, so that I could see the boys' faces from the back window of the cruiser. [a perspective not seen before]

The male figure has invaded her life at some point, and she has started to think logically and observe things from a perspective she never knew existed.

They were sitting backwards so the back of their heads was facing the cop in the front seat. They were unaware that I could see them through the front window. [outside observer] In the next instant, the cop pulled out an automatic gun and shot the two boys repetitively. I could see their shocked look on their face, then their bodies slumped down and the car was loaded with blood. The policeman had another boy sitting beside him but left him alone. [her son?] I was paralyzed with fear and panicked and couldn't move. I needed to know where my son was and I could not move a muscle.

I think there are several things going on here. Firstly the nature of pathology is to control (through fear). So the shocking act may simply be that....
The shocking act also serves to stop you in your tracks, as it where....thus preventing action/learning etc
i.e. the 2 points above could possibly be both the predator mind and/or external pathology trying to shock you into emotional submission/sleep. Transmarginal inhibition.
The second aspect is that the shock may also be the revelation of the nature of pathologies. Because its been revealed and is shocking, the predators mind may well seek to use it to hide behind (see point above).

To me this section reads:
The male authority does something specifically violent, to illicit a particular reaction (control). If the boy next to him is her son, then it may be a 'look what I could do to your son if you don't do as I say'.......either society in general or an actual male in her life.
The horror ramps up with the emotional component (I know this from my dreams). Strong emotions usually mean something hidden/rejected/buried that is being uncovered that should be explored. A predator could use them as a hook for manipulation if she is unaware of them.

The cop got out of his car and started shooting a dog that was across the road. The dog was vibrating from the repetitive bullet action that was pulsing through its body. I looked over to my right across the road and another dog had attacked yet another dog, and was eating the dogs organs. Then I woke up.

Again more horror/emotional hooking elicited with the detail of the imagery. Emotional centre is driving this part.
Over to her right (right brain is emotional/feminine side), more horror but in a different form (or perhaps the same message in a differently interpreted form?).
If it wasn't just more horror, then to me it seems that the emotions around all this (which are buried and surfacing in the dream) may well be 'eating' her organs?

I hope this is of some help!

*edit - added bold to comments for clarity
Hi RedFox,
just as an aside: I'm really impressed with your analyzing skills. Seems you've learnt how to work your mind effectively. :rockon:

Now I'm really interested what Jonny's friend will say to this = whether your analyzation proves right or close. edit: that is, whether you could help her with it.
- fwiw
Hi essence

Thank for the comments! I'm also curiouse as to whether its accurate/helpful to her, will have to wait and see :)
I use to do a lot of dream interpretation for friends. I find its usually quite accurate, or a mile away! :lol: Things usually don't work too well without a context, so hopefully I've managed to deduce that correctly.
On a side note, I'm not sure if its my imagination or not but on some occasions over the years (especially with people I'm close too) I can see what they dreamt and understand the context from it. Although not so much since starting working on myself in the context of the work.

essence said:
I'm really impressed with your analyzing skills. Seems you've learnt how to work your mind effectively.

Thanks, its something I've always had it seems in some form or other. What I am learning about at the moment that helps the most is how to observe my negative interject. It has used the force behind my own thoughts/mind/analytical skills to get me into some very deep holes, or so it seems. I think I'm only starting to appreciate my minds abilities now I'm slowly cleaning it up.

I think we are all capable of great analyses (amongst other things) as we learn about and clean our machines. It must be something spectacular once you've worked to the point of fusing your many I's!
Saying that however I know I have a great deal of work ahead of me, starting with the cleaning of my mind in tandem of exploring/healing/developing my emotional side. This is something in me that is no where near as developed as my mind, or so I think at the moment. I could be quite mistaken :)
RedFox said:
I think we are all capable of great analyses (amongst other things) as we learn about and clean our machines. It must be something spectacular once you've worked to the point of fusing your many I's!

'Yes, very spectacular!' exclaims excitedly this my conglomerate of random little i's.
I think at this point -having fused a singular I- it's probably not even important to be having all those capabilities, but more like a natural occurence, like necessary tools to perform the tasks you've chosen to perform, osit. Not to say that you implied something of the kind, it just crossed my mind, because there sure is a part in me that's immaturely thrilled by phenomenona such as the impressing powers of the human psyche.. this is a glitch I have to be careful with, it seems, like expressing it in a mode that is in tune with the aim of STO.

Having spoken out my being impressed with your analyzing skills, was however a spontaneuos expression of what I felt when reading your post.

I've noticed as of lately, there're quite some members who've changed in a visible/tangible way, yet I cannot really put my finger on it. For instance, when I saw PepperFritz was suddenly a moderator, it surprised me, but not really, more like 'Well, it was "time"' and I was glad! (Congrats, PepperFritz, it's good to have you here! -if congrats are anywhere near appropriate, I don't know - I suspect there are subtleties within the complex of a collinear group I cannot yet fathom).

It's really joyous in a way to see the members here advancing. Although I cannot say I see them advancing, I just notice they are changing.
And that's a joyous thing, because it shows: there really is hope! We can change ourselves, we can become better people, it is possible, against all odds! Good to (second-hand-)know! :)
Your analyzation skills, RedFox, as an example among others. So rock on, hope of mankind! (No matter how it sounds, I'm being serious here) :clap:

(In case the rambling/off topic ratio is too high to be tolerated, feel free to delete.)


(edit for spelling)
RedFox said:
I hope this is of some help!

indeed! your analysis was pretty accurate and had some helpful results, thank you for the effort you put into it. it was obviously quite well thought out :) here is her feedback about your interpretation, posted at her request:

[quote author=RedFox]Taking the dream as a whole, and then coming back to the first section, I read it as follows: She is constructing/exploring a new part of life for herself, with the help of male friend. Particularly in regards to her/her sons safety. A new neighbourhood suggests a move (either mentally/emotionally/geographically). So all together I'd suggest she may have just got out of an abusive relationship, possibly with a man.[/quote]

[quote author=Anonymous]I was going through a lot of anxiety because I had to deal with a specific grief chart that my counselor had suggested I complete. I didn’t want to do it because I was not prepared to reveal all of the ugliness that had been such a strong part of my life for so long (my relationship of 8 years with Ex-Husband) and am dealing with the emotional abuse that I endured for such a long time. I have harbored resentment and anger and mistrust for years and was in the process of emotional confrontation which manifested itself in this dream.[/quote]

[quote author=RedFox]All together it reads to me as: Has been/is being taken in by a male figure who is powerful. (I made this connection having read Laura's thread on women who love psychopaths, based on the book of the same name). Instinctively she knew there was danger, specifically to her son from this male figure. Note that when I say 'male figure' it may be state authority, or an actual male in her life.[/quote]

[quote author= Anonymous]This part I find interesting. I am actually in an emotional prison, I believe, and fear is keeping me from moving forward. Even though I have been out of the relationship for about 6 years, I have still been immobilized from moving forward out of fear that I am going to end up with yet another man that is similar to my Ex. There is a lot of fear in regards to my son, because I do not want him to grow up being like his father. It panics me and I am constantly trying to reinforce positivity in my son to counter-balance the negativity of his father’s home.[/quote]

[quote author=RedFox]The male figure has invaded her life at some point, and she has started to think logically and observe things from a perspective she never knew existed.[/quote]

[quote author= Anonymous]He is constantly invading my life, and I have struggled with reinforcing the amount of contact that we need to have with each other. He continually tries to remain in my life in small ways ie: dropping my son off at my house and coming in to the home with him instead of waiting outside, etc. He invades my emotional and physical space.[/quote]

[quote author=RedFox]I think there are several things going on here. Firstly the nature of pathology is to control (through fear). So the shocking act may simply be that.... The shocking act also serves to stop you in your tracks, as it where....thus preventing action/learning etc... i.e. the 2 points above could possibly be both the predator mind and/or external pathology trying to shock you into emotional submission/sleep. Transmarginal inhibition.[/quote]

[quote author= Anonymous]Yes, I absolutely believe that because he has played the victim role so well, that he has made me feel guilty for moving forward and pushing him away. He is unknowingly (?) capable of controlling my well being because of his awareness of my forgiving and empathetic nature. [/quote]

[quote author=RedFox]To me this section reads: The male authority does something specifically violent, to illicit a particular reaction (control). If the boy next to him is her son, then it may be a 'look what I could do to your son if you don't do as I say'.......either society in general or an actual male in her life. The horror ramps up with the emotional component (I know this from my dreams). Strong emotions usually mean something hidden/rejected/buried that is being uncovered that should be explored. A predator could use them as a hook for manipulation if she is unaware of them.[/quote]

[quote author= Anonymous]This analysis has solidified my reasoning for pursuing freedom. You have so eloquently and deeply revealed what I did not want to admit but was clearly aware of. I knew that I needed to deal with this, and was afraid to.[/quote]

[quote author=RedFox]Again more horror/emotional hooking elicited with the detail of the imagery. Emotional centre is driving this part. Over to her right (right brain is emotional/feminine side), more horror but in a different form (or perhaps the same message in a differently interpreted form?). If it wasn't just more horror, then to me it seems that the emotions around all this (which are buried and surfacing in the dream) may well be 'eating' her organs? [/quote]

[quote author= Anonymous]It is interesting that “the analyst” has referred to food, considering that I have been training myself to not use food as solace when under times of duress, (hence the loss of 30 pounds!) Of course, eating will come up in my dreams.[/quote]

so, again, thank you RedFox for your insightful analysis... it speaks very well to a point from the previously mentioned article "The Third Reich of Dreams"

[quote author=The Third Reich of Dreams]Telling the story of the unconscious mind is difficult because it's not so easy to put into words. All the words that could be useful have been taken over by the authorities and corrupted to the core. The reason we find it so difficult to think clearly or speak coherently about the hanky-panky going on in the unconscious mind is because most of the terms used to describe renegade states of consciousness have been stripped of their original meaning and painted over with a glossy sheen. Dictionaries and encyclopedia's give descriptions of altered states of consciousness and non-sensory dimensions of the mind like they were psychotic episodes to be neuro-chemically controlled or rendered inactive by psycho-surgery.

It's useless to depend on words when they have so little power over the shackled thoughts of the mentally enslaved, who wouldn't dream of leaving the prison even if they had the keys to unlock their cells. Talking about alien ideas is something so full of verbal booby traps that it just about ruins any chance of seriously investigating what's really going on in any other world except this one. The terms used to describe our inner world as natural and sacred have lost their ability to inspire and guide us, because their meaning has been changed and now we have no structure of thought upon which to build an understanding of ourselves.

Controlling thought in this way reduces the threat that the mind might be led astray by renegade thinking, perhaps discovering the inner curtain and pulling it aside, exposing the shady dealings of the subconscious mind and putting an end to the long-running ego drama. Inner explorers who want to throw some light on the darker side are forced to use matches to illuminate the way, because orthodox religion, behavioral psychology, and materialistic science are drawing most of the illumination from these concepts through their domination of consensus reality and control of language. You can't talk about mind control, can't talk about a secret government, can't talk about hyper-dimensional realities, can't talk about hidden history, can't talk about the age-long story of the Human Spirit, and you can't so much as whisper the naked truth that a big chunk of our mind is missing. Whatever is enforcing unconsciousness must be very powerful because it will not allow any self-reflection or renegade knowledge to threaten its subliminal authority and challenge its hold on the conscious mind. [/quote]

in doing the Work, OSIT, one does have a "structure of thought upon which to build an understanding of themselves", or is at least a step closer to said structure. i think that your feedback, being built on an understanding of the predator mind and the pathocratic control system, takes a step towards escaping "their domination of consensus reality and control of language." i.e. the terms and concepts you used shed light on issues that would not otherwise have been readily considered...
Its good to know that my own learning process can bring positive results to others. Who'd a thunk it? :)

Even though I have been out of the relationship for about 6 years, I have still been immobilized from moving forward out of fear that I am going to end up with yet another man that is similar to my Ex.

I am not a councillor, but from what I've read the book Women Who Love Psychopaths by Sandra L.Brown may be of benefit in alleviating her fear of a repeat performance through knowledge and understanding of the subject. I think for the moment at least this fear is a good because it is keeping her aware of the possibility, perhaps through knowledge and understanding and fear to drive her it can be turned into Awareness and the fear let go of. :)

Good luck Anonymous!

essence said:
I've noticed as of lately, there're quite some members who've changed in a visible/tangible way, yet I cannot really put my finger on it. For instance, when I saw PepperFritz was suddenly a moderator, it surprised me, but not really, more like 'Well, it was "time"' and I was glad! (Congrats, PepperFritz, it's good to have you here! -if congrats are anywhere near appropriate, I don't know - I suspect there are subtleties within the complex of a collinear group I cannot yet fathom).

I know what you mean. I think speaking from my own point of view I know what caused it. It was reading a few threads and observing how stuck some of the people where in there patterns and subjective view points, and how close they where to parts of myself that along with some other things shocked me into realising that I was just going through the motions without putting any effort into working on myself. I was just simply 'expecting it to happen'.
I still have to fight this now, but I've certainly done more reading each day in the last month than I have done since finding the wave series.

I think posting on the forum is a lot now to do with verifying as much as I can what I'm learning. I'm also doing that a lot more through observing others learning in threads they post, which is fascinating. And continually testing things in my interactions with others. Its still amazing (and sometimes quite scary) to me to be able to see these things. :)

Anyway, that's enough of me. Learning is most definitely fun!

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