A wave dream

Last night I dreamed this: I was swimming in the sea, summertime, I was looking toward land, and suddenly I began to see a layer of water over my head, like an incoming sea wave. Nothing strange, but then I started to realize that the lenght of the upper layer of water (toward land) is just amazing, it's an incredibly long an big sea wave. Incredibly, I felt no fear (if I were really there I would be terrified). After this I started to feel the uplifting in my body because of the arriving of the "body" of this wave, and then I'm inside the wave, with once again, no fear at all. Then, I can see myself movng directly to very sharp rocks of the shore, and THEN I did feel fear, but amazingly, instead of crushing me against them, the wave puts me completely safe over those rocks!! And then I woke up.

I have been thinking of the possible connections with the C's material and I guess it could be possible in some way! What do you think?
Depending on how much of the C's material you have read, you have probably got the idea of the possible coming wave in your head and it effects your dreams (being represented as a literal wave). I have had numerous dreams of tsunamis and disasters since reading Laura's work.

Of course, just try not to interpret your dream as a prophetic vision of "when the wave comes, I will be saved" as we still all have a lot of work to do.
Carlise said:
Of course, just try not to interpret your dream as a prophetic vision of "when the wave comes, I will be saved" as we still all have a lot of work to do.

Yes, I know that at least now, I'm pretty far of becoming a STO oriented being. I try it, but most of the time I'm caught on the everyday traps presented. I remember some of the C's transmissions about tangoing in a hall in fire. Well, right now I would get burnt tangoing with my wife. :/
Basque Seeker said:
Carlise said:
Of course, just try not to interpret your dream as a prophetic vision of "when the wave comes, I will be saved" as we still all have a lot of work to do.

Yes, I know that at least now, I'm pretty far of becoming a STO oriented being. I try it, but most of the time I'm caught on the everyday traps presented. I remember some of the C's transmissions about tangoing in a hall in fire. Well, right now I would get burnt tangoing with my wife. :/

From what I've experienced so far, as you gain deeper knowledge about our situation, making the hard decisions becomes easier. The Work of becoming free starts as just a concept in your head, but when you start actually applying the concepts to your life and begin to truly 'live' it, things start to become clearer.

If you choose to, Sorting out diet, practicing EE, and learning about psychology are very effective steps for beginning to apply knowledge practically.

If you continue to learn and start to make these changes, you may find that Strategic enclosure and External considering become very important when dealing with people in every day life.

Self remembering helps you notice the 'traps' you speak of, and stops you identifying with everything that grabs your attention. This is a difficult practice that I am currently struggling with.

Good luck to you!
Hello Basque Seeker,

After I read your post, I remembered having an almost identical dream a few weeks ago - I can't remember the exact date, but it is possible that it was around the same time also!

The only major difference between your dream (as described by you here) and mine is that I saw other people waiting in the water before the wave arrived, and I think my first visual impression was that I looked towards the sea (seeing the people) and not towards the land. Only when I was already nearly inside the wave did I look at the land. But then: almost identical - including the feeling of no fear, the approaching of the rocks (when I became frightened...), the "soft landing", the hugeness of the wave etc.

Anyway, thanks for sharing.
I live in South Korea and two days before the Tsunami in Japan I dreamt I was in a grocery store when the clerk told everyone to quickly move into the stairwell. While in the stairwell it was hot and many people were there, another message came over the loud speaker asking for everyone to move to the roof of the building. On the roof for as far as I could see there was a wall of water headed straight for as left and right too. I clung onto a metal emergency ladder when the first wave hit and it spilled over the top, splashing all of us violently then drew back into the water snatching a small asian baby out of the mothers arms, I reached up and snatched the baby back from the sea and drew the child into my chest sheilding the child sandwiching the child in between the ladder with my body holding the waves tight, when I ooked back at the water the next wave was so high at was atleast ten times higher than our building top, I turned to brace myself but woke up before it hit.

I went to work and told my girlfriend and her boss about the dream, 2 days later the Tsunami hit Japan. I felt a sense of hurt and pain that I had no way to use that which was what I knew to warn someone. I live in Korea so since I saw Asians I assumed it was here.
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