We have been concerned about the health of our cat recently, so we took her to the vet. She is a fluffy orange cuteness, 14 years old, and recently she started crying for food 3 times a day (she used to eat 2xday), and seemed more outdoorsy. The vet did some blood tests on her, and it appeared that she had kidney infection. We were given antibiotic that she took 2xday and he said that by the time she finished the pack the infection should be gone. There was also a very little hypothyroidism (not enough to make him worry about it) and some liver issues, most likely the results of the infection.
During the time she was given her antibiotic, Orangie continued to ask for food 3xday and being more active than usual and that continued until this week (she was taken to the vet about a month ago). These past few days, there was a change: she stopped eating (didn't eat anything for about 3 days, which is very unlike her! I checked today and I saw that she had a third of her food) and she had several seizures as well (one caused her to fall off the stairs). She has also been less interactive and sleeping more. The seizures are not new, btw, she used to have them few years back, but then they went away for a couple of years now and resurfaced now again.
We called the vet and he said he didn't know what was causing all these, he mentioned her old age, and suggested that we take her to the closest big city (which is about 5 hrs from here and Orangie does not like trips in cars) for a CAT scan. So that was the latest we got from the vet yesterday. Before we do anything, we thought of asking your advice. I was also interested to see if Dr Herr Eisenheim had any homeopathic advice for our Orangie, anything that might help with her seizures, appetite...
Ah, also, the last couple of weeks we started adding fish oils on her food, which she seemed to like at first, but then she stopped eating both the fish oils and her food at the same time.
And here's Orangie herself
During the time she was given her antibiotic, Orangie continued to ask for food 3xday and being more active than usual and that continued until this week (she was taken to the vet about a month ago). These past few days, there was a change: she stopped eating (didn't eat anything for about 3 days, which is very unlike her! I checked today and I saw that she had a third of her food) and she had several seizures as well (one caused her to fall off the stairs). She has also been less interactive and sleeping more. The seizures are not new, btw, she used to have them few years back, but then they went away for a couple of years now and resurfaced now again.
We called the vet and he said he didn't know what was causing all these, he mentioned her old age, and suggested that we take her to the closest big city (which is about 5 hrs from here and Orangie does not like trips in cars) for a CAT scan. So that was the latest we got from the vet yesterday. Before we do anything, we thought of asking your advice. I was also interested to see if Dr Herr Eisenheim had any homeopathic advice for our Orangie, anything that might help with her seizures, appetite...
Ah, also, the last couple of weeks we started adding fish oils on her food, which she seemed to like at first, but then she stopped eating both the fish oils and her food at the same time.
And here's Orangie herself