A work based painting

Be Like Water

Padawan Learner
So I finally get around to posting this painting I finished a few months ago. I had some technical difficulties re: camera>computer connections.


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Ham, nice ... I think, but can you explain a little bit ? ;)
It would also be nice to know about the process you went through to make this, maybe your inner state; what drove you to draw this opposed to something else?
My interpretation is that the top picture represents gathering of knowledge, the left bottom one facing the predator while the right one represents networking, though I may be wrong?
Smallwood said:
My interpretation is that the top picture represents gathering of knowledge, the left bottom one facing the predator while the right one represents networking, though I may be wrong?

I made the same interpretation. And maybe the core represents higher-self and spirals (DNA) at both sides represents diet&health.
Smallwood said:
My interpretation is that the top picture represents gathering of knowledge, the left bottom one facing the predator while the right one represents networking, though I may be wrong?

The top one could represent the thinking center, the bottom right the emotional center and the [edit:bottom right] bottom left .... I'm not sure, difficult to get an idea on that one.
andi said:
Ham, nice ... I think, but can you explain a little bit ? ;)
It would also be nice to know about the process you went through to make this, maybe your inner state; what drove you to draw this opposed to something else?

I have been reading ISOTM on and of for a while now, trying to put some ideas into art. There is a section where he mentions objective art, the idea has always interested me. I enjoy painting and this one was an idea that had been on my mind about 6 months prior to doing it. I find images a good medium for delivering and receiving information. Also, something to hang on my wall to remind me not to fall asleep :)
Funny thing is, after I finished it I realised the proportions of the three sections were roughly equivalent to my system, I think a lot and not nearly as much use my emotions correctly.

The three bodies, intellectual (book), physical (defense) and emotional (lovers). For the center area I was also considering a magnet or furnace/flame icon. Based on the idea of the fourth way, working on three centers to create a permanent center.

I have been using celtic knottish kinda things in my drawings for a while, in this it is also representative of DNA and energy/information being distributed across the whole system with a focus on the magnetic center. I considered putting more obvious DNA looking bits for the two top outer parts, but also did not want to complicate this image too much.
This makes sens mechanimated, thank you - it makes it much more interesting and having it as a reminder seems like a good idea.
Thanks for sharing ;)
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