Action Alert! Call these Senators today about Alito!

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Re: "Action Alert! Call these Senators today about Alito!" explained why voting against Alito isn't enough ... that the Democrats need to fillibuster. Here's a link to the original article with contains phone numbers:

I've been following this issue, and a few days ago decided to use The Daily Mail at to 'make contact'. Since Ben Nelson was one those who received an email from me (I live in Nebraska) and promptly announced the next day that he would vote for Alito after all (which prompted another email from me!), I can't assure anyone that this action on my part has, or will, have any affect on this issue. However, when I sent the emails I also clicked the little box offering to send a letter to the editor of my local newspaper ... and it actually got printed today; the only letter on the subject that made today's paper. Now, I've been writing letters to the editor for years, and they've never been printed before. The closest I've ever gotten to having my words show up in a newspaper was to be misquoted (and badly!) some years ago after being interviewed by a reporter regarding a school district issue. So, if you haven't yet done so, I urge you to at least consider making your views known. You can make some phone calls, email Congress, and/or email a letter to the editor. If nothing else, you'll be taking a public stand and stating your position, WHILE YOU STILL CAN.

BTW- Here is the text of my letter:
To The Editor:
As someone who must rely on my elected representatives in Washington to represent me, I am desirous of making it clear, in no uncertain terms, where I stand; that it is essential to filibuster Samuel Alito.
He must NOT be confirmed! If he is, it will mean the death of The Constitution. I consider this the most important job that our members in Congress have at this particular time. Please don't let the people of this country down!

After reading today's article referenced above, I would change the wording of my letter so that it insists on a fillibuster regardless of how the Democrats are going to vote. But that is something I can include in the phone calls I am going to make.

Great work! As we mentioned on the signs page, we tried the site ourselves and very quickly my mother received nice letters of acknowledgement from the local reps where I used to live and am still registered to vote.

I've been seending off a letter via this site about every two or three days. And I'm not mincing my words, either!

The odds are, of course, that "somebody" has the dirt on most members of Congress and that is why they are all acting like doormats. If that's the case, the will of the people probably won't prevail. But that doesn't mean we don't try! You just never know.

Laura said:
The odds are, of course, that "somebody" has the dirt on most members of Congress and that is why they are all acting like doormats.
The way this actually worked was (is) like this:

There used to be a notorious bank, the name escapes me right now (some four letter abbreviation), which was connected to arms dealers and drug lords. Whenever there was a new member of congress the back would, without the permission of the new congressperson open an account in his/her name and put large amount of money into it on a regular basis.

After some time – maybe a year – that congressperson would be made aware of it. Then she/he was faced with two choices:

1. Take the money, do as told and receive more money.
2. Refuse the money and not say a word. Would that person want to talk he would be threatened that it would be revealed that he had the account since a LONG TIME which naturally would result into a scandal against that congress person most likely to end the carrier.

Hard choices for a politician! Right.
Effectively the entire congress is being blackmailed like this.

Doesn’t mean on should annoy the living hell out of them!!!
Fifth Way said:
Laura said:
The odds are, of course, that "somebody" has the dirt on most members of Congress and that is why they are all acting like doormats.
Doesn’t mean on should annoy the living hell out of them!!!
I thought I'd share this:

Here is the response I received after annoying the hell out of Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska (where I live), a "notable switchover" Democrat, after his 'sudden announcement' that he was changing his vote on the Alito confirmation. It seems pretty obvious 'they' came up with some pretty strong 'dirt' to use on him. I've X-ed out some things and removed my address for privacy considerations, other than that this is the full text of the email.
From: "" <>
To: (email address removed)
Subject: Responding to your message
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:16:36 -0500

February 10, 2006

(name and address removed)


Thank you for contacting me regarding the nomination of
Samuel A. Alito, Jr. to serve as Associate Justice of the United
States Supreme Court. I am pleased you took the time to share
your opinion on this important matter.

On January 31, 2006, the Senate confirmed Judge Alito to serve as
the 110th Justice of the United States Supreme Court. After great
care and consideration, I joined 57 of my colleagues in voting to
confirm Judge Alito, who was sworn in later that day. I came to
my decision after careful consideration of his impeccable judicial
credentials, the American Bar Association's strong
recommendation, and his pledge that he would not bring a political
agenda to the Court.

I understand the concerns regarding Justice Alito and his views on
judicial issues which will affect Americans for years to come. I
believe the duty of judges is to adjudicate based on fact, law, and
precedent without regard for personal ideology. I met with the
nominee personally; and in our meeting, he pledged that he would
not bring a political agenda to the Court. I take Justice Alito at his
word that he shares my view of the role of a Supreme Court
Justice: that the role of judges in our society is to decide cases
based on existing law-not to be activists and legislators.

Once again, thank you for contacting me. While we disagree on
this particular nomination, I sincerely appreciated hearing your
opinion and hope you will continue to share your views in the


Ben Nelson
U.S. Senator
My 'favorite' phrase in the email is, "I take Justice Alito at his word [...]." Some dark comedy there!

But, gosh, he does go on to say he appreciated hearing my opinion ... and even hopes I'll continue to "share my views in the future," although I feel sure he hopes never to hear from me again at all.

BTW- I sent him waaay more than one email and this response email is thanking me 'in the singular'... and it took his staff ten days after the vote to get around to sending it. Either his staff is just slow to respond, he received a LOT of emails and the workload is large, or the 'nays' were simply put at the bottom of the pile. But since this is the only response of any kind that I've received so far, his staff is actually doing a better job than any of the others I contacted ... for what it's worth ... which isn't much in my opinion.

Sounds like a form letter. I'm thinking that we ought to just start writing to those jerks in Congress and tell them that we know they are lying and asking them what the Republicons have on them. Either they are completely sold out, or they are so stupid they need someone to help them dress themselves. Either way, they have no business in Congress and ought to be told so.
Laura said:
Sounds like a form letter.
True. I've never received anything else in all the years I've been mouthing off. It was 'nicer' though than those I used to get from Feinstein when I lived in California, although her staff was better at responding in a more timely manner.

Laura said:
I'm thinking that we ought to just start writing to those jerks in Congress and tell them that we know they are lying and asking them what the Republicons have on them. Either they are completely sold out, or they are so stupid they need someone to help them dress themselves. Either way, they have no business in Congress and ought to be told so.
Oh yes, they certainly 'deserve' that response from us.

It could be interesting to see the 'form letters' that would be generated by a "we know they are lying and asking them what the Republicans have on them" campaign. :D
Fifth Way said:
There used to be a notorious bank, the name escapes me right now
You are thinking of BCCI.
one for all and all for one

Well its not surprising that Justice Alito now sits on the left side of Bush. Daddy Bush nominated him in 1990 for the court of appeals, he's a Yale man and undoubtedly a scull & bones disciple.

What chance do the congressional members have of vetoing another Scalia-type?

The National Security machine is married to the congress. The congress as a federal body is protected by the federal judges. the deception of congress is therefore dependent on the alleigance of its Judiciary to uphold the members and protect them from the public.

If you decide to act upon your instinct to reveal the deception of congress then you are a NS risk. A risk to the security of the congress is far more threatening to the US aristocracy and global corporates. Therefore to even consider standing up for the people of the US and nowadays the globe you need to swallow hard and say goodbye to your own personal liberty and security.

The exposure of the US congressional deception would make Watergate look like a quail shoot. Can you seriously imagine a brave individual or group approaching others within the cabal and suggesting they give up their BCCI fortunes, now more likely to be held by the BIS swiss account?

Family legacies and inheritance would be buried along with the martyed member of congress. Who would the congressional member turn to ? The justice of Congress? Another Yaley.. The liberal congressional members are tokens as are the libertarian voices of the US. Any force exerted by the progressives would be hung by the tree as examples to the brave. He who dares wins or in the case of political prisoners; rots.

WE run around in circles quoting the oil, human rights, detention camps, invasions of privacy, environmental destruction and change meanwhile the National treasury is robbed and privatised coffers filled. It appears to me that its not the money if your an outsider but it is if your on the inside. And being on the inside of the cabal is really what its about. Bankers and lawers finance their family legacies and fortunes to manifest a material reincarnation of power for their offspring.

The If we imagine at this stage in the game that the fillial ties and bonds that exist within the ultra elite shake in their boots when public awareness rises, wrong. They simply invent new laws to "manage" the overspill of an otherwise sleeping and controlled populace.

The incredible litany of lies and murder that has occured on the behalf of power brokers is inditement enough. But where do you go to indite them. And who exaxtly are they. They are not "a few men in a room" They are many and far reaching. They have global power and they have "full spectrum dominance over our lives and liberties.

But they don't have the ability to be compassionate and they don't have the ability to speak the truth. They cannot converse without spin and they are frightened. This is dangerous for us as their fear is our terror.

If they Imagine they are threatened by us they will take measures as they do. The PR gang of Bush's cabal is undoubtedly the freindly face of their distaste for human life.

The productivity of the human race for them is our only asset. The stronger we manfacture and produce for their profit the longer they can sustain themselves. Self sustainability and interdepndence with each other is thee greatest threat for them. There is no terrorist alive who could "attack them" for they are disperse and many. Do we really imagine they would weaken their hold by relinquishing power to a few? How do you hold power if you are few? you can't unless your brainwashed nes pas?

Why do we imagine that the cabal is more powerful than we are. They aren't but they have frightened us all and we are in retreat. That is all we are. WE exist in far greater numbers and with a far more reaching gift of life. So get off the merry go-round of chasing the tale of the beast, and get off the program before you find yourself cooking and cleaning for the meals that you grow.


Love medcan
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