Basque Seeker
Last night I dreamed this: I was swimming in the sea, summertime, I was looking toward land, and suddenly I began to see a layer of water over my head, like an incoming sea wave. Nothing strange, but then I started to realize that the lenght of the upper layer of water (toward land) is just amazing, it's an incredibly long an big sea wave. Incredibly, I felt no fear (if I were really there I would be terrified). After this I started to feel the uplifting in my body because of the arriving of the "body" of this wave, and then I'm inside the wave, with once again, no fear at all. Then, I can see myself movng directly to very sharp rocks of the shore, and THEN I did feel fear, but amazingly, instead of crushing me against them, the wave puts me completely safe over those rocks!! And then I woke up.
I have been thinking of the possible connections with the C's material and I guess it could be possible in some way! What do you think?
I have been thinking of the possible connections with the C's material and I guess it could be possible in some way! What do you think?