About "Time" and becoming a parent.


The Living Force
I have a couple of questions which have long been rattling around in my mind.

The first has to do with “Time”.

“Time” has been a thorn in my brain for years. I’ve spent hundreds of hours puzzling through the idea, have searched for and measured everything I’ve come across in an effort to come to grips with how it all works. The result is that I’ve come to a number of fairly workable understandings, but a couple of nagging questions remain which I’d like very much to bounce off the C’s.

1a. Causality. -If the standing series of events which we call history can be tweaked, edited and such.., (as we have been told is indeed the case), what happens to people and souls in that history when such an edit occurs? For instance, if a war is sparked into being, or if events are altered to prevent a war, the resulting deaths or prevention of deaths would, according to classical popular understandings of time, result in various Grandfather paradox scenarios. Do people wink out of and into existence as a result of ‘time management’?

1b. If SOTT, for instance, creates such grievance for the ‘dark side’, why do the 4th D controllers not simply decide to prevent Laura’s birth through some minor adjustment before she was even born?

Evidently, they have gone to great lengths to install negative programming and put up all manner of obstacles which have been overcome, so clearly there is an intent to prevent coming from a higher level. But they have not dropped the ultimate "time-bomb", so to speak.

Part of my thinking and limited observations suggest that there is perhaps some aspect of reality, an elasticity if you will, which comes into play to prevent such wholesale re-writing, but it’s all quite speculative and I would much appreciate more clarity, or at least a few hints which might set me on the right track.

2. My second question has been bothering me for years. It regards a piece from the Carlos Castaneda books;

In one of his books, a fairly astonishing claim is made: Giving birth transfers a vital piece of the parent’s energy body to the child, leaving the parent with a big hole in their energy body, permanently taking away a significant portion of their vitality, their ‘bounce’ and ability to spring back from painful events and downfalls.

Here’s one of the quotes regarding this:

“He had said that when one has a child that child takes the edge of our spirit. For a woman to have a girl means the end of that edge. To have had two as I did meant the end of me. The best of my strength and my illusions went to those girls. They stole my edge, the Nagual said, in the same way I had stolen it from my parents. That's our fate. A boy steals the biggest part of his edge from his father, a girl from her mother. The Nagual said that people who have had children could tell, if they aren't as stubborn as you, that something is missing in them. Some craziness, some nervousness, some power that they had before is gone. They used to have it, but where is it now? The Nagual said that it is in the little child running around the house, full of energy, full of illusions. In other words, complete. He said that if we watch children we can tell that they are daring, they move in leaps. If we watch their parents we can see that they are cautious and timid. They don't leap anymore. The Nagual told me we explain that by saying that the parents are grown-ups and have responsibilities. But that's not true. The truth of the matter is that they have lost their edge."

-Carlos had his ‘holes’ supposedly plugged by Don Juan with an inert ‘grey’ energy, but was instructed that in order to advance, he needed to take back those original energy bundles from his children. This struck me as a rather gothic and horrifying idea and I’ve always wondered if there were anything to it. I think becoming a father would be a good choice under the right circumstances, and in those circumstances I’d be content to pass the torch, as it were, but it’s still a fairly rattling idea. I was hoping the C’s might comment on this, verify and/or qualify.

That’s all.

I can't provide much insight into your second point, but I have been interested in the first one and have my own little hypothesis about it. Ouspensky devotes an entire section in his book Tertium Organum to how time would be perceived by a one, two, three, and four dimensional consciousness. Through his comparisons of different types of beings, he builds up a rather intriguing case that there is really no such thing as a temporal dimension, but that time is space. In other words, 4D sees what we perceive as time to be an additional spatial dimension. Continuing along this line, I think that when you look at a planet from this perspective, you see a giant 4 dimensional helix which contains all of the "time" in existence for that planet, from creation to destruction, instead of a sphere. The sphere we live on is simply a cross section of this hyperdimensional helix, which is perceived by us in a rudimentary fashion by the passage of time. The 4D entities are able to move along the helix in a conscious way, and due to their expanded consciousness, it as simple for them as walking to another place. In addition, I don't think the helix is seen as a static object, but appears to flicker and vibrate depending on the probabilities that are manifested in time through the choices of the entities involved. These different probabilities, or alternate timelines change the state of the helix and interpenetrate one another so that an average state may define the helix, depending on how much energy is behind a given timeline. 4D may decide to go to a certain point in the helix and change the past in order to perturb the overall system more to their liking and give more weight to a particular timeline.
Session970104 said:
Q: (L) And, can infinite numbers of "dimensions" exist within each level of density, even if temporary?
A: Yes. If you want to go back and change "history," either for individuals or for universal perception, you must first create an alternate universe to do it. Your 4th density STS "friends" have
been doing this a lot.
Q: (L) If you, being a general term, create an alternate universe, does the former one continue to exist, or does the former one merge into the new one?
A: Both.
Q: (L) If the former one continues to exist, does it exist and evolve on its own, disassociated with the second one, or this offshoot?
A: Clarify.
Q: (T) The universe you are in: you are going along and say, "I think I will create a new Universe." You do it, and move to it, and you bring your universe with you. That is the merging of
realities. But, when you move to the new universe, you are no longer in the original one which continues along on its own. The pattern of the old universe, you bring into the new one, and when
you become part of the new universe you have just created, you are no longer part of the old one you just left. It just goes along with everybody else there. (L) Is this correct?
A: Sort of... remember, one can create all ranges of types of alternate possibilities.
Q: (L) So you could create a new universe with a new "past," even?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, in that way, both actually occur and you can change the whole thing?
A: When merged, the former never existed.
Q: (T) Not for the person creating the new universe, but the former will continue for everybody else.
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, for the person creating a new universe, the former never existed, but the other beings who are satisfied with that old universe, and "go" with it, are still continuing along as though...
A: Your 3rd density mind restrictions limit the scope of your comprehension in this area.
Q: (L) If you decide you don't like your present universe, and you work like crazy to learn how to create a new one, and you do it, do you, essentially, forget that you did this? And why you did
this? And forget the other universe?
A: If you wish.
I think this session highlights the concept pretty well and pretty much establishes that the Grandfather Paradox is simply a conceptual error resulting from not understanding the hyperdimensional nature of the universe. Even if you go back in time and kill your father before you were born, you create an alternate timeline that merges the reality in which you were born in the natural way with the one in which you were never born. Since the pasts in the multiverse can be merged between the various different timelines paradox becomes rather difficult to create. To make the whole scenario even crazier, we could add a condition where you know that your soul is drawn to your mother, so you end up marrying your mother and being your own father because you think you would be a better dad. But this is an alternate version of you from a parallel universe. Now perhaps this version of you is also interested in time travel and manages to find out what you've done and decides this whole thing is a terribly screwed up situation. He decides to go back and find you when you emerge from your future and stop you from killing your father in an attempt to restore the original timeline. The thing is, the timeline has probably been merged so many times that there isn't really an original timeline to go back to, it's all just a tangle of nearly infinite possibilities. You could compare it to the famous two slit experiment in quantum physics, the particle takes all possible paths to the detector, but eventually only one is chosen by the observers. In a multiverse, all possibilities occur simultaneously.

I think this is the level 4D STS is operating on. They see the hyperdimensional helix of Earth and its various vibrations and they want to lock it down into a steady state which they can easily control. So they travel back and forth in time trying to create all of these reality merges to set things up into an end state that is favorable to them. So they do all of these changes and run the simulations on their computers and they're fairly happy where things are going when all of the sudden the probabilities start to splay out again. The ripple effects from the changes create possibilities for new choices that lead to different outcomes and they have to go in and do the whole thing over and over again in an unending quest to get that "perfect" timeline.
Session990731 said:
Q: Were they able to materialize people from the past or the future?
A: Temporarily.
Q: Did they, in fact, do this?
A: Yes.
Q: Did they ask people from the future what kinds of events have occurred between then and now in order to refine their plans and activities?
A: No such.
Q: Why?
A: Variable futures.
Q: So, they could materialize somebody from the future, but it was only as potential, or probable future, so therefore, it meant very little, or was useless?
A: One of 329 decillion.
Q: Probable futures?
A: Yes.
Q: It's a lot.
A: Up to a point...
Q: At which time something collapses into the now. Regarding these folks they materialized from the past: anybody we would know?
A: No.
Q: Could they select who they materialized, or was it random?
A: The materialization was really a duality. Review texts re: abductions between densities for idea.
Q: Could it be possible that, using this technology, the U.S. Government, or Secret Government, has been doing abductions on human beings that the victims THINK is an alien abduction?
A: Maybe in some cases, but the technology is not comparable.
Q: Other than people from the past and future, what other kinds of things did they materialize in the Montauk experiments?
A: Review.
Q: What kinds of things were they interested in materializing more than anything else? (A) Probably technological devices. (L) Did they materialize technology from the future?
A: This is more complex than your questions indicate.
This extract about the Montauk Project ties into the subject here. A decillion is 1033, that's a lot of timelines even for 4D to control, I think. Even if you lock down a trillion or quadrillion of them, what difference does it make? It must be driving them nuts.

I also think freewill plays a role here too. Even 3D has the ability to choose realities in a rudimentary way if conscious enough. So the Lizzies have to manipulate 3D consciousness into using it's freewill as little as possible in order to make sure they don't start manifesting timelines different from their total control template. I think they do this by beaming A influences into prominent institutions on the planet which then disseminate them to keep the mass consciousness going in circles. In addition, if there is a certain purity of intent amongst 3D consciousness seeking to escape this matrix, it may attract the attention of higher level STO beings who wish to join from above and be of service. That can also serve to actualize other possibilities and throws a bit of a wrench into the full spectrum dominance that 4D STS is trying to accomplish.

So I think the combination of the sheer number of timelines, the "selective and variable" aspect to time, and freewill allows for the establishment of stray realities where 4D STS can't control everything. We don't know what kind of protections and influences might come down from higher levels and keep the Lizzies from killing whomever they want. The Cassiopaeans have said there are certain rules to the game, even if it doesn't seem that way. Also, based on reading the Precis on Good and Evil, in which Laura discusses the ideas of Michael Topper, it seems that 4D STS can't force you to accept them and their system because it violates some kind of "law." There is a session that touches on this subject as well.
Session110611 said:
Q: (L) Well, what was all this spinning about, and what was all this hodge podge messing around about?

A: Interference. Needed cooperation for grooving.

Q: (L) What kind of interference?

A: HAARP-like beamed at you.

Q: (L) And how long has this been going on?

A: Off and on for some time.

Q: (L) And what is the source of this? Is this a 3rd density or 4th density source of energy?

A: Both. You have been tracked for a long time now.

Q: (L) Well, why don't they just bump us off if we're such a pain in the whatever?

A: They can't.

Q: (L) Why?

A: We cannot tell you that as it would interfere with mission.

Q: (Galaxia) Why would it interfere with the mission?

A: If you know why you will anticipate and possibly make mistakes fatal to yourself. Let us just say that "they" know that harm to you would result in their own total destruction along a more negative timeline.

Q: (L) Well, if my death would bring about their destruction, then maybe it would be a good idea for me to check out, right? Well, isn't that what we want? (Belibaste) Why would it lead to their destruction?

A: Again, we cannot tell you all. But know that there is no chance for a positive outcome for Earth and the future without the presence.

Q: (L) So, there's no chance for a positive outcome without me, and yet my death would ensure their total destruction.

A: And all else!

Q: (Perceval) Maybe it's got something to do with balance, ya know? The universe wanting balance. There's a higher power in the universe that allows things to play out as long as there's some kind of balance. But if you weren't here, then this world would be completely a dark, negative star, and there'd be some mechanism that would destroy it and everything associated with it.

A: Yes.
So we're dealing with a system with so many variables and different things going on that the possibilities are absolutely limitless, and that provides a degree of protection. That's my take on your questions about time, and it's really kind of "out there" and twists your brain a bit, but that's the best way I can explain it based on my understanding of the material.
A couple random thoughts on the kid issue.

1. I have definitely had the experience/observation of seeing my kids bound off with loads of energy and saying to myself: "There goes my energy!" (and I have read the Castenada stuff).

2. On the other hand, later in life, there is usually a 'cutting of the cord', generally initiated by the child but it could be by the parent also. At this point it is possible to regain some equilibrium. I have tried to gradually release them to the world and consciously shift our relationship as time rolls on. I do seem to have recovered some of that energy as the relationships shift.

As for the four holes (three boys, one girl) in my energy grid (ok, ok, luminous egg), I think awareness and knowledge can heal all wounds. Releasing them to their own lives and lessons helps too.

I have another interesting thought: what if our kids are us in the future? In other words, if I truly came back from the future, maybe having the kids I do now, allowed me to exist in that future. In a sense creating the blood line now that I stemmed from in the future. OF course this is assuming a heck of a lot. But the C's do say a lot about our gross 3D linear-based misconception of time and reality.
Neil said:
I also think freewill plays a role here too. Even 3D has the ability to choose realities in a rudimentary way if conscious enough. So the Lizzies have to manipulate 3D consciousness into using it's freewill as little as possible in order to make sure they don't start manifesting timelines different from their total control template. I think they do this by beaming A influences into prominent institutions on the planet which then disseminate them to keep the mass consciousness going in circles. In addition, if there is a certain purity of intent amongst 3D consciousness seeking to escape this matrix, it may attract the attention of higher level STO beings who wish to join from above and be of service. That can also serve to actualize other possibilities and throws a bit of a wrench into the full spectrum dominance that 4D STS is trying to accomplish.

So I think the combination of the sheer number of timelines, the "selective and variable" aspect to time, and freewill allows for the establishment of stray realities where 4D STS can't control everything. We don't know what kind of protections and influences might come down from higher levels and keep the Lizzies from killing whomever they want. The Cassiopaeans have said there are certain rules to the game, even if it doesn't seem that way. Also, based on reading the Precis on Good and Evil, in which Laura discusses the ideas of Michael Topper, it seems that 4D STS can't force you to accept them and their system because it violates some kind of "law." There is a session that touches on this subject as well

Hi Neil, i think you have summarised very well this complex topic of time, timeline manipulations and hyperdimensions - thank you for the post. Just adding a couple of thoughts based on your points above :

1. I agree as well that the Lizzie's can't really control all future possibilities, hence that is the main reasons for our Orweillian state of affairs and most importantly as you mentioned, 3D conscious units seeking to escape the matrix, and who have the requisite knowledge; can and i suspect will cause intense disruptions to their timeline manipulations. For me great humans like J.F.K, Caesar, King and various other good leaders have all created big "ripples" and " massive disruptions" to their timeline manipulation.

2. Fully agree as well, that there are some unwritten laws at work here. The Universe it about balance, and STO forces & the C's i suspect can and will protect Laura & the Crew (i hope they are protecting Putin too...), in order that the balance is maintained. Disrupting the balance at the higher densities, and in 3D through timeline manipulation, i think will entail some form of destruction, before a new balance between STS and STO can be restored. The eternal Yin and Yang symbol, that is also part of the FOTCM logo, really is the symbolism that perfectly describes this balance, and constant "shifting" or collision of forces between STO and STS that maintain the balance. Hope this makes sense and just my thoughts fwiw.

Thanks again for the post.
Thank-you for these insights. It's amazing how I can feel like I have a well-contained understanding of a subject, and then realize after talking with other thinkers that I'd become actually quite calcified and blind-spotted.

I'm going to ruminate for a while and respond afterwards.

Thank-you again. This is excellent stuff.
Here's the specific extract from the Michael Topper article I was thinking about.
Stalking said:
The negative guys, on the other hand, play the game in terms of domination, subjugation and absorption of other consciousnesses into “One.” . But, they too, understand that the rules of the game posit that in order for them to truly “absorb” into their being these other “consciousnesses,” that the “other” must choose to become part of their “self-aggrandizement.” An unwilling “food” is, in essence, not “nutritious” so to say. If the consciousness does not choose, it becomes a “poison” to the consciousness that seeks to “eat it.” And so they must promote “Oneness” in a very particular way.

So, we have to understand here that the true Negative Realm agenda is to “eat consciousness.” So, this actually prevents an overt “take-over” in literal, physical terms. If an “invasion” was detected, this would mean that the veil would be lifted and all would see the “man behind the curtain” and would be disgusted and turn away. Just as in the “Wizard of Oz,” those Ruby Slippers have to be obtained VERY CAREFULLY!

Gathering the essence is an art of great subtlety! The “negative alien plan” is, in its purest sense, STALKING.

The aim of Stalking is to create a completely controlled artificial environment composed of thoroughly predictable human behaviors – made predictable because they have been programmed to respond to cues of conditioning [inculcated through centuries of lies and obfuscations presented in the form of religions] and all of this revolves around a ‘story’ that is actually untrue, and wholly misrepresentative of the real negative aim.

For centuries these programming signals have been being set up – either because of time travel capabilities, or because of actual historical presence. Various prophets or religious leaders have been influenced to preach, or teach or prophesy philosophies designed to lay a foundation for later take-over – possibly in our present time. When people begin to get wise, the Negatives simply go back into the past, add something more to the soup to “cover up” the new awareness. This then act as a domino effect and influences our present. Time loops and all that. A lot of people think that the “alien invasion scenario” is a ruse concocted by the government to create the impression that there is a forming “threat,” thereby enabling the institution of a New World Order. But, this idea is based on a misrepresentation of the process just described.

The important thing to remember is this: there is NOT a “unified conspiratorial activity” going on here in the hierarchy of government. The “divide and conquer” effect is also manifest at this level and and suits the alien purposes to a “T.” Such activity at ALL levels is consistent with their program of STALKING, in which confusion and cross-purpose prevents a clear perception on the part of the Stalkees.

Yet, at some deep level there may be a direct conspiratorial interaction between the “secret government” and the negative aliens… but it is unlikely that any name of those involved would be recognized by anyone, no matter how “in the know” regarding the subject. These “secret superiors” are just that: SECRET. Any organization you can name, or about which you are AWARE, are merely “outer circles.”

What is the designed objective of this STALKING? It is two-fold. First, the effect of Stalking is sort of like stampeding a herd of cattle. Bit by bit, they are consolidated into a “negative mode” which consists of the idea of “us vs them.” Even though, on the surface, it may seem that this “mode” is positive or STO,(i.e. save the world because it is “wrong” or flawed, or blighted with original sin or whatever) the very fact that it is formed in the “dominator” mode of perceiving salvation “outside,” means that it can more easily be “taken over” body, mind and soul at a level that is “unseen and unseeable.” In other words: Satan CAN and most often DOES appear as an Angel of Light!

It is only at the lower levels of the power structure that many still believe they are playing out the basic ‘antagonism’ and ‘self- protection’ roles. They believe that “sending love and light” to those “in need” is appropriate, without realizing that this activity is predicated upon a deep belief that there is something wrong, in error, in rebellion, and thus becomes again, “us vs them.”

There is evidence that extensive implant technology may be used to ensure influenced obedience; yet, a degree of freedom must be conserved through the consciousness due to the essential fact that the valued commodity is consciousness. A totally drugged, surgically altered and thoroughly programmed psyche is only good for robotic slave-service (and this may also be going on also, by the way). It is in this understanding that we find our way out of the trap. It isn’t easy, but it is a way.

The primary object of Negative stalking is to persuade through strongly influenced, but not robotic, behavior patterns, the Free Choice of the targeted CONSCIOUSNESS to align with negative higher-density existence. Because, in the Long Run, the object is the “eating” of functioning units of consciousness by the negative hierarchy, with Free Will intact! It is not good food otherwise!!!!

And this is where physics comes in again… because the CONSERVED ELEMENT OF TRUE CONSCIOUSNESS is the irreducible value of Free Will. The mind of the subject must retain Free Will which distinguishes consciousness as such.

The instant the negative polarization is chosen as a result of true prerogative of Free Will, the “subject” immediately becomes functionally a “part” of the higher-dimensional entity responsible for having induced the choice in the first place, regardless of the deceptive means employed, or the persuasive misrepresentations used in conditioning the terms through which the fateful choice is made. In other words, confusion, physical and/or emotional/mental pain, exhaustion, blackmail, and even forms of torture are legitimate modes of “persuasion.” Of course, the more subtle the means used, the more value is retained. A “tortured” consciousness is the equivalent to being “overcooked.” Many higher level Beings of Darkness are veritable connaisseurs! They particularly relish the subversion of those who are truly pure and strong willed!

There’s an immediate PSYCHIC BOND in this relationship to the higher density negative being who is the “handler” of the human “agent” who is now a functional part of his “eater/master,” and, the negative hierarchy is proportionately enhanced with every “induction/absorption” of additional members.

In other words: the negative hierarchy is a pyramidal food chain… the apex of the pyramid is comprised of the most persistent of the negative graduates, the one who has stuck it out against every evidence of diminishment, and is the ultimate example of “wishful thinking.”

This “Ultimate Wishful Thinking” means that they/it cannot SEE that they do not become God by assimilation and control of other selves… but that the real result is a gradual compaction and implosion and dissolution into primal matter and NON-being.

And here is where physics comes in again to help us get a handle on this conflict : Without duality, there would be no existence to discuss.

From the One there is bilateral emergence.

Exactly one half joyfully seeks life and creation and play and exploration… a sort of “love of adventure.”

The other half expresses a fundamental fear of “losing self” in this play and exploration. This causes it to recoil upon itself and this establishes the “tension” of polarization which is the stuff of which the cosmos is constructed..

This can be more easily understood as “Love of God through others,” i.e. by loving others unconditionally, as God, since all are one, even though differentiated; as opposed to “Love of God through self” i.e. believing that love of himself IS love of God, therefore others must love him too!

The one view sees all others AS SELF, and loves All and seeks to serve others.

The other sees only SELF and seeks to appropriate all others to Self to restore equilibrium… to “go back to the Cosmic Sleep of Oneness,” so to speak.

One analogy would be the difference between a free and adventurous child that is full of the sense of adventure as opposed to a child that wishes to “own the mother” and cling to her and incorporate her to himself; i.e. Jealousy.

The “Darkness” is, in fact,a State of Consciousness that has existed from the very beginning of individuation and which COVETS ATTENTION FOR ITSELF ALONE.

This consciousness hates, fears and deeply distrusts Creation, and just wants to effectively “roll over and go back to sleep” in eternal union with the “mother/father.”

An important point here is: this Negative consciousness arises from the “self viewing self” at the instant of creation and is, therefore, an integral part of creation. It cannot be separated from it because it exists only because of Positive creative inception. Neither can exist without the other. It’s that simple.
So if a consciousness refuses to accept enslavement and they are somehow forced to submit, it actually acts as a poison for 4D STS and causes them to lose energy.
That section from the Michael Topper article got me to thinking...

I find some of my friends will specifically do the *opposite* of any recommendations I might provide.

-One woman in particular is so easily alarmed by any negative idea, (psychopathy, for instance) that she will disagree with me on principle. "No! George Bush is a nice man! You're wrong. You MUST be wrong, otherwise it would make me feel bad! I refuse to believe you! I will work to seek out and absorb the lies you've told me are lies and I will believe them!" -Before, she didn't actually have an opinion one way or the other, but now she is galvanized in the exact wrong direction.

It's fascinating, if frustrating. And now that I consider it, somewhat alarming. What the heck does one do? Find friends I'm less likely to damage, I suppose, because the truth must be honored and shared when asked for.

I'm thinking that the value SOTT may represent to the STS 4D forces is that of providing the necessary metabolic substance to choose against. With enough falsehood in the world, tossing in a grain of truth could create the same deliberate clinging to the lie as seen with the woman described above. It might even be key to the food creation scheme.

For another instance; when discussing C02 emissions and AGW with some of my otherwise lovable hippie friends, when I've pointed out that the story is a great deal bigger than tail pipe exhaust, that cyclical disaster should be the real point of interest and that the propaganda is designed to tar ball people into completely not seeing the actual story, I find some of them have become rude and angry and cling even tighter to the AGW idea. -But now they do so with the dubious additional momentum created by having chosen against the actual objective reality when it was presented, (as I understand it).

How bloody annoying. I often get the sense of being toyed with; that I can move with the best of intentions, plan carefully and find myself achieving the opposite of what I'd set out to do. I hate it, though I also feel like I'm getting harder to push around like that and that despite it all, I'm still having enough positive impact to at least validate my existence.
As regards "Time" and the original question...

The thoughts offered make a good deal of sense. I find they fit well with my mind.

My motivation in asking was that it seemed at odds with the lesson-based purpose of reality that lives and developing souls could be interrupted so completely from their lesson plans by arbitrary adjustments to the time line. I found it hard to accept that entire family trees or even nations could pop out of existence if 4D decided to prevent two lovers from meeting, -which could happen quite by accident for any number of reasons when tinkering with history.

The idea that there are 10 to the 33rd power dimensions to contain everything and everyone, gives the mechanic a much more reasonable air.

It would allow for a variation of the "Anthropic Principle" for everybody. We each live according to a lesson plan and die when it is appropriate; we might die in another reality as per somebody else's choices, but because we're not done yet, we'll just continue on in our own reality as necessary.

A somewhat silly version of this idea can be illustrated via Schrodinger's Cat; "Such egotistical scientists! What arrogance. -The CAT was there observing first hand and collapsed the probability wave long before you opened the lid!"

Though of course.., that's still all speculation, but at least it is a workable system for running a school in.

-In any case, I found a copy of Tertium Organum as an .epub and will be reading it shortly.
Woodsman said:
2. My second question has been bothering me for years. It regards a piece from the Carlos Castaneda books;

In one of his books, a fairly astonishing claim is made: Giving birth transfers a vital piece of the parent’s energy body to the child, leaving the parent with a big hole in their energy body, permanently taking away a significant portion of their vitality, their ‘bounce’ and ability to spring back from painful events and downfalls.

Here’s one of the quotes regarding this:

“He had said that when one has a child that child takes the edge of our spirit. For a woman to have a girl means the end of that edge. To have had two as I did meant the end of me. The best of my strength and my illusions went to those girls. They stole my edge, the Nagual said, in the same way I had stolen it from my parents. That's our fate. A boy steals the biggest part of his edge from his father, a girl from her mother. The Nagual said that people who have had children could tell, if they aren't as stubborn as you, that something is missing in them. Some craziness, some nervousness, some power that they had before is gone. They used to have it, but where is it now? The Nagual said that it is in the little child running around the house, full of energy, full of illusions. In other words, complete. He said that if we watch children we can tell that they are daring, they move in leaps. If we watch their parents we can see that they are cautious and timid. They don't leap anymore. The Nagual told me we explain that by saying that the parents are grown-ups and have responsibilities. But that's not true. The truth of the matter is that they have lost their edge."

-Carlos had his ‘holes’ supposedly plugged by Don Juan with an inert ‘grey’ energy, but was instructed that in order to advance, he needed to take back those original energy bundles from his children. This struck me as a rather gothic and horrifying idea and I’ve always wondered if there were anything to it. I think becoming a father would be a good choice under the right circumstances, and in those circumstances I’d be content to pass the torch, as it were, but it’s still a fairly rattling idea. I was hoping the C’s might comment on this, verify and/or qualify.

This is something that was bothering me as well, interesting perhaps to ask the C's about.
As somebody would have to reclaim the energy-threads before being whole enough to face the eagle, the ones going to the kids would be almost impossible(emotionally) to disattach. But then the male-female difference doesn't make sense. Also the "plugging" cannot be true, for, as we learned here, somebody else cannot make you whole (there's no free lunch).

When i found out that i would become a father, i knew the kids would outlive society, or maybe die young.. So maybe my stake in them is a bit different, more disattached. Not to raise them compatitively for a career, but to enjoy it while it lasts. Not hurt them to fit in society, but preserve their trust above everything.
Maybe not nurturing illusions about their future also prevent the accompany-ing threads from forming?
I didn't feel quite comfortable sharing this before, but it's popped into my thoughts again today and it feels right to add it.

Part of the reason I was asking about the Castaneda reference is that I was recently asked to be a sperm donor for a friend of a friend.

Strictly turkey-baster stuff; the woman in question has a partner who has had a vasectomy.

It was quite a surprising honor to be asked such a thing, but it rattled me and it led to a variety of deep-seated thoughts which I've been quietly mulling over. I tend to lean toward perhaps too much caution, (I can imagine a variety of concerns which have nothing to do with energy holes; what if they decide to vaccinate? What if I fall in love with the child?), but I've been aware of the woman for a few years, and know her story. She seems like a "good seed", and she really wants to be a mom. (Is this even a wise time to be bringing a new child into the world? Is there ever a good time? But NOW in particular?)

I can see positives as well.

I know it's a personal decision, and I'd still want to meet her partner, so it wouldn't be an automatic "Yes" without more discussion, but I've been radio-silent, putting off having any answer at all for a few weeks. It's coming time that I need to have a response of some kind or just quietly stay silent and let the question fade away.

Do any of you have any more thoughts on the subject?

Woodsman said:
I didn't feel quite comfortable sharing this before, but it's popped into my thoughts again today and it feels right to add it.

Part of the reason I was asking about the Castaneda reference is that I was recently asked to be a sperm donor for a friend of a friend.

Strictly turkey-baster stuff; the woman in question has a partner who has had a vasectomy.

It was quite a surprising honor to be asked such a thing, but it rattled me and it led to a variety of deep-seated thoughts which I've been quietly mulling over. I tend to lean toward perhaps too much caution, (I can imagine a variety of concerns which have nothing to do with energy holes; what if they decide to vaccinate? What if I fall in love with the child?), but I've been aware of the woman for a few years, and know her story. She seems like a "good seed", and she really wants to be a mom. (Is this even a wise time to be bringing a new child into the world? Is there ever a good time? But NOW in particular?)

I can see positives as well.

I know it's a personal decision, and I'd still want to meet her partner, so it wouldn't be an automatic "Yes" without more discussion, but I've been radio-silent, putting off having any answer at all for a few weeks. It's coming time that I need to have a response of some kind or just quietly stay silent and let the question fade away.

Do any of you have any more thoughts on the subject?

What a TOUGH question. In terms of gut-level vibes: meet the guy first. Then discuss the logistics of it all: How do they feel and what are their plans regarding your interaction with the child? I assume at some point the kid has to be told the truth. How do they see your role? Just dump-and-run/disappear or more like an uncle type? ask about all the vaccine questions and religious questions and spiritual and knowledge questions etc. The parenting style questions about discipline and anything that concerns you.

And what about you? What if next year you meet "Mrs Right"? She wants kids - and you have to tell her you already have one - how does that effect her?

This could certainly work or it could really suck. This is kind of like a chunk of the essence of your being you are providing as a soul vehicle. Yeah: meet the guy - discuss the nuts and bolts. You want to have a clue what kind of parents they will be. And even that is no guarantee. People can have an idealized view of reality but when they actually get 'in the trenches' all that can go out the window.

Hmm - Did he have a vasectomy because he did not want to be responsible for creating a child he was not willing to be responsible for? Did he just want to play around with no conscience? I mean, why DO young dudes get vasectomies? Right? What does that say about him? And what about her? Key - What is implied by the situation and their actions? (on both sides) Another note - a man who is not the real father is less like to stay if the going gets tough. What if he leaves and later she says "Hey Baby, this is YOUR child - wanna be my husband?" Are you willing to marry her? Yikes!

Doing more research will buy more time. Yay!
I know what I would or would not do, but the real question is-
What do you want to create here in this life?
Thank you for this thread. The discussion on time and timeline manipulation was interesting. That was an interesting request, Woodsman, and I know it's been some months now. At first I thought to get some details and go for it, thinking it was serving others. But BHelmet brought a lot of good points to think about and not take it so lightly. I lean more towards a no answer, or at least first gathering up as much data and thoughts about it as you can.
After several weeks, I decided to back away from the situation.

The process of working through the question brought a number of difficult things into focus. -One of which being that I *would* like to be a father, and if I were to have a child, I would like to do it properly, with the right person and be fully involved in both her and my child's life.

I also *don't* think this is likely to happen as it doesn't fit with my current life path and objectives, all of which firmed up significantly while exploring the question.

It was kind of a, "Stop sitting on the fence and get on with one path or the other Now and with more deliberate force, please."

I would still like to know if the process of procreation works as described in the Castaneda books, though I also feel like that it is perhaps one of those questions best left unanswered.
A 2015 movie that I watched less than two weeks ago
comes to mind- concerning the "Time" issue-
"Terminator Genisys (2015)" The latest terminator movie
starring Arnold Schwarzeneggar.

Goes into some of the above-mentioned :Time"complexities.
To prevent a birth of an important person, one would have to gain access to events that have not yet taken place. What have the C's said about time travel? I have found writings that say, even if one were to travel to the past and change a event such as a birth, or a war, etc., that the only thing accomplished would be to change the path by which such events come to pass. Tolkien was one.
Perhaps a better question would be "Is time inexorable?"
As for a piece of one being transferred from the parent at birth (leaving a hole), then a part of you will live on past your time. In such a manner one could live hundreds to thousands of years. Just depends on how you look at it.

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